The orbs piercing was only niche useful against pirate ship comps. Even then the dps was so low that it was essentially feeding. Any other comp and those orbs were based entirely on if the enemy failed to notice the slow moving projectile or not.
Having them pierce still with the new movement speed and charge rate would be broken as all get out so it had to go.
At the lower end of her damage she is terrible against anything outside of barriers with her left click. That is why you use barriers and tanks to build it to its full potential. At full potential its tick rate is a none issue.
Note that before this highlight started I had already charged the beam off the enemy rein, killed him, and then killed doomfist who was then rez’d at the start of this vid. Her full charge beam is deadly and can be fully charged fairly easily provided you have slower moving tanks and/or barrier’s to place it on.
The aiming requirements for the new beam are fine as far its hitbox are concerned. Upping the damage but leaving her auto lock or even a semblance of said lock would make her broken as a DPS oriented hero. The reason it was okay before was due to how low the damage potential was at the time. The reason Moira is okay is due to the low damage it does.
It only takes four seconds in total to charge it. I think the overall charge requirement is fine. However, the way it increments could be changed to allow for more benefit to those with less aim.
Here is something I proposed in another thread.
Let me know what you think of this idea.
Her shield gen and old photon barrier have no place in her kit now. Reason being her survival rate is higher by way of extended range. Her primary no longer requires her to engage at armpit range which means she is out of range of most of the CQC cast. Old Sym had to fight EVERYONE at their range. New sym does not.
Old Photon barrier only helped in single ranged instances or in situations where burst ults from particular stationary directions. CQC held little to no value. The only time in CQC it may have helped is when enemies foolishly backpedaled instead of walking through it.
I say her survival is much greater now then it was before due to these factors alone.
I would rather they fix the deployment bugs that both TP and Shadowstep have. Making it easier to place would go a long way to making it better as a reactive ability. Decreasing the deployment time as well would be better.
I think an infinite teleporter (destructible or otherwise) would be to powerful and encourage a less proactive playstyle from Sym. Something that previous Sym suffered from a lot and part of the reason she was so terrible before.
I believe a health boost is not needed as she has the ability to play close to her team in a much more meaningful way then before. Allowing for her to use cover more effectively to regen shields as is.
Base damage won’t change much as it only means a slightly higher TTK. Check the suggestion I already pasted. i think you may like it more.
Unlike many I feel that her cooldown’s for her turrets are appropriate. Poor placement is punished while smart placement is not. If your turrets are well utilized you will often have all three back off cooldown before you need them. If you place them in small clusters or at bad angles you are punished for poor play.
Reducing this punishment would encourage a somewhat higher level of spam and less care in her use of turrets.