Symmetra in overwatch

If you think it’s fair to say a bird has worse travel than a fish when both travel fine and just have different means of it, I think there’s a bigger issue on your end

  1. Both travel in different mediums.
  2. Both live in different systems.
  3. Both have different mechanisms for travel.

I think your analogy went over nor is it applicable.

Thus why aim mechanics are diff for the platforms.

No one on PC is playing with console or vice versa

Controller vs mouse


Actually plenty of people are playing with mouse and keyboard on console. Most high-elo players have been complaining about it for years and claiming it’s cheating. But generally yes.


You are only proving my points so?

I agree. But to say that she was wholly independent with the mechanics unfairly given to her kit is pretty off imo.
I like her old kit better too. And brig, and sombra are my next two faves also. Preemptive zoning and forethought is what I enjoy. Resource management and mental plays.

However, the issues that give 3 problems existed in 2 more clearly and explicit. You had limited options to quickly eliminate enemies and in this game, that is a very important aspect for damage dealing.
This is the only thing 3 improved on imo.

current sym is most powerful sym.

people just mad (somewhat justifiable) that they took the autolock crutch away.

The point is … You just said my analogy was wrong…and then agreed?

It’s the same. A bird isn’t worse than a fish or vice versa. It’s wholly different.
Aim isn’t worse on console. It’s wholly different.

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It’s a cute theory, but as far as I’m aware there’s no actual evidence to back it up. So like, it’s irrelevant.

Yes. By far, that was Sym2 worst aspect. But I disagree it was improved that much.

Sym2 gun was pretty much non-existent until you could get it to level 3, and the orbs were unreliable outside of zoning. At the time, I was perfectly fine with that because I always seen Sym2 as a support mainly. So just like I don’t mind Moira having abysmal DPS, or Lúcio gun being stupidly hard to steady aim. While it was weak, because of how good the rest of her kit was, I considered that part of the balance behind her. I always considered the beam to be a last resort option, like when Mercy pull out her pistol. You do so when an enemy makes a mistake, or when there is no ally to help you nearby.

Sym3, however, is a DPS. She is categorized as a DPS, and Blizzard said they wanted to make her more of a threat than a support. On this regard, she needs to fight for the utility DPS niche with Sombra and Mei. Both also have a much easier time when the team play around them, but are independent enough to still do stuff on their own.

Her beam is still pathetically weak until it ramps-up. This means she can’t turn into a low health target to finish them off if she don’t have a pre-charged beam. Going with heroes with sustained damage, Soldier is on the lower side for DPS, and he deals 140 DPS with bodyshots. Symmetra beam starting at 65 is too low.

IMO, the beam should make the ramp-up being mostly a legacy mechanic, and make her levels more close. Instead of double-triple damage, make a small ramp-up. Something like 130-155-195, which don’t change the current tier 3 damage, but make level 1-2 more reliable, and an obvious better choice for short range combat instead of the orbs.

Your analogy is wrong in the context of what I’m saying.

Obviously. Hence why balance on consoles is completely different. Hence why Sym on consoles is different.

Are you even reading what I’m writing?

And yet she is still objectively a throw-pick, an unviable hero. No one is arguing 3.0 is better in some regards than 2.0 or 1.0.

She is still an F-tier hero in the context of the game, the worst DPS in the game and overall the worst hero in the game.

Show me where.

feels… wrong… given the original post.

her DPS is actually much higher than most.
but also show me where/why she is bad outside of your bubble.

That’s fair

I’m saying, no. The balance isn’t different not the heroes to a large extent. Different travel approaches makes a fish reach a city from below and a bird up high but it’s still traveling to a city.
Symm isn’t significantly different on console because everyone is playing the same game with the same mechanics on the platform with the same numbers.
Widow still shoot. Moira still beam. That isn’t different.


Yes, with shield generator, you didn’t really need to remind your team every time, you just put it where it’s useful. Same with old teleport - hard to miss big glowing entrance at spawn room.

Her dps is higher, skin to widow. Yet widow is more viable.
Her issue stems from:
The fact that her mechanics are unreliable, unfair and that any hero in any context is better than her save her only unique mechanic of tp, which requires her allies’ consent for use which means that it’s still worse than other heroes in terms of “utility ability use”

Anywhere above Gold really. Picking Symmetra is an absolute throw-pick. Not to mention it gets you reported very fast.

The rework is a fail. It was supposed to make her viable and more mainstream. It fails in both regards.

Feel free to check Overbuff. All the info is there and you can make quite an easy comparison.

Her pick-rate is down (it was incredibly bad already) and her win-rate is down with more than 10%. If that’s not a failed rework I don’t know what is. That’s not my personal bubble, those are facts.

I’m sorry but that’s just absolute nonsense.

We just confirmed it is because people on PC aim significantly more accurate than people on consoles.

Balance on PC and console is different. This is honestly the last time I’m replying to you. I’m explaining such obvious things that are so obviously self-evident that it’s just face-palm worthy.

Good. At least we agree on the really important part. And this is fundamentally what really matters.

It’s just flat not. That’s a fact. Idk where you even think you have a place to stand, nor do I see why you wouldn’t think my reasoning would be inherently wrong in my agreement with you, if we are talking about 2 different modes of the game . I agree with you because as far as I am concerned, I play the same game on console.
But from your view, it wouldn’t matter because I play a wholly different game. My opinion would be irrelevant

picking widow as the comparison? oh that’s already an argument lost. ouch.

her mechanics are reliable.
they do what they say they do, nothing more nothing less.

Detail why. Or don’t reply

Unreliable in the heat of battle
Cooldowns, set up time and ramp up time is tied to every aspect of her kit. It’s unreliable for the new version of the game because none of these mechanics work when the goal is to be universally viable

Anecdotal is not a source.

source and citation required.

her winrate dumpsters every non-torb

dps, thanks for the source.
shes 2nd highest at 55.5%.

and yet still 2nd highest. odd, right?

Currently Widowmaker is one of the best DPS heroes, so if they have comparable damage output, Symmetra is supposed to be close to the top.