Symmetra in overwatch

Still there in name alone my friend.

When will you just admit basic stuff take a bit of that responsibility. I’m not looking for a rework but if you can’t see the night and day differences. Then I can’t tell if your willing to listen

They were scraped and replaced with something new. It’s as if you changed riens shield to an actual metal shield that is just immune to damage but it’s smaller and you can’t see through it. Sure it’s still a shield but it’s not riens shield. Those were the types of changes sym got on everything

You also left out the only major thing that was kept the same the ramp up but no one likes that crap so we can ignore it ya know

That’s a player issue to work out themselves. You also have 3 handy turrets that spit out cc which makes aiming that much easier. With the added benefit of not dying while trying to place one in the presence of an enemy like her old mechanic.

I’d take consistency over maximum potential any day


I’ve made no claims of them being identical.

I am simply refuting your claim that she was scrapped. Which is clearly wrong.

They were re-invented based on the same concepts. Scrapping means throwing away design and concepts and starting from scratch. This did not happen.

She still can move players over large distances, hold choke points with turrets, suppress enemies with mid range orb spam, melt people with her primary.

The only part that was scrapped was shield gen.

These are facts.

Aww semantics my friend I understand completely. Well at least we can agree that all syms abilities and gun and ult are as different as night and day

But when the whole playstyle of a character is completely changed I don’t really give a crap about semantics

But I would completely agree with you that they scraped sym they threw away her designs and started again. It is exactly what they did. The devs gave up on sym

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Once again, hyperbole.

Her playstyle has not entirely changed. Yes, some parts have but much of what she had in 2.0 is still there. Much of which is improved upon.

Well as a gm sym 2.0 if I were to try any of her old strats I would be throwing the game. Sure I can try but that is a piss poor way to play sym.

Maybe you had a different playstyles than me but hey I don’t even think you learned sym 2.0 anymore

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I was always wondering if there can’t be a compromise that will appeal to both masses? Something that will please both sides…

  1. Visuals of primary restored (but keeping the hitbox). Just to be able to pick up stuff again :sob:
  2. Holding turret brings her old turret stance, releasing the key instantly throws her turret. Once again, just to make it feel more nostalgic. But also to make her more accurate as they could return the glowing turret showing where it will stick.
  3. I really liked the idea of her having her infinite TP, and then giving her weaker version of SG that you can access just like the old SG. I was thinking about maybe 50 shields to sym and 25 to everyone else in 60 m area? That would give her the survivability people wanted with addition to actual counter play to it.
    (I am assuming SG and TP would have separate cooldowns and both could be deployed on the field at the same time. SG cooldown could work like Torbjorns turret only much longer, like 30 sec or so, TP unchanged)

Care to share your thoughts? Or continue personal slapfights in this thread?

I played her before and after rework.

Typical non-argument tactics. Don’t agree with me? Must not have played her before.

Consistency of 120 sustained dps. Ana can currently heal for 112hps with her grenade excluding other healers. She alone turns that 120dps into 8dps. Moira can do 155hps with her orb and spray or 215hps with her orb and ult.

Consistency doesn’t mean much if the damage is both low and sustained. 120 damage burst is fine, but as sustained it is basically nothing to the current healthpools and healing values in the game.

I’m just doubting man and played and learned are two completely different things I can play zarya but I’m a terrible zarya that shouldn’t speak up about how that character plays. But I like how you pick and choose what to adress. When I question you for word play you only bring up one line.

When I talk about my experience with the character Which is true you simply can’t play sym 3.0 like you could with 2.0 you ignore that too.

When I make a nice rien comparison naw man that’s too much too

No ones perfect we all make mistakes. Some never own up to any of that though

Those hero’s were in the game when I played 2.0 I just worked around that.

Syms contribution is mainly utility anyway

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What purpose do you guys have out of spinning this up again every other week? I mean, is it boredom? She’s clearly better than before… and she’s never going back to 2.0… best to adapt and move on.

Alright let’s do a thought experiment if you give tracer an instant kill single shot rifle. Yet remover her blinks and rewind.

She becomes a better character. Yet tracer mains aren’t immediately happy

I seriously couldn’t care how good you think sym 3.0 is compared to 2.0 that’s irrelevant. They don’t have a similar playstyle

I do it out of boredom though. Maybe the devs will bring aspects of sym back in a new character. Who knows but the devs shouldn’t get away with crap like that


they dont think, they accept orders from youtube kids and esports tweens livin in moms basement.

If some kid spent 4000hrs learning to use Genji then they are not allowed to be in a disadvantageous position ever again unless they so choose.

Thus a via counter to genji could not be allowed for long.

If a char ever counters Genji or Tracer they get reworked (sym) or deleted (Brig)

Those chars are not allowed to have paper to their rocks.

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I don’t care that you don’t care, she is what she is now, like it or not. It’s time to move on.

Yeah to a different game lol. Still have these accounts though so here I am

Guess you don’t like thought experiments though :stuck_out_tongue:


Literally, the best players in the game have around a 50% accuracy on Zarya (it’s even less for Sym). Getting above 50% accuracy isn’t just a case of “oh, just get better”. It’s practically impossible.


I think it’s around 60-70 mainly because of tanks though they are less consistent on squishes

Yes in ladder where coordination is irregular. Teams that were playing together were Syms bane. The opposite is her situation now where she’s not the greatest pick on ladder, but with coordination the team with Sym decides how the game is played (especially vs Bunker comps, as TP can force the bunker to move around).

But that’s better imo. Her utility was only good in ladder. Pit against coordinated opponents Sym was a detriment overall and a hero shouldn’t be designed that way. Her utility was just not good enough to warrant her being so bad in general.

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