Symmetra is bad, but here is how to fix her

I find tracking less labour intensive now. I notice a difference so :man_shrugging:t2:

You keep trying this silly logic, but itā€™s just that, silly.

You donā€™t just add the health of her deployables together and call that her health pool. Thatā€™s absurd. Do turrets and tp contest a point? Can they be healed by an ally? Can they walk around and do things?

You can argue some Iegit points of contention with OPs suggestions but donā€™t use fake-math-fake-logic-of-fakeness please.

@OP. Good ideas. Sym needs some legitimate buffs and QoL changes to put her in a useful spot that isnā€™t just a taxi for bastion. How degrading.


Thank you. I believe it should be a slow rate of shield gain tho, so it doesnt make her op, but makes her independent

Stop dying to the most trash hero in the game and get out of bronze

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Although i agree with this statement, i will have to ask you to please be nice and not encourage toxicity.

I wish she could recast her ult while itā€™s active, and the wall would move at roughly walking speed to the new location she chooses

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Itā€™s not silly at all.

You have a widow, she has one shot, If she canā€™t kill all 3 turrets and the sym with that shot, she is dead.
Any hero who needs to deal with the turrets needs to deal with them. That takes their aim and damage away from sym.

I didnā€™t.
But itā€™s still the total health the enemy needs to deal with.

Stop thinking thatā€™s how the game works.

  1. Iā€™m in masters.
  2. Sym is not the most trash hero.
  3. I able to think about every scenario and every rank. Are you?
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Solution: Bring back 2.0 and make a new hero for 3.0

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Symmetra is trash, people donā€™t know how easy it is to kill one if you get right in her face, even as genji there is no respect, just dive her and right click her head and deflect her orbs in close range. If you get caught in the turrets you are just bad and shouldnā€™t be playing this game with such bad awareness. Her primary fire is so trash that there is no point to use it even if you charge it to maximum when you can just get killed so easily

TP needs to be buffed ASAP

  • Reduce deploy time to 0.5s and increase range to 5 meters.
  • Turrets need CD reduction, they are what makes symmetra what she is right now, without her turrets she is useless since anyone can kill her in close range.
  • Her secondary fire needs to to pierce the longer you charge even if it takes longer.
  • Primary fire needs range increase and deal more damage on the first tick. That 60 damage isnā€™t gonna stop people from going on the open and shoot your face
  • For survivability she should heal her shields when she hits a target with her beam by a small percentage. Problem solved. higher the charge the higher the healing.
  • Her ultimate needs to damage enemies if they pass through it.

Im sorry to say this and with all do respectā€¦but stacking health like that is really sillyā€¦like nobody looks at it that way at allā€¦ According to that logic Symmetra would be a tank, which she isntā€¦

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I hope Blizz reads some of these posts and fixes her. AT THE LEAST they could lower her turret cooldown and give her more health.


Giving her ability to poop out more free damaging turrets, hell to the no, theyā€™re annoying enough. Buff in other ways.

Symmetra may suck be she can be very annoying with those turrets and just tilt you.

Not at all.

Tanks have all the health at one point, making them able to tank damage without getting killed.

Sym canā€™t tank damage, but it still takes that ammount of damage to kill her kit.

ā€¦at this point im not sure if you are memeing or notā€¦


If you are playing as soldier, you have 19 damage per bullet.
You have 25 ammo.

Seeing as you are one of the best soldiers in the game, you have a 50% accuracy.

It will take you about 3-4 shots per turret, + the time it takes you to move your aim around so that you can hit them.

You will be down to 16 or worse 9 bullets when you face the symmetra.

The symmetra has 200 health.

And you will only hit 50% of your shots.

That means you will hit about 3-4 shots.
A total of 57 or 76 damageā€¦

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Dudeā€¦im sorry butā€¦nobody uses that kind of logicā€¦
Turrets and the TP cannot defend Symmetra from taking damage first of, they cannot contest the point, they do not add to her health poolā€¦
And if you are soldier then why bother aiming at turrets of the teleport? The Teleport will destroy itself, not to mention that bullets travel through it and your gun is far enough range to kill Symmetra without ever having to put yourself in danger from the turretsā€¦ not to mention that you have infinite ammo so its not like you have to count bullets per turret.

I meanā€¦one of the concepts of survivability is being able to take damage and survive with your shield or your own health, heal, speed, etc.
If a Symmetra deploys her TP and all 3 of her turrets, and gets headshot by Widowmaker, she is still gonna be dead.
I cannot believe a mastars player has this kind of logicā€¦


Your a 2800 player who doesnā€™t even play Symmetra, Yeah we can see your statsā€¦


Then they really need to start doing so, If not they will lose more games.

Yes they can.
If you throw them at the hero shooting at you the turrets will block shots.

150 dps is dangerous.

If she is dead, her turrets can still deal 150 dps and her teleporter can still move players.

If tracer is dead, she canā€™t do anything.

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Sym is fine. Just needs a couple tweaks, not buffs. Same with a bunch of other characters though.

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he plays her in comp tho. has a solid 3 hours on her