Symmetra 3.0 Primary fire

So you think Symmetra approaches for free? You realize distance is an advantage, right? Not to mention Storm Arrow is hardly the pinnacle of aim and angles.


My god. Missing the point again. I am NOT stating that she is OP. I am stating that if you allowed her to melt targets at 180 per second just by shooting center mass she WOULD be.

You are once again focusing on the gameplay and not the point I am making. That her weapon has HUGE potential for damage and that damage needs a requirement just like every other dps.

The requirement is being within 12m on a 200hp hero with a severely delayed mobility skill.


She still wouldn’t be OP. She would be “balanced” according to the scales for DPS, being in a DPS slot, with no survivability at all. She’s a glass cannon and should appropriately be able to do her job. She would still die just as easily, and her range would still be the same. She would just be able to do damage when you dare to get too close to her. Wouldn’t be OP at all, just balanced for her position in the game. You’d have to play differently against her, not just run up on her because she’s zero threat.

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You realize you are arguing that she should get 180dps for meeting one of the EASIEST requirements in all of Overwatch right? By simply closing to 12m’s.

Aiming hanzo arrows and widowmaker shots are much harder then tracking a constant beam on someone at 12m’s.

for a sniper it is of course their ideal range. But range has diminishing returns. The further you are from your target the harder it is to HIT your target as well. So it can also be a distinct disadvantage too.

And what exactly is Soldier 76’s requirements? Or Reaper’s requirements? Are they less effective at 12m?

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This was before the +2 meters. Watch how quickly that mercy disintegrates.

General Accuracy? Check
Headshots? Check.
Optimal Range, Check.

What you want for sym:

Optimal Range.
General Accuracy.

Does Soldier 76 need the headshots, though? To compete with Symmetra’s damage.

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180 damage for perfect dps with Sym on constaint sustain fire.

171 damage for perfect dps with soldier (no headshots) with perfect sustained fire.

Add in the additional damage sources she has and yes. In practice Soldier would need to get headshots to keep up with her.

I mean compared to her current state. She doesn’t start with 180 damage. In fact, 180 damage to start would put her within 5% of Soldier’s damage. That’s hardly what I consider overpowered.

“SHe’s overpowered because she does 9 more damage than SOldier 76!” is not very convincing.


True, if Symmetra were a hero entirely centered solely around dps you would be right. You would also be right if her Primary or even infact just her weapon in general were her only source of damage though.

In the context of Sym currently having her kit the way it is with utility being a major focus while also adding decent damage to the teamfight don’t you find it funny that on average Soldier only out strips Sym by roughly 2k per match in comp? Which is easily accounted for by the fact that he has an offensive ultimate with somewhat better range where as she has a defensive one.

Now imagine this small gap created by different roles and abilities being brought even closer together.

  • Additional damage sources provided by her turrets.
  • CC capabilties
  • Higher utility for her team in the form of a teleporter
  • High defensive capabilities for her team.

She already has many things. If we were to make her primary equally as powerful as hero’s whose kits are CENTERED ENTIRELY AROUND damage while also having a LOWER REQUIREMENT for said damage then we would have to remove most if not all of her utility and/or her turrets to balance her.

As far as I can tell her damage is in line with her other abilities when you account for how much she offers besides damage.

Soldiers damage is in line with his abilities when you account for how little he offers BESIDES damage.

IMO: Symmetra’s 3 stage weapon should be changed to be 2 stage, 100dps on first level charge, 180dps on 2nd level charge, and take 3 seconds to go from 100 to 180.

It’s completely ridiculous that even with godlike aim, you’re still being penalized as if you had a lock on beam.


dont give her 180 dps off the start , instead have her old faster ramp up time

Why do you account for Symmetra’s Turrets like she’s the only hero in the game that has other abilities? Soldier 76 has bionade, which is extremely useful to heal up not only himself but also teammates as well, very quickly. Every hero in the game has some sort of escape ability, short of Symmetra and Torbjorn. The teleporter can be used for escaping IF you have it setup prior to when you actually need it. It’s deployment time is way too slow to just use it on the spot when you need it and expect to still be alive when it’s ready to go.

Every character in the game serves some purpose other than that of “just pure DPS” Symmetra is not unique in this regard, and stop pretending like she is.

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lol, The utility Reaper provides is great. Bastion too. Oh don’t forget Tracer.

They just need to buff Symm in some way… instead she will be ignored for another year and then it’s time for symm 4.0 cause 3 times isn’t enough I guess…

They can change the charge from 2sec-2sec into 1sec-2sec , see how that plays out. Not enough? make it 1sec-1sec again… it’s not that hard… And it doesn’t need to take years…

I used to main Sym, but after all these changes, i had to throw her in the rubbish heap. I wept that day, but she’s broken now. They took something that was perfectly fine and beat it to death with the nerf bat.

Soldier 76’s healing isn’t even as useful as Symmetra’s turrets, and Symmetra still has her Teleporter and giant barrier ultimate. She has solid damage for a Hero with that much utility, but by no means should she have comparable damage output to Tracer, Reaper, Doomfist, etc. who bring nothing but damage. That’s crazy.

Level 3 beam just needs to pierce shields or recharge her shields