Symmetra live today?

Do you guys think she will be going live today? How long was Hanzo on the ptr for? Or even symmetra 2.0?


Good lord please no. New sym shouldn’t make it off of the PTR


Probably not.

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Nope. They are bundling with LFG feature and it has a lot of bugs.

Probably not. They made a new patch since the last update but the bugs are still questionable.

3 weeks of waiting. And people guess why the game is boring.


This. Like damn, how long does it take Blizz. The drip of content is not enough anymore.


Doubtful, she still has bugs… like you can’t hear the turrets, when they’re destroyed or when they’re hitting you.

I’ve gotten many kills from people who just don’t know what’s hitting them.

And the left click is still useless unless it’s level 3 and you’re fighting a tank.


Based on this post from last week

I don’t think we are getting the anticipated patch today.


PTR cycles typically last 3 weeks, so best case it’ll come next week.

Maybe longer if they want to throw in Hero 28 onto PTR with her, like they did with Doomfist and the Lootbox/Highlight changes (which came at roughly the same time of year).


Oh god no I really hope they don’t do that

Ya everyone, hero 28 isn’t that far away.

I don’t know :’(


She won’t go live until after the end of the comp season. They don’t want to throw her into comp with 1-2 weeks left.

Same thing with the LFG features… they are all going to magically hit live just at the start of the new season.

I think they are going to do this… but I wish that at least the LFG was released already.

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I remember the initial Blizz promises about the rates of new maps, heroes, balances…smoke xD

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They could just lock her out as they do with new heroes, regardless of when she’s released. I do agree the patch likely won’t go live today (sadly) as the features going live with the new season seems like something they’d do instead of using a week to test it works fine on the live servers or for any future bugs to show up with the live servers to show what could be missed on the PTR’s lower population.

Yeah, that’s the same exact reason I think it is still 1-3 weeks off. The way that Jeff worded that post last week makes it sound like they aren’t exactly super close.

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I’m curious if that post was before or after the recent PTR patch? Depending on the timing, and other bugs that exist, they may just push it live. I’m obviously no authority on this though.

I hope not. Based on the videos I’ve seen of her rework, she looks even worse than she is now.

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