Symmetra is bad, but here is how to fix her

Before saying anything, first of all, I would like to state that by no means am I Symmetra one-trick (even though I wish i was)
Besides Symmetra I play Sombra, Mei, Moira, Ashe, Ana, Widowmaker, and a little bit of, Mercy, Zen, Tracer, Hanzo and Hog.
Second of all, Symmetra isn’t even my most played hero, its actually Sombra, but Sym comes close second.
I’ve stated all of this to first of let you know that I play a wide range of heroes, both with high and low skill ceiling. and second, because I am making this post from a multi-dimensional perspective, and not from a Symmetra only point of view.

Now, that I have that out of the way, I would like to say;

Although I really enjoyed the recent buffs and fixed to her beam, I really do believe its not enough, and that she needs a lot of fixing.

-Since i started of with her beam, I believe that I should go from there. I think that the beam, in its current state is actually quite alright. I think its balanced and good that people actually have to track when they want to fight someone. The tick rate has noticeably been improved and the damage is great. However, rarely does a Symmetra get the chance to use and get it all the way up to lvl 3, even with its recent buffs. Why? Because she gets killed in the process. Unless the enemy team completely ignores her for her to charge up her beam, she doesn’t have many chances where she can use it.
Its not like the enemy Orisa and the rest of the team behind the shield will wait patiently for 3.6 seconds for Symmetra to get to full charge and start zapping people. They will just shoot her in the face.
And EVEN IF Sym manages to get fully charged, she is a SLOW MOVING, SQUISHY, and with that big beam EXTREMELY NOTICEABLE TARGET. A body shot or two, or a headshot is enough to completely deny Symmetra, who has no counterplay for that, now that her old photon barrier ability is gone. And she is especially weak since Ashe, a yet another sniper, was introduced into the game. This is devastating for a hero with a short ranged weapon like her.
Blizzard designed Symmetra to be a tank destroyer after the rework, but unlike all the other tank destroyers, Symmetra has nothing to defend herself
Lets put other tank busters in perspective:

Mei: has 250 hp, cryo, self-healing, temporary invincibility, freezing (CC), ice wall which is a very good defensive shield, high burst damage when she lands headshots

Reaper: 250 hp, fade, life steal (soon to be buffed), and huge amounts of burst damage without any need to charge up

Doomfist: 250 hp + shields, high mobility, powerful combos and high damage

Phara: high mobility, high damage, is out of reach to tanks, long-range strikes, and is often pocketed by Mercy.

Torbjorn: has overload that gives him a little bit of speed and makes him quite tanky, has a weapon that can either snipe people from a far, or burst down close range targets with huge damage, not to mention that his turret makes the game almost a 7v6 with its solid damage, huge range, and decent health.

Symmetra: only 200 hp, no passive, no defensive ability, has to come in close and wait to get charged up.

Ofc, people can and WILL argue that her teleport gives her survivability and mobility and that her turrets offer back up, but thats not really true.
The teleport can be quite easily destroyed first of, second of, when she places a teleport its highly predictable and noticeable where she will go (you only have 2 gates to aim at) and not to mention that the deployment time for the teleport is almost 2 seconds…a lot of stuff can happen in two seconds in a game like Overwatch.

And her turrets, even tho have high damage and a slow down effect are extremely easy to counter, with their HP being just 30. You just have to melee them, and most characters can one shot them. I mean come one, if you cant kill a turret with 30 hp then…how do you even play the game?


  • give her a health buff to 250. 100 hp, 150 shields
    *allow her to passively gain shields when she uses her primary, kinda like Doomfist does when he damages someone. Capping at 100 or 150 extra shields which go down over time while she isnt using her primary.
    *give her photon barrier as a secondary E ability along with the tp (she can choose with right or left click what she wants to deploy, like moira with her orbs
    *give her beam more range and make it charge up gradually as she uses it instead of going through the lvl 1,2,3 process, and give her 100 ammo back
    *drastically reduce the deployment time to her TP and maybe the cooldown.


I already stated above the problems with her teleports deployment rate, and I will not get back to that again. Along with that, its still buggy, gets destroyed randomly on its own, its hard to place when it comes to certain placed (example where there are fences or ledges) and sometimes it feels like the range is a bit low, but thats maybe just me:


*Fix the bugs
*Drastically lower the deployment time
*Increase its range to match that of Reaper’s Shadow Step, roughly 30m
*Increase its health
*Allow it to be some sort of a miniature defensive object for Symmetra so she can use it as a shield


Like i stated above, they are very easily destroyed, and even tho they are strong in damage, I feel like there a too few of them, and that their cooldown is waaay too much…10 seconds for a single turret, which means 30 seconds in total for her only defensive/control ability. May I remind you that Symmetra’s turrets are a core part of her kit, and that she is a control hero first and foremost. I do really enjoy her Turret Bomb tactic and for her to be able to throw them now, but unless the enemy team is totally not paying attention, they are extremely easy to deal with. Not to mention that the cycling system is quite problematic since if you mess up 1 turret, the other two wont be able to do that much.


*give her at least 4 turrets for more control area, and increase their range, but lower their damage to 40 or 45dps
*increase their health to 60hp or lower their cooldown to 6 or 8


Her orbs are faster now, yes. However, they are still quite easy to dodge. But my biggest problem with them is the fact that they don’t go through shield or people anymore. I think removing that feature was one of the biggest mistakes Blizzard made in her rework.
Think about it, Blizzard design Sym 3.0 to be a counter to shields with her primary fire, but what happened was she became less effective against shields then before. By the the time she destroys Orisa’s shield for example, Orisa can plop down another one.
But, imagine now that Symmetra kept her old orbs. She could have been potentially the biggest counter to goats now. And D.VA, one of the most balanced heroes ever, wouldn’t have received her Defense Matrix nerf.


*Allow her orbs the pierce through shields and people. And either keep their current speed, or slow them down but allow Symmetra to charge them faster so she can spam a swarm of them to break up the clustered GOATS team.


Even tho it looks impressive, it’s countered by a simple W key.
Unless its placed by someone who has a degree in Geometry its very easy to counter it and it remains one of the least impactful ultimates in the game.


*Allow her ultimate to passively deal 50 damage to enemies who pass through it. The number will stack by the number of times they touch the wall. The wall, however, will lose 50hp from its total 5000hp for every time it deals damage to someone.
*Allow her allies to gain 75 shield when they pass through the wall. The numbers WILL NOT stack, but will get replenish to the 75 mark if they get damaged but go through the wall again. The wall, however, will lose 75hp from its total 5000hp for every ime it gives shields to someone.
*Or at least lower the ultimate cost so Sym can put up the wall faster and more often.


I do understand that the pro players like Stevoo, Reihan, Seagul, etc have almost no problem with current Symmetra. But thats just it, they are PROS.
They make up a very very very small percentage of Symmetra players who have perfected her. Most of us arent pros, and Symmetra is one of the hardest, if not the hardest characters to master. Unless you have an IQ of 1000 and just as much hours on her, its extremely hard to learn her, let alone climb her. And if she is so hard to learn and is ineffective, then there will always come up a question: "Why play Symmetra if you can play Reaper?"

  1. To answer to all the trolls who would probably say in the comments "lmaooo why do you even play Symmetra??"
    Well, because I love her. I dont like Reaper, I like Symmetra. The end.

And Blizzard has repeatedly stated that they never want for one of their heroes to never be used or forgotten. And im also a firm believer that EVERYONE should be able to play ANYTHING they want and be effective and not be bullied just for playing a hero that they like

  1. To anyone saying: "But this way Symmetra will be OP! Especially in the low ranks!"

Symmetra is one of those heroes who’s design is basically either OP or completely useless. And it really depends who playes those heroes, how, and at what rank.
Reaper for example is a living nightmare in low ranks, even before the buffs. And now with his 50% lifesteal buff he is gonna be hell itself. Where in higher ranks, he is barely used.
Same goes with Mei or Phara or Torb or Bastion.
But now take a look at Ana or Widowmaker. They are completely useless in low ranks because of bad mechanical skills, but are capable of carrying entire games in higher ranks. Every hero is a story of their own.

Therefore yes, Sym will be strong in low ranks, but in higher ranks she will be easily countered just as now. What I am trying to do with these buffs is release Symmetra from all her limitations that she has, and get her above 1% pick rate. I believe thats also what Blizzard is trying to do aswell.
Symmetra is a hero with HUGE potential, but has a lot of things holding her back. She takes forever to master, can counter very few heroes, if any, and has too many counters to even be played. How many times have you seen a Symmetra on the enemy team? And if you have, I bet ya that 9/10 times that Symmetra was forced by her team to switch.

  1. To all those who will say "Symmetra is fine, you just cant play her/ you are whining."

Heh…she is most certainly not fine. And her pick rate and win rate speaks for iself. If she is “fine” then why are there so few Symmetras in comp? If she is “fine” why doesnt anyone play Symmetra? If she is “fine” then why would someone say “lmaoo just pick another hero”? If she is “fine” then when is she the most bullied hero in the game and is the one who people always blame first when things go wrong?

And as for whining…well if it satisfy your ego that much, then yes, i am whining. Im whining because I payed for the game, and because im not allowed to play a hero that I like. I whine because I get bullied or see others get bullied and blamed and being told what to do just for playing something they like, which they have a full right too. I whine because my favorite hero got reworked TWICE and is still considered a troll pic and is hated.
Now, imagine if all of this happened to you and your favorite hero, and on top of that someone came and said “lmaooo just pick someone else.” or “git gud”

And if, indeed someone says that in the comments bellow, then congratulations, you just proved my point.

This are some of MY suggestions as a way to fix her. I want good and possitive constructive criticizm. If you are gonna be toxic then dont even bother to reply. But if you want to criticize then please offer YOUR OWN IDEA in how to make her more viable and how to fix her. I would like to hear ideas as long as things remain nice and orderly.

Thank you for your time everyone.

P.S Also, if you dont like my propose changes, a friend of mine recently made a video: "How to Rework Symmetra into a Tank". So please check out his video, its not very long, and its easy to understand:



200 health for the sym.
90 health for the turrets.
300 health for the teleporter.

Combined that gives you 590 health.

That is more than 250.

Her primary at full charge is already strong.
With self healing that would be op.

Would be op with her current kit.

Now a lot of ults in the game becomes useless.

It already works this way. It can stop certain attacks.

Different heroes have problems with them. For example brig can’t deal with them.
Not to mention aim at lower ranks and on consoles.



It’s already really fast charging…

One of these changes would be enough.
All of these together and there won’t be any point picking any other hero in the game.
Most comps will be useless, like dive and goats.
Tanks will be useless as she just kills your entire team through shields.
And you can’t kill her.


Its funny how you yell OP for the least picked hero in the game. I guaranty that she still wont have a pickrate above 5% even with these changes.

And have you even read the EITHER / AND thing in the solution section? I didnt say that she needs all of these, just one of the fixes for each section. For example, if she has a passive shield gain from primary, then there is no need for her to have a barrier. And vice versa. And how is it in any way OP? SHE NEEDS TO GET CLOSE TO DO ANYTHING. Its like bringing a sword to a gunfight.

And how is the change to her ultimate ability op? Her giving 75 shields to everyone was her previous ultimate “shield generator”. Except this time those shields are temporary, will last like 30 seconds max or when her walls drops. And 50 damage for passing through the wall sounds fair enough. Its supposed to not be countered by simply walking.
And her Teleport renders ultimates useless? I dont think so rly…besides, Sombra does the same thing


Tickrate never changed it is still 20.
Damage has not changed either.

People need to stop believing the troll that tricked sym players so easily.


I disagree. I’m a symmetra main with an 80 percent win rate this season and I think she’s in a good spot.


its not? i noticed a changed tho…

Nah Symmetra is fine, all these changes would make her way too strong.


1 word. Placebo.
We believe anything we are told if we believe it to be true.

i’ll only agree with her being too squishy
she dies too fast for her to be all that useful against anybody that can aim better than a potato

otherwise she only needs QoL improvements, but almost every hero needs that, regardless, so, whatever

could be i guess…?

She still has the highest win rate.
And you are asking for straight buffs. No compensation.

5% is already too high.
Each hero would have 3% If the game was balanced…

Yes? How would i be able to quote it If i didn’t?

Because she would have way more damage than moira, but have the self healing from moira.
Moira is already considered strong due to her self healing…

No, she doesn’t.

Remind me how brig and reinhardt have 12 meter range on their attacks…
What’s the range on the orbs again?

An ult people already thought was a bit powerful.
Only now you can’t destroy it.
And it gives infinite shields instead of a 75 cap…

Why? Who said so?

Try using a graviton against her when she can get her teleporter up in half a second.


Depends what you mean by “bad.”

that was me accidentally deleting my own reply xD i discovered the “quote” button so i wanted to delete the reply i already made to make a new one more orderly but then it said the author thing so i returned it

What do you think about changing Symmetra’s Teleporter in order to work like Torbjorn’s Turret, i.e the Teleporter is permanent and only goes on cooldown after it’s been destroyed? I believe this fixes two issues for Symmetra, it increases both her utility and survivability by setting up the Teleporter in order to speed up her team’s respawns and setting up the Teleporter in the front/back lines so immobile characters always have an escape option until the enemies destroy it? I think that small variation on Teleporter could make it a lot more effective on defense and KOTH, where it tends to be nothing more than a glorified elevator for characters without verticality?

When people start using her teleporter as frequently as they should with their team behind her, then Blizzard will get around to fixing her. Jeff and Co. basically said that when they said they want to give players more time to learn how to use her.

Which is their passive aggressive way of saying “Wow it’s been 6 months and you idiots still don’t realize how powerful teleporting an ENTIRE TEAM across 25m gaps can be. Use it more often and use it properly, nerds.”

That said, her Teleporter still needs some QoL fixes. Like spawning the pad directly under he feet when she casts it - for consistency.


Hmm… I’m seeing a lot of fallacies here but I’ll just tackle some of those.

  1. Having pros that can use Symmetra at a pro level do mean something. They are a representation of Symmetra at the highest level of play. It isn’t like the old days where one Symmetra main barely made it into Top500, it’s multiple and they are all forces to be reckoned with. If you are a Sombra main then you should know that Symmetra works exactly like Sombra, she requires a lot cooperation and high skill ceiling low skill floor. You also fail to acknowledge that in the highest ranks of play Symmetra is quite unbeatable in her own optimal niche (BOS comp), suggesting that her kit allows high potential play that perhaps, ‘we’ normies can’t possibly execute as well. (Similar to Widow or any other high skill heroes that become relevant only in highest ranks.)

  2. It’s very debatable on the buffs that you suggest because they are very radical in nature. (While you did say ‘either/and’, i believe you think that every part of her kit is inferior? Or perhaps multiple at least? ) On top of that, many of the buffs you’ve suggest aren’t feasible and from a practical sense, blizzard will not incorporate them. Period.

  3. Numbers speak for themselves and Symmetra’s damage rivals those of Genji and Mc Cree, (1.5X higher than Mei, Sombra and Doomfist and most hitscans besides bastion.) Not to mention she has some of the highest winrates. (I am aware that they are inflated but compared to Bastion, Sombra it can still mean something.)

If you are in low ranks, setting up and basic game sense will make your Symmetra pick very viable in most maps. (Symmetra destroys uncoordinated teams) If you are in high ranks then you should also concede that Symmetra is more viable than Reaper and Soldier and (has been for sometime). She also thrives in high coordinated teams especially in high ranks so it’s a double edged sword in a good way.

  1. Lastly, a lot of your proposed changes seem very substanceless with little to no thought. I’ll just critique a few I see fit. (I want to clarify that every buff helps but obviously some of them seem to reflect on personal gameplay struggles and frustration.)

The most questionable one is the wall. It’s one of the lowest charging ults in the game. If you do consistent damage with orbs and beam you can get your wall every 1/1/2 of a fight. It usually swings fights to your favour and it can actually substitute a defense ult if your team runs no defensive ult supports. Giving it some sort of damage certainly helps but this buff’s rationale is so questionable it’s funny. (Imagine giving Mercy 400 hp during valk… Doesn’t quite make sense and sounds personal)

Plus, the photon barrier as optional E ability one is just pure laziness on your part and speaks a lot on your personal Symmetra gameplay. Let it go.

  1. Symmetra, personally for me, i wouldn’t mind for another minor buff. An ammo buff to 80 or faster ammo regeneration when touching shields will certainly provide a bit more aid and would make sense (not to mention, a plausible change by devs). Another quality of life change that I wouldn’t mind would be TP deployment cast time, which you mentioned.

  2. Lastly your pessimistic outlook on the entire write-up gives people (or just me) the impression that you have not being doing well as Symmetra and decided to rant about it. Your rationale of “why pick Sym if any dps can do better?” can actually apply to 50% of the dps roster, particularly Mei and Torb (Sombra as well i would suppose). What this means is that, all off-meta heroes are sub-optimal by default but playing Symmetra is a selfish preference to sym mains but she is very fun after all (not to mention perhaps she fits your playstyle). You seem to put other off-meta heroes on a higher pedestal even when their playtime and stats are not far-off of Symmetra, yet she is in (in your figure of speech) in desperate need of radical buffs because she is ‘bad’.

its easily noticeable that its about 5 ticks per second now

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I don’t agree with this.

You shouldn’t be rewarded for missing your shots or mindlessly using it. Her beam can do a total of 180 DPS. That should not be easy to get to.

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Yeah, everyone was confused about it because they added a better ‘I’m hitting’ indicator on the beam itself. It did feel better, but it was mostly placebo effect of gaining immediate visual response. It should be a 10 tickrate min, that way it at least does full damage on armor at the last lvl. It should not really effect much outside the last level, but it does bring a better reward (it’s aim based, but no headshots; it should have a better reward) for getting the super beam.

After that, all I would really work on is qol/bugfix/buff the teleporter. It’s by in large the thing that needs work. It covers literally everything that people complain about: damage by providing more opportunities, utility via more people willing to use/work with it, and finally survival because more consistent escape.

These are just my thoughts, everything else is pretty much unnecessary for me.

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“200 health for the sym.
90 health for the turrets.
300 health for the teleporter.

Combined that gives you 590 health.

That is more than 250.”

Yea and dont forget her teammates that dont represent her health at all either. Her kit may have health but it doesn’t apply to her health. Nor are they immedieately effective the moment they deploy. Once the turrets land they still have 1-2 seconds of activation, redering them useless untill activation, and thats not counting the d amount of time they are in the air(unactivated). Same with TP. The only way their health could apply extra health towards her is if they are Armor extensions protecting her health till they are destroyed.