Symmetra in overwatch

I don’t take people seriously when they bring up symmetra 3.0s high win rate when 2.0 had an even higher win rate. Heck they even say 1.0 had a high win rate to, but these same people bringing up high win rates will be silent when people ask for a 2.0 revert. Stop using winrate as if it shows if a character is in a good place or not! Stop it people! Junkrat has a high winrate to and see how he is fairing


First of all it’s because in my opinion auto lock on turrets should not be a thing in games outside of tower defense. It feels extremely cheap and un eratned when you get killed by a random tp bomb or just a spam turret in the back line.

Secondly she is extremely unfun and frustrating to play with and against.

Now that bunker meta is a thing, it’s even more annoying because not only do you have to deal with/ play around a selfish sym 1trick you have to do the same for the torb.

Tbh i’m not sure which sym i like the least the old one or the new one. The old sym was annoying only on certain map, where she was able to basically block off an entire area for her self. The new sym can’t do that( which is good), however now she is less of a niche pick, and that forces people to dead with her bs even more often.

You may not agree with this, and based on your response you probably don’t, but i’m sure that i’m not the only one who hates sym and heroes of that type in games.

I joined JUST before her major rework. Personally, I think it was needed, her play style before was boring and required no mechanical skill because of her horrendous lock-on and abundance of turrets(I do wish she had her old barrier though). Current Symmetra to me is in a good state from what I experienced with her, I had a 69% win rate with her last season. People just don’t know how to use her kit right.


Oh wow, cuz she is soooo much played in OWL now, right? Tootaly worth it all the changes that made her horrible on ladder.


True, for me im still playing sym 3.0 but i will never enjoy her more than 2.0 cause:

  • she is just not symm anymore i dont care about her win/pick rate but the sym 3.0 is just not the symm that i know.
    as much as i liked the 1.0 version of symm, i loved the 2.0 rework when it came out bc it is still sym and it made the hero better
    and we all can agree that the 2.0 rework was the best of all the time from balance and community stand point and if they just gave her a chance (2.0) and buffed her she would be more and more better but when u look at the 3.0 rework the majority that really loved it didnt really main/play sym 2.0 that is the problem so the community wasnt that happy about it
    and even if her winrate went down i still dont care about it :slight_smile: :frowning:

btw Tommy, i really like ur positive and supportive posts about symm i lit always find you in every sym post these days and you are always so positive


symmetra has a 0.2 pick rate in owl and they swear that a good thing, because atleast the tp bot got some play :roll_eyes:


Not much but she was picked, yes. The rework was a step towards the right direction. I’m not saying she’s “perfect” but none of the heroes are, and is definitely better than used to be.

Edit: as far as I know she was the ONLY hero never picked during season 1. Like ever. I wouldn’t call that good in any way.

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That’s a very naive way of looking at that


Lol Symmetra’s tp gets used more in OWL than Symmetra does


Junkrat has slightly higher pickrate and winrate than Symmetra in GM, hE SeEmS fInE, yet people still want buffs for him.

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Nope. It’s a realistic and non-hyperbolic way of looking at things. “They scrapped her!” is false.

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Hush owl arguments and high winrates are only used against symmetra

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I was thinking “What if Sym could expand her own rechargable shield up to 250hp or 275 if she was attacking a shield”. Bunkercomp ded.

I’m pretty sure you never “debunked” anyone in your 14.000 posts on these forums. You just keep making arguments that are directly disproved by actual data and behaving like they’re still valid arguments. No offense.


More damage

More range

M2 isn’t completely useless outside spamming chokes due to the speed increase, and the charge speed increase means whatever corner she does spam is more dangerous than before

Teleporting her team behind the enemy no longer requires an ult or for Sym to put herself into a suicidal position

Turrets are stronger and her whole set up comes back in half the time as her old set up


Ult that counters most of her counters in some ways and can swing fights


They aren’t the same though.

How they worked, and how they function, those aspects were mostly scraped. Nothing about her kit works the same as it did before.

The two closest are turrets and teleporter. Primary, Secondary and Photon Barrier are essentially completely new moves.

Turrets are similar, but they are still different. Especially since you only get 3.

And the Teleporter is just… Clunky now.

Do you play Symmetra?
2.0 had 1 second wind up.
3.0 after the rework had 2 seconds wind up.
After the two 20% buffs it’s 1.32 seconds.
They nerfed it.

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They were adjusted. They are re-invented versions of themselves.

Scrapping means to entire discard an object or idea and start from scratch. You can quite easily recognize the concepts and implementation of these changes are in line with those abilities.

Primary fire is still a lazer. It just requires more aim. Orb is still functionally the same in that you charge and release it. The only things having to adjust for is charge time and projectile speed.

Photon barrier became a god like version of itself where it is no longer the self serving ability it use to be but now provides near endless cover for your entire team.

Teleporter is no longer a poor mans rez but a means of conserving your teams resources and minimizing risk while bringing you closer to your objective. I have yet to feel like it is truly clunky beyond that of the railing issue that was fixed.

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they wanted to remove the abilties that were holding her down and her garbage prmary

Not with 50% accuracy.