Balance "adjustments" revealed

That’s definitely what I’m assuming is about to happen too :rofl:

Maybe some ult changes for him?

Most of the posts I see feel that she’s pretty balanced. It just feels a bit tone deaf. They just acknowledged that they understand that support generally feels pretty bad right now.

I mained Ana hard in OW1, she honestly doesn’t feel that great in OW2. It’s so easy to dive her.

Kiriko is the one support that I genuinely find fun to play, probably because she was designed for the shift to 5v5.


Oh boy I can’t wait for the Sojourn nerf to have zero impact and for us to wait another 2 months for the next slap on the wrist change.

She needs to completely lose the ability to crit with railgun outside of ult. It’s not complicated.


I don’t think they want to use black and white terms like that for characters (aside ‘nerf’ being a word based on another commercial toy product). At least, I wouldn’t if I were them. Like, I would nerf a hero but if that hero was in a position of being too strong then obviously I would want them to be in a fairer or balanced position in terms of usability and climb-ability (but everyone has opinions on ease of use and climb-ability). But I think the word nerf may come off to players as simply ‘a worse state’ and they come to the conclusion that it is thus unusable and discourages playing when its still a reasonable option statistically. Perception matters a lot. Some people want their favorite heroes to be clearly strong or in a lead of the pack, not just a playable option. No one would admit that but you can tell some mean that.

Likely just gonna give sym the charge off barrier mech back…

Which is pretty lazy, but not unexpected.

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I know this is petty, but please change the title to say balance instead of balence. It greatly annoys me :sweat_smile: (Sorry)

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Not really caring anymore.

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You have done a service to mankind, thank you.


Which is more than our education system can say.

Most of those sound very likely. If I could try something it would be like adding shout cool down based on the number of team mates around you, so a bit faster if you’re alone? Idk, just a random idea I thought of when playing her.

As long as the falloff starts at standard distance (like 20-30m) and drops off pretty sharply with distance (about 50% like standard), then it should be fine. The problem with Sojourn’s oneshot compared to Widow’s oneshot is that she has to sacrifice nothing to use it.

At least Widow and Hanzo have reduced movement speed and a relatively slow charge up time to get that oneshot. Sojourn can hold her charge and still maintain full walk speed and even zip around the map while using it.

Ana’s sleep cooldown is 15 seconds.
Winston can leap, completely miss ana, leap again and still secure the kill all while she is nigh defenseless.


So we’re just going to continue to ignore the queue timers? Tanks were already the longest queue time and they’re getting a new hero AND the season’s mythic skin.

Meanwhile mystery updates for 3 supports, Kiriko’s will likely be a nerf.

I cannot wait to see how many players are lost by the end of the season.

The honeymoon period for this game is over.

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Well if Ana used Sleep Dart immediately on Winston landing, and then he gets woken up. That’s about 12sec where Ana doesn’t have her Sleep Dart up, and at least 2 more Winston Leaps.

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Kiriko is the Sojourn of Support. You either have her or you are losing. The only reason the top 500 page is not more littered with Sojourn was that people got a LOT of games in the first 2 weeks.

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hope so. shes been a meta must pick since shes been released. but im more concerned of much harsher nerfs for sojourn since shes #1 on the priority list.

I think we’re going to just have to agree to disagree. She’s one of the first supports that doesn’t feel completely helpless.

Sojourn honestly deserves to be knocked down a couple of pegs. High mobility, the ability to delete people with one click, AND a grenade that slows people and deals damage over time is way too much in one kit. Tell me what counters her. I’ll wait.

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Ok dropping it after chapter 11… not a good read

Going to post some predictions because why not:

The change will definitely impact Sojourn, but I think she’ll still sit comfortably as the meta DPS if this is all they’re doing to her.

Kiriko I’m going to guess is either getting a nerf to Suzu or a nerf to her ultimate. Probably not both. She will probably stay meta unless they nerf her ultimate pretty hard.

Going to guess that Ana will get a sleep dart cooldown reduction since she struggles to deal with flankers right now (which I think is fine, but most people don’t seem to).

Guessing that Mercy is getting some kind of maneuverability buff, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they also nerfed her super jump at the same time.

Junker Queen is almost certainly getting a buff, but I have no idea what.

I can’t even begin to imagine what they’re going to do to Bastion or Symmetra.

EDIT: Actually I’m like 99% sure they’re going to buff Bastion’s ult because they already acknowledge that it sucks.

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