Symmetra is lost

Thank you so much for putting in the time and making this video… You took the words right out of my mouth. I was really close to crying while watching. I miss Sym 2.0. I was a Mercy and Sym main, but I quit Overwatch after Sym’s 3.0 rework… I looked past the poor Mercy rework and just stopped playing as her because the fun was gone. At least I still had Symmetra… but she’s gone as well. I would love to get back those golden days of playing as my heroes that made me fall in love with Overwatch… but my opinion didn’t matter. I hope someone hears you and takes your concerns into account.


Symmetra 3.0 is way more fun than 2.0 for me at least and Im sorry to say that but her primery fire is way better than it used to be, 195dps counter to 120, and 12m to 7m that is a huge buff, I know you have to aim it, but after you actually learn it, it becomes a way better weapon to fight against any hero that is not genji. She does need a health and a tp deployment buff tho, she is still too weak. She is meant to counter tanks and she is weak in a tank meta, that says much things.

I don’t think it’s because they don’t care as she was already reworked twice and it’s normal that they’re afraid to touch her again after making so many changes.

I like Yellows videos solely because not many Sym players produce content, but he’s not great at Sym and imo makes very poor decisions while playing her, doesn’t aim well a lot of the time, misses orbs etc and then blames the hero for his own mistakes.

The points in the video are hardly valid and almost every single thing he mentions can be ironed out with practice. Even the way her TP used to interact with railings could be worked out with practice, people just chose to complain instead.


Why play symmetra when you can just play widow and easy hanzo for Better results

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I can’t believe you are literally justifying how TP interacted with ledges and railings before the most recent quality of life update, as some sort of skill.


I’m not saying it wasn’t an inconvenience, but people acted like placing it was impossible. It wasn’t. You just had to aim at the top bar of the railing. That was it, that was all it took

Even if a Sym player can’t track, flicks come naturally to the character, and flicking the TP is no different than flicking an orb.

As someone who really dislikes Symmetra, I have to say it would be really cool to see Symmetra given back her dual ult.

The choice between either Shield Generator (But it has a long timer) or the giant wall would be pretty cool.

Exactly. Every other rework the hero was still the hero
Expect for symms. Mercy changed her a good amount but nothing to symms. 1.0 to 2.0 still had her as symm with that iconic lock on beam and ultimate tp. This symm they made into a new hero. So depressing for us 2.0 mains.

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Fundamentally the only thing Symmetra lacks from her older two iterations is the ability to provide shield HP to her allies. I want that back in some form. Ideally a 25 shield aura or her photon shield 1.0 ability put on the weapon swap key.

Yeah, it was weak when it took an E slot, but as an addition it’s a flat buff. It also complements her kit and role perfectly and brings back what was one of her defining features as a character.

Also shave off 0.25-0.5s off the teleporter deploy time and increase its interact radius, and make the entry pad place consistently under Symmetra. Realistically it should also last until destroyed or replaced but people would think that’s OP (because suggesting Sym buffs always has some people scream “OP” for whatever reason.) An infinite TP could also see use as a very toned-down version of her old tp to shave a few seconds off an ally’s return to battle. You can do it now but often have to leave the battle which is quite the inconvenience.

If the TP is her defining utility, it had better be strong and worth the pick.

Small buffs and QoL fixes would both improve the character, and bring back good features of her old kit without drastically changing anything.

They didnt touch her for a year. They made no effort to salvage 2.0 and went straight to 3.0. That indicates to me that even the designers behind 2.0 had no idea what to do with her, which hardly speaks highly of the quality of the rework.


I stopped watching the moment he claimed she had very little utility. Such a lie.

I love the current iteration of Sym’s kit, but realistically it doesn’t matter how much potential your kit has if it doesn’t have the power to properly execute it.

Blizzard have been massively leery on buffing reworked heroes, Hanzo and Mercy have essentially given them PTSD on that. But even then, Symmetra needs a MASSIVE boost in power.

2.0 was always doomed to be bad. Her weapon all but ensured that, since if Sym was actually strong, the game wouldn’t be fun for anyone but Sym players.

But Blizzard dropped the ball on 3.0. Like I said a before this edit, it’s like they have PTSD since their previous reworks in Hanzo and Mercy especially have been so powerful that it’s made them scared to actually make any of their other reworks at a decent power level.

Yes, and you went complete tunnel vision mode during that no matter how hard you try. Smallest camera movement can prevent you from placing tp.

Actually, everything Symmetra does except orbs kinda enforces some sort of tunnel visioning. Turret bombing makes you focus on where you place your turrets and predict where your entrance will spawn.

I personally constantly go into tunnel vision mode when using her primary, to check her charge level, whether I proc weak ticks or normal ticks, how much time I have left before I drop the charge.

And let’s not mention how awkward it is to aim with teleporter exit and how it breaks its placement after the railing update.

This isn’t how characters in this game work. Imagine if Mei was supposed to aim at certain angle to freeze someone. You would constant keep on focusing about having that perfect angle rather than what enemy is actually doing. There’s a reason other than balance on why Devs didn’t add Mei’s sliding on her primary or Baptiste self healing with his secondary fire.

These glaring issues make me realize that this Symmetra 3.0 is in Alpha version at best. Feels so unfinished in both clearance in visuals and mechanics.

Took me a while to realize as well that they deleted my main from the game. they over hyped TP and we got a buggy mess that still doesn’t work correctly. her core issues were made worse, she lost loads of utility, she lost overall power, she lost the ability to counter highly mobile targets, she lost her identity as a light bending architect.

In return she was made more consistent.

Neither, cuz now she sucks at everything she does.

So you can say with a clear conscience that she has as much utility as Sombra and mei? Like without counting sombras superior mobility and meis survivability

Yes, The ability to move an entire team past a choke is high utility. The ability to move an entire team to the high ground for advantage is high utility. The ability to preserve all of your teams cooldowns/resources and give your dps free shots while you close in on them is high utility. The ability to slow enemies and make them easier to hit for you and your team is high utility.

I can say with clear confidence that she has lots of utility.

As for superior mobility. Irrelevant as Sym does not play the same style as them. Sym has mobility. Something that can move the entire team from choke to the high ground above an enemy. That is what she is good at.

An experience that all Sym players had been looking for…
