Symmetra 3.0 Primary fire

Yes. helix rockets and headshots are viable sources of DPS to be accounted for. Sentries are not.

Why are you pretending headshots don’t matter?

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Have it your way. So why should Symm’s primary be as strong as Torb landing pointblank meatshots?

Lol it still wouldn’t even be close. Symmetra has to be fairly close still to use the primary attack, it’s not like she can just attack from a safe distance away. Also that DPS wouldn’t be overwhelming at all so I don’t understand where you’re coming from.

Because Symmetra has to land point blank meat shots? “Why should Symmetra do as much damage as other damage heroes who aren’t even any good?” is a weird question.

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Can you not read? I showed you a graph that tells you Torb’s shotgun dps is around 180 (less in fact, because the chart factors in his turret), and that’s at point blank. With a mag size of 6
I could name literally 25 other examples that 180 dps would trump, take your pick

This is the potential locked behind the full charged beam. Armor may reduce it. However, that armor reduction is a none existent issue. Also shows how easy it is to maintain tracking.

In case this one is not enough…

Her fully charged beam is POWERFUL and easy enough to track with.

Having it at full charge all the time would be truly broken.

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Torb’s alt fire does a lot more than 180 dps if hit up close. That’s fact, because I play Torbjorn a lot, and up close I oneshot people all the time. Who all have more than 200 hp.

Oh no, Sym got a double kill. It’s not like anyone else has ever done that before…


Both of your examples of “how OP symetra is” are terrible examples. They’re literally a DPS character who’s being completely ignored, and allowed to DPS to her heart’s content. Also, her kills were less than 50% of contribution toward the kill?

Your videos don’t show OP at all, just bad gameplay.


Its not a demonstration of a team wipe. Its a demonstration of just how quickly she can melt someone. Watch the Mercy in the first clip and the McCree in the second. She contributes a TON of damage to both in a very small window.

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What? She doesn’t, that’s the point. She can be up to 12m away, and the beam is wide, pinpoint and hitscan, with a high uptime.
Why am I arguing about this, jesus

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Any other DPS in the game could have done the exact same thing she just did in your videos, if not even faster, had they been just as ignored as your Symmetra is.

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Missing the point entirely. This is not about the gameplay but the actual potential of her fully charged beam. This shows that it is indeed VERY powerful. To the point that if she were allowed to have it all the time it WOULD be broken.

After she charges up.

Widow and Hanzo do the same thing out the box without someone feeding them charge.


This is where you lost my interest. Not sure if you just think you’re funny or what.
I would love a buff on Sym. You’re clearly not the person that should decide what it is.

Entirely wrong here considering the requirements.

First clip. Mercy is at full health and casting a rez. McCree would have needed at least one headshot to do what Sym does. Which means he has requirements to meet as well to do that damage.

Reaper would have had an even worse time due to the range requirements AND accuracy requirements.

Sym without ANY requirements besides shooting center mass would be to powerful.

You tell me. Other DPS units do more damage at a distance without needing 4 seconds to charge up on a barrier.

Soldier 76 is at 170dps. He just needs 1 head shot to do better than Symmetra at a much safer distance.

Hey look, other DPS’s have vidoes on youtube too of doing great for moments. I guess they should all be nerfed so this never happens again, eh? According to your logic.

I just googled “moira owns” and “soldier 76 owns” and go ahead try it yourself. Your argument because an entire team ignored symmetra and allowed you to kill them, does NOT make her OP, it means that you play in Bronze.


With the requirements of precision aim and proper angles. Your advocating that sym have ZERO requirements to do what widow and hanzo does…