Symmetra Season 2 Balance

And that comes from being a DPS hero with deficient numbers and no survivability, which she was intentionally designed as to counterbalance the ability to taxi her team across terrain.

Mei/Reaper dont need shields because they have layers of survivability and good damage not gated behind delays. Because they are heroes allowed to be independent.

Sentries are useless at higher elos and annoying at lower elos. I can´t see a scenario where turrets don´t hold symmetra down

‘‘Annoying’’ is meaningless. Not only Blizz doesnt balance around low tiers, Symmetra has never been a noob stomper hero. She easy to stomp in low elos thanks to the unchecked counters. Even now, Sentries are so downright useless in low ranks that they are completely ignorable.

But also, Sentries have been nerfed out of being useful in high ranks. Literally any skill would stop being useful if you shaved 50% of their damage and removed almsot half of their slow.

Nerf Soldier’s rocket to 40 damage and see if it remains useful.

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I expect it to be gaining ammo from damaging shields again and maybe some other stuff

I’m sure they’ve mentioned seeing that again for Sym

She is a noob stomper hero, easily

I don´t want sentries being useful the way they are. Not healthy

God who would want for sym 3 turrets to have more slow and good damage? that is such a bad hero design.

The same way any bad designed skill would be good if overbuffed, like sentries

There is zero proof of this, and all available proof points to her not being one thanks to her hyperdependence on coordinated teams, terrible damage and low survivability. Risky hero that explodes the moment you peek for a moment.

Noobstomper heroes are literally highly picked, see in every match heroes. Reaper, Pharah, Junkrat, Bastion, Soldier and Sojourn are far stronger in low ranks than Sym is right now. Independent heroes with high damage and low risk. Symmetra is literally the opposite of that.

No one plays Sym in low ranks. You see one every 100 matches. Which would not be a thing if she was anywhere near as free damage as Soldier, for example.

Skill issue lmao

Imagine complaining about the ability with more counterplay in the game.

Funny because even at 60 dps and stacking slow good players didnt care about them at all.

They are only a ‘‘annoying and badly designed’’ if you fail to counterplay them properly, which is hilarious because their counterplay has always been braindead.


Let me give you a good example. Current Mcree isn´t anywhere close to broken, neither is his new grenade. But, his grenade is cheesy and is one of the worst designs in the game, thus why we don´t want it to be buffed

something can be weak and cheesy at the same time, think outside of your own hero

They said changes. Not buffs

Yall know they nerfing her :relieved:


Difference here is that there is nothing you can do against grenade if you are immobile and/or dont have a immunity or self-cleanse. Its cheesy AND strong he is only waiting for Sojourn nerfs to become a top 3 meta hero.

Sentries are a joke to counterplay for everyone. From punching to any damage source, they can be cleared instantly by just about every hero. They are probably one of the fairest abilities to go against if purely because they will never kill you on their own and they can be nullified by something everyone has: a single punch.

Your comparison is really bad.


Half of Sym’s purported fans demand she be made a support, and everything else is bad.

40% of Sym’s purported fans want her to be buffed to the point where she’s hard meta and an “I Win” button.

The problem is Sym took a lot of abuse early on and never shook the stigma of being a “throw pick.” Players who don’t play her hate the kit and endlessly mald because she’s fine, but is effective in a way that isn’t easy to counter with more pew-pew. So any change gets hated on from all sides.

Most people that say ‘‘support rework/revert’’ dont mean actual support, they mean 2.0 Sym which was very much not a support.

Asking her to be a functional DPS hero is not asking for an ‘‘I win button’’. Wanting damage numbers proper to her range and frailty, and/or the survivability proper to her range is not asking for an ‘‘I Win’’ Button.

Asking for her to not be a overnerfed and dysfunctional team TP slave is not asking for free wins.


I think they’ve said it’ll just be tweaks, so I expect it to just be numbers changes
Hopefully a buff to her primary and secondary fire.
I expect the turrets to remain nearly pointless and I think they will likely leave the teleporter as is.

They mentioned shooting barriers would be fun again in the same AMA they mentioned Symmetra adjustments. People interpreted it as barrier charging again but they didn’t actually say that.

It would be good though, just because there’s not as many barriers doesn’t mean she should just get straight up nerfed.

Mostly because shes gone through the most in terms of number of reworks and in terms of how drastic each rework was. We have 4 seperate versions of how Symm used to play, being I believe the first hero to fully swap roles entirely.

So yeah, people are gonna say they changed the character drastically when the character drastically.

As long as they don’t make the teleporter permanent again to pander to scrub players, I’ll be happy

Sym with a competent team is a damage monster. It’s very rare to see a sym NOT get potg. I know I get it frequently when I decide it’s time to turn my brain off and play her.

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current history of the character I expect some balance notes like this.

Primary fire

beam damage reduced to 30/90/120 form 60/120/180
ammo count reduced to 70

we found that at the higher point of the charge Symmetra was equalling some of the more popular heroes all round heroes and as niche support DPS hybrid we can’t have this.

Secondary fire

Splash damage reduced to 1m
Projectile speed reduced to 35m down from 50m

Symetra was performing a little to well outside of melee range so reducing the orb speed and AOE means that she will no longer be able to hit anything

Sentry turrets

Damage reduced to 0
Max limit reduced to 2
Cooldown increased to 15s

We found that the turrets were doing almost 0 damage anyway so why not make it official and with the reduced numbers it will speed up the game as people have one less turret to shoot cooldown adjusted to maintain the time to refill a complete turret stack.


Max range reduced to 15m
Now has max of 3 charges before destruction

We found that Symmetra was mainly being used as a taxi bot to save time at the start of matches or to bypass sections of the map these changes will help to reduce that.

Overall dev notes

We notice Symmetra is still being played and when she is still used her winrate is currently high. we feel these balance changes will help to reduce that.


= win more.

which is boring and not how it’s gonna be for the 99%.
even ai.casual bots will HARD CLAP your M1 laser tunnel vision. the moment u linger it’s all cds hard pop. m1 just begs to be punished. she has no business loitering around other heroes. they all make better ttk breakpoints for similar skill and their kits do brawl better and range poke better. better to teleweave her and hope for some designed mismatch (rigged lobbies) to get some positive data. that, or move her to support.

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Must have left it turned off to think that


Probably because the last time they changed her, they introduced twice as many nerfs to her kit than buffs and she as expected performed like garbage until they reverted some of the nerfs.