Symmetra in overwatch

Is diamond considered low elo then? Cus i outperform my other dps consistently with sym at this elo and win many games quite comfortably. Ive said it before n il say it again, Her biggest weakness is the ignorance that surrounds her

I guess you need to define unhealthy. Because I don’t see where you draw that at all.

Symm was for an old iteration of the game.thats it. No more. No less. All heroes were supposed to be niche. She was just especially so same as torb and mercy.
A change doesn’t have to be with the goal of “healthy”

Mostly agree. Small caveat- sombra and brig

Her pickrate is actually the same and this is before factoring in that sym mains typically have private profiles at higher rates.

Her winrate dropped because she became more viable in more situations where as before people would generally use her for 1st point on defense before.

If it worked she won. If it failed people would most often switch and either win or lose on another character. Her previous design artificially inflated her winrate.

The fact that it dropped proves people are playing her in more situations then before.

im not gonna touch lower ranks because it’s a lawless land here and everybody is viable

but in higher ranks you have to constantly babysit reaper and at the very least have lucio to even get him to the enemy team to do anything at all

She became more viable in more situations and yet her pickrate stayed the same. Something seems off here.


My personal record is 8 seconds

Unless you have a data source for that, you have no grounds for that affirmation.

What we do have is Overbuff history, and that clearly shows Symmetra pickrate went down from average 1% (from the last week before the rework) to average 0.7%, while losing over 5% winrate from before. I would gladly look at other sources if you provide them.

The funny part is that I clearly remember the main complaint about Symmetra before was that her players never swap off her. So it’s a interesting double thinking, where she always swap after losing the full hold to keep her global winrate high, but also never swaps, which is the reason why your team always lose when someone picks Symmetra.

I’m not contesting this argument, her extremely high tie rate (even today) was more than enough proof that too many people picked her as a last resort to try a full hold, and probably some of those would try the same on first round. I just find it funny that the argument floats between those two depending on the narrative people are trying to sell.

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still salty about the no autoaim huh?

no symms second rework made her actually fun to play and all it needs is quality of life improvements to her teleporter

I didn’t read auto aim in op… Sounds like you’ve got some salt in your memories.

Considering how much she has been buffed already… Sounds like that rework didn’t really get it all right

That doesn’t mean he needs the same amount of coordination. He is just weak there.

You are playing on a console. We are talking about PC, the actual real place where the game is meant to be played.

FPS and consoles is just a baffling experience. I have no clue how the balancing of Overwatch is done on consoles and I don’t really care to be really honest.

When we talk about balance, we are really talking about PC where people can actually aim good.

Indeed. Symmetra is terrible to play because fundamentally she is completely useless unless the entire team builds around her. No other hero in the game works like that.

True. But both of those require teamwork and coordination but definitely not on the level of Symmetra. Both Sombra and Brig have solo carry potential or the ability to work in a chaotic environment. Sombra to a lesser degree but at the very least she has incredible survivability (cloak) and escape mechanism (translocator) and her kit is quite useful to pick off unsuspecting targets.

That’s not true at all. We saw a strong spike and many people have since dropped her.

Her win-rate dropped because she is overall a worse hero. She fits in a DPS role now where she is the worst DPS in the roster (worse hero in the game).

She was niche in first point defense and was really good at it and now she is overall bad - she is really bad on defense and while she is better on offense, she is still the worst DPS in the game. That’s easily seen.

Normally, as a hero becomes more mainstream and more people pick that hero up, the win-rate is bound to drop as the player pool gets more diluted.

What we see is even worse - you see a hero with an incredibly small pool of experts on that hero become even smaller and the win-rates dropping by a huge margin - we are talking more than 10% drop (69-70% drop to 50-55%). That’s huge.

And she fails therefore in more situations. You had a really strong niche 1st point defense hero and now you have a slightly stronger offense hero (compared to previous Symmetra) that’s overall terrible in every situation and the worst DPS in the game.

No one is salty about having no auto-aim. What’s incredibly silly is having to aim and having a charge up mechanic still which is mind-boggingly silly.

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I love the irony of this statement.

The literal only difference is symm and torb turrets do less dmg on console. Console is nerfed

Plenty of console players have gone to PC and done well. Aim on console is fine.
I don’t disagree with a lot of your observations, but I play on console and agree. My aim requirements don’t change my view of symm

In what sense?

Because Sym2 haters had a common complaint that she required the whole team to work around her, and Sym3 is half of an hero if her team do not work around her.

As I said a few replies above, Sym2 did a lot of transparent stuff, so she was always helping her team, even when her team didn’t wanted her help. Now, if you don’t have a team that agrees to take your taxi or fight around your turrets (because she can place only three, covering a smaller area), your only gimmicky is TP bombs, which get old fast if the team is not made of potatoes.

Okay but that’s not with context. Symm 2 needed such teamwork if she was never switched. This wasn’t the case in her explicit niche zone. Without a niche, she needs this catering of her team at all times. Not just some.

Note that her update came out on the same one private profiles did. Sym mains were one of the leading groups requesting private profiles.

Its not hard to see the conclusion here. Pickrate is much higher then what the stats show.

I don’t really see the irony. Her kit is just terrible as a DPS and her gimmick is useless unless the entire team builds around it. So really, her entire kit is just bad.

Hahah and the fact that people on PC can actually you know aim properly. Tiny, bitsy, small detail :smiley: Or not.

Yes because Overwatch is about the most casual FPS currently on the market and you can play heroes with literally zero mechanical skill requirement. Therefore, yes plenty of people can go from console to PC and have a somewhat similar experience. No surprise there and nothing shocking.

Aim on console and aim on PC are virtually continents apart. Claiming otherwise is a straight up lie. I’ve played FPS games for the last 20+ years or since the inception of the genre. I’ve played FPS games on consoles for about 4 years during my University years when I couldn’t bring my home desktop PC with me and the experience is like night and day. Incomparable.

Balance on PC and consoles is completely different.

I see now. Sym 2.0 actually was a somewhat independent hero. She still needed some coordination but she could do her own thing. And she was able to perform in an independent capacity plus she had clearly visible ways of helping the team.

Sym 3.0 is literally useless without coordination or a team build around her because the only real key feature about her is the teleporter which is obviously useless if no one uses it. Picking Symmetra because of her DPS capabilities is laughable because she is the worst DPS in the game (worst hero in the game as well).

Agreed. And TP bomb is just 90% a complete waste anywhere above Gold. Not to mention turret cooldown is ridiculously high.

As a former Sym main, I disagree.

Honestly, my most comfortable fights were explicitly the ones where my team was 1) not giving up on the select hero screen, and 2) played whatever they wanted instead of trying to pocket me and make me play like Reaper.

Sym2 was incredibly independent on her support. Partially because she pretty much focused on zoning and construct maintenance. It could be seen as if she was not doing much if you didn’t knew what her passives did.

I understand that for your usual FPS player, she isn’t as engaging and can be boring play as her, but her playstyle was perfect for my tastes. And now that she is gone and they placed her twin sister in her place, it kinda left me (and many others) with no hero that resonate with our favorite playstyles. There are some here and there that are kinda fun (Sym3, Torb, Reinhardt, Brigitte and Pharah for me), but I know many Sym mains that simply left the game because that rework gave us a weird feeling.

I don’t think so. Not to be statistically significant. Ana queen. Moira bad. Widow in every game…

I have not seen a console player switch to PC and switch heroes save one- tensa

Yeah but not in output. Aim on console won’t translate to PC. But neither PC to console.

I played PC my whole life before overwatch. It’s not the same. But it doesn’t mean console is bad.

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If you think aiming on console is not statistically different to aiming in PC, I don’t know what to tell you. And this conversation is pointless. It’s like trying to claim the Earth is flat.

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