Symmetra in overwatch

Not if you are actually a good symmetra. The generator especially offered a lot of creativity.

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So does the new teleporter. Idk if u realize this sis. But you keep contradicting yourself…

No, no it didn’t. 95% of the time tele led to trickling. Generator made you lose out in the long run in the ult economy. Meanwhile you have 3.0 singlehandedly winning points in pro play before a single person even dies.

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ANNA OU- (I have to laff)

it may has potential but it is all wasted because is inconvenient to use by teammates so unless you are running a duo, it is worthless.

It goes away too fast, your team has no clue where it is leading and if it is worth it going through, most often ending with ambush by the enemy team cuz it is exposed.

Is this not the same with the old teleporter… you don’t know where it leads…

Again… COMMUNICATION! It’s not that hard

Yes but it has to be hidden so the enemy doesn’t find it if you want to keep it for long.

The only bad part about it were the trolls but the same can be achieved with the current one too (if anyone even tries to use it)

old tele was perfection. The new one is pure duo queue abusive garbage.

It’s not tho… you act like communication isn’t a thing. Her tele is designed to flank. That’s why she was moved over to dps i-

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Why should a hero require communication just to be efficient?
The old one was so much more native. You see it, then you just run though it. Simple as that.
You don’t have to wait for the moment, you don’t have to look where it is, you don’t have to tell anybody a thing.

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I give up… there’s no arguing with people that literally think second highest winrate in the game is too low. :tired_face:

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I’m done arguing I’m a argument where I know I’m right. Ima leave. U believe what u wanna believe sis…

What? I just debunked it for you lol

This clip was awesome. I loved watching it live too.

We’re on the same page again: if you can’t work together with your teammates that’s NOT the hero’s fault. Not even the game’s.

It’s pretty clear that current Symmetra has way way more potential than the old one, if the enemy had a bare minimum of awareness skills she was utterly useless.


Like—give up, it’s me, I win, you lose.
(Nicki Minaj) muah

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having potential and utilizing it are 2 different things.
why woudl one pick symmetra over lets say reaper? He doesn’t require any teamwork at all to be efficient.

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Wow :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Reaper is like old-Sym: only works in lower ranks where people have no awareness skills. And he has no utility, Symmetra has. Basically every hero is equally viable in lower ranks. When awareness comes to play things change.

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Are you implying the old symmetra wasn’t played in higher ranks?
Pretty much those who were good at here were still playing her.

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Every hero has pro players in high ranks it’s not like all or nothing but look at the numbers. How many times did you see old Symmetra in OWL for example?