Symmetra is lost

Honestly Symmetra needs her primary fire from 2.0 back because it’s currently much less reliable than her secondary and turrets which isn’t how she is supposed to work.

Bring back lock-on!


Blizzard needs to make it so Symm wouldn’t instadie if she engages in a fight or has no pocket heals. And a better ult. Barrier is definitely useful but i never feel like a threat when its up. Neither i care if it’s enemy Sym’ wall.

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Plus Symm pretty much always requires a hitscan ally cause enemy just runs Pharrah/Widow and its instalose if u wont switch. So why do u even need to play Sym?

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Well why do opponents need to abuse Pharah just to faceroll a win?

Do you think its really fair to say the folks who saw Sym as a DPS “won out”? This decision was made unilaterally by Blizzard when they 1) did away with the grouping of offense/defense, and 2) decided to reduce down shielding and armor, which also hit Torb and finally even Brig.

Look I meant to put that “won” in quotations but getting a lot on my plate.

Fair enough. I still say 4/5 of Sym’s issues would be resolved by just speeding up about everything in her kit by 30%…


Already said what needs to be done, think it’s still in the top topics, unless this is it… (nope this not it.) 🐟 What I would do If I was in charge of Sym's design, but it's too late now

devs don’t care about symmetra

most reworked character in the game

checks out /s

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They care, they are jus scared of us (and busy)

Bastion is actually the most reworked

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The quality of these reworks though…

The entire community in game: Switch Symmetra
The entire community on forums: Symmetra is fine

I think that tells a pleasant story.


20 characters

I get that switching heroes is a thing… but no that shouldn’t be part what hero has to do.

That’s a fail among itself

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Symmetra has many problems but I don’t understand why most of the hero roster can -HARD- counter her.

Let’s say TP is on cooldown. Because it mostly is.

Moira: Sucks the life out of you unless you land two fully charged orbs at her successfully.
Doomfist: No chance, you have 0 chance to kill him.
Winston: He destroys your entire kit and you with his a$$.
Hanzo&Widow: I don’t even have to say anything at this point.
Mei: Can easily freeze&Kill you.
Rein: He’s mostly with his Ana but even if not he can kill you with two hammer swings.
Brig: ^
Pharah: Most likely with a Mercy, even without her she can destroy you easily and you can’t do anything about it.
Sombra: Cancels your ENTIRE kit with her ult.
Zarya: Big better beam sister.
Tracer&Genji: Can easily escape 3 turrets choke and destroy you.

Even Zen and Ana alone have a chance against you unless you’re bringing your A game.

Is that what a DPS hero should feel like? I know she has a different playstyle. But I’m saying this as a freshly GM Sym main, IT IS NOT LIKE THAT IN GAME. You have to do way too much work to successfully fulfill your role as a DPS compared to literally the rest of DPS heroes. And for that we’re rewarded with a gigantic shield that barely blocks anything. I’m looking at you Moira ult and literally every other non projectile attacks in game.

So, NO. Symmetra is not fine.


Should mention that we talked about this so much in my big Sym topic, that they disabled me from adding on to the topic.

It’s did get to 344 days before they did that.


You do otherwise it is advertising.

Bbbbbut Sym has TP its definetely just as useful as bubbles or hack or stun or slows. So its okay for her to have crap dmg and ways of using this crap dmg.

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Yeah because she has a horrible teleporter and three mini turrets she deserves to be horrible. :heart:

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Guys you gotta accept symm is ignored