Symmetra mains. What's your verdict on this buff?

I like the buff, but I wish we had gotten a TP setup time change as well


It will help but her tickrate is still 20/s


Because she have 0. That’s not survivability. Survivability = mobility at instant cast or self healing during combat.

Doomfist gains one and still have mobility.

Not really a good excuse.

She’s been that way since the beginning and nothing much changed. Why do you think her status remains as troll pick?

That’s because she’s an below average hero meaning her kit isn’t good overall compared to other heroes. Why do you think she’s been a forever F tier hero. Bastion might be down there, but he’s more forgivable than Symmetra.

I thought so.

Still, a buff is a buff and I take any Symmetra Buff I can get.

Do you think they will buff her slowly just like what they did with Mei? Mei can be an oppressive hero and requires slow balancing, but can Symmetra also being seen as an oppressive hero?

If I did my math right:

3.2 seconds to max charge (assuming optimal accuracy)

Closer to max charge time of 2.0


I’ve been asking for this and I’m satisfied with it.

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They also made it so Symmetra can charge her beam on Mei’s Ice Wall again. It was removed when she was 2.0.


I think this is it. Honestly I prefer this route. The small range buff, the small charge buff… here and there small buffs so that they don’t overshoot (cough HANZO cough) and make her too OP and then have to do weird counter trimming (cough MERCY cough) to try and balance her.


That’s what I was thinking too, but math isn’t my strong suit. A definite improvement.

Imo any hero can be oppressive, and unfortunately she’s already been branded by her old beam and I don’t think the community opinion will change, or if so it won’t be for a long time. I hope they continue this trend of small tweaks though.


It wasn’t removed, it’s been bugged ever since they changed something with the bike in junkertowns Attack spawnroom.

People went out of their way to try to tell me that her charging on ice wall at all was a bug. They can now eat their words.

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The change feels extremely smooth. Literally just as smooth as charging her old beam IMO. It’s kinda nostalgic.

@Brutilistica I’m not here to argue about Symmetra’s surviveability. I respectfully disagree with you, let’s be happy about Symmetra getting buffed and see how this plays out

It’s nice to see her get some love, even if this isn’t the buff I wanted. She needs a buff to her survivability more than anything.


Nice but not enough, other parts of her kit still needs some adjustements. Tp is still buggy, turrets have still 10s cooldown and tickrate is still not fixed.


You can disagree, but that fact remains the same that she has 0. I am indifferent with the buff though. That’s probably because I am used to games that actually provides more tweaking to below average heroes making them viable.

Guess I’ll see when the changes come to console in like a month haha

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You can disagree, but the fact remains that she has some *shrug*
Statements like that are meaningless

we disagree with each other, your opinion is not fact

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She still suffers in almost every aspect. Her primary fire was a big problem, and I’m glad that is gone (sort of). But her kit is still really bad. She went from a full hold hero with fun utility to a washed up bad DPS pick that doesn’t fit her aesthetic anymore. (GM peak sym btw)

They’re not meaningless when it’s true. She is lacking in that department since forever. Bastion was like that too especially when they removed his barrier. They finally gave him a self heal though it took awhile.

I have tested it and I can agree it does feel nice, but as 76 always say. " You didn’t make the cut " and that fact still stand strong with Symmetra’s kit.

It’s definitely good, though I don’t think it will help her with fighting small targets. It’s enough that I’m willing to see how it plays out but if it’s still too weak then a hitbox increase would be a good follow up.


It was a part of the bug fixes. Apparently taking that away may have not been intentional.