Symmetra has been a tremendous failure

She went from easy to use, and sometimes effective, to hard to use and almost never effective. How does that work?
Her kit is incredibly hard now, with only her right click having some impact.


The game needed more high skill heroes, and we got her. This is a good thing.

And she still may not be good, but her pickrates at all levels of play went up. So she definitely got buffed, albeit by not that much,


As someone who plays with a 3.0 Sym main I disagree entirely. New sym enables so much more then sym 2.0 could ever.


Other than the beam’s crappy tickrate causing it to do less damage than just breathing on someone, the rest of the re-work was done fine I think.


No one asked for Symmetra to become a high skill floor, high skill ceiling character.


2.0’s kit was way better than 3.0’s. Sym 2.0 was actually able to be off on her own and was able to defend herself in fights. Now, 3.0 does crappy damage and can only flee from fights.


Her kit was always spread thin, and the rework seemed only necessary to make other parts of her kit stronger.

Her orbs travel faster and do relevant damage now – that in itself is a good thing.

Can’t say it’s enough to warrant playing her over anyone else in the roster though. Especially with Pharah getting an attack speed buff.

Ive played through Sym 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0 and I love 3.0 because shes no longer too situational than before and a bit more flexible.

Shes better than before but she just needs some tweaks to become balanced.


She needs a way bigger range on her primary fire, her teleport to deploy instantly and maybe a lower cooldown on the turrets


You do not speak for everyone.

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Range isn’t going to help her at all, her damage will still be terrible and she will still lose charges extremely fast. I barely have anyone use my teleporter so I really don’t care about that and she’s always needed a faster turret cooldown.


I’m pretty sure I’m in the majority of people who played her. She is DPS but can’t do her job. She needs buffs. She was supposed to counter Brigitte, but her rework essentially flipped that. (Symmetra now must come in incredibly close to an enemy that has selfhealing and a shield, while first she could lock on.
My main gripe is the insane cooldown time on her turrets. They are weak, and only effective if used with 3 at once. But they have a cooldown total of 30 seconds (every turret 10 seconds).
Torbjorn has less cooldown for his turret STANDARD. How is that in any way balanced?


How is it a failure? She became less niche and more versatile? Old Symm only had utility on first point 2CP. New symm can be used really anywhere except for certain KOTH and Hybrid maps.

Part of the issue I think is that in a solo queue space many people don’t utulize their sym teammates to her full potential.

One of our placement matches my friend locked Sym on Attack Anubis. Our teammates were worried until I told our Rein to stand in the choke and let Sym place her Teleporter on to the platform. We then all went in took first point on first try and then proceeded to take b immediately afterwards by using her teleporter to move from the far right onto the pillar just above the point. Which allowed us to drop onto the enemy team and kill them before they knew we were there.

We took Anubis attack in less then 3 minutes. All because our low mobility comp was so fast due to Sym. Our Rein was shocked and said this was one of the most organized and coordinated strikes he has ever seen.

Similar stuff happens in quickplay where I will play Sym and call out to people the plan and we follow it to the letter. It more often then not works due to just how unexpected it is.

Hanamura, Eichenwalde, Gibraltar, Numbani and all sorts of maps have amazing ways to take ground at different angles then most players anticipate. Sym enables a team so well . I love it.


current sym is amazing she just needs tweaks her tp either needs a faster setup or infinite duration till destroyed because it don’t set up quick enough for a quick escape and it don’t last long enough for me to have an escape ready when im dived on, either would work.
Her primary fire is way way way to weak im not against the charge up levels but they should feel like a bonus not the main event she should do respectable damage right off the bat change her primary to 120-150-180 if i’m that close to the enemy with a squishy char like sym and no get out of jail free card i should have good damage right away
Change her turret CD to 8 seconds with proper management you should always have 2 turrets ready or 3 if ur smart with ur placements but they are so core to syms fighting ability now she has to constantly re position her turrets their CD should reflect that

I’ve found the exact opposite to be true. Sym can hold at 12m’s, can place turrets out of Brigs reach, and can burn her shield quite well and if burst is needed can also right click her at longer ranges.


This post is a failure lol


As someone who had 20 hours on Sym 1.0 and 2.0 combined,I can say that I really like new Sym. Sure she could use some tweaks like reduced turret CD and a shorter time to charge up her beam,but oh well

New Symmetra is way stronger than old Symmetra if you play as a team.

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Not true. When Brig came out, and prior to 3.0’s PTR release, Sym had a surge of popularity because Brig and Sym 2.0 was actually a good combo. Sym 2.0 post-Brig had a higher pick rate at almost all levels than Sym 3.0 has had even at her peak.

More importantly however, Sym 2.0 always had a far higher win rate than Sym 3.0 has had in all but the rarest of hands.

Are there people who play her more now than before? Yes. Are there people who win with her more now than before? Again, yes.

But is that true for everyone or even most people? No.

Were there people who played her more before than now? Big time yes. Were there people who won with her more before than now? Again, big time yes.