makes her a much more fun character to play now, than in her previous iterations. However, due to it no longer locking on, the charge-up associated with that needs to go away, and then simply, her primary fire will be good to use, and believe it or not, balanced. At full charge it’s not devastating at all because it still requires great aim to maintain it’s DPS and it’s affected by armor so much. All of that is fine, as long as the charge up goes away.
The ramp-up damage needs to be gone. Then Symmetra will be good.
… are you saying you want her primary to have 180 DPS right out the gate?
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Sure. Can you maintain a 100% accuracy? Cause your stance on this is old and beaten.
What do you mean by that?
What is there to explain about a thick 180 dps beam being OP as absolute F?
No, but I also know that most heroes who have that level of DPS potential… it’s either basically all they do (Reaper) or locked behind a charge up mechanic (Zarya) or need their ult (Pharah/Orisa).
I do think that her Primary needs something… I’m just not sure that’s quite what it needs.
I played the new Sym for the first time yesterday, and it was not hard to track at all my friend. I can say that I can track with about 80% accuracy depending on the hero. Tracer and Genji are a little harder cause theyre fast and small, but if were out in the open, I’m not gonna miss.
I main Zarya as my off tank, and tracking is pretty dang easy. Just don’t have the aim of a potato player.
It wouldn’t be OP at all. have you played symmetra? Even at full charge, you never actually see 180 DPS because either you hit most of the time against big targets like tanks which the dmg is mitigated by at least 50% by armor etc, or you’re trying to hit small targets and your accuracy is much lower. Also compare: What is Soldier 76’s DPS with 100% accuracy? Headshots, and Felix Rockets? Go down the roster and see whats “OP” to you.
Someone postd all this before, Reaper’s something like 760 DPS. is he OP?
Also, calm down. Even if you do manage 100% accuracy, 180 DPS is really not all that impressive. It’s not at all.
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280 DPS before headshots for Reaper. And no he’s not OP, but like I said… all he’s got is very high but ridiculously close range DPS going for him.
Symmetra also has her orbs and teleporter and turrets and that giant shield wall.
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You forget to mention that Reaper has abilities too? Not to mention his ultimate which can easily team wipe?
Every DPS in the game has useful abilities, but symmetra has a wall that you can just easily walk through, or wait out and you’re calling her ultimate OP now?
Once the beam is thick, yes, I can keep a fairly high accuracy even on non-tanks. Mostly of course, the beam is thin and harder to use, but that’s not what you’re asking for.
Other weapons with that kind of damage have spread/falloff/travel time. You could argue that Symm has the hard range limit…I don’t think it’d matter much
180 dps is absurdly broken on her, especially with tanks.
being experienced with zarya surely helps.
my aiming with the beam is also not that bad.
Shadow Step is the best contender for the title of “worst ability in the game”. Shadow Step, Wraith Form, and his passive are all either self only mobility or self only sustain.
Neither of which actually helps if you can’t accomplish things after you get where your going or with that extra time the self sustain gives you.
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Yes it is. 180 damage is almost as much as a fully charged Zarya. You could kill a squishy in less than 2 seconds. I will make you a video of how easy it is, if you want me to.
Bastion: DPS: over 9000
Soldier 76 DPS (including headshots and helix rockets): Way more than symmetra AND range not an issue.
Reaper DPS (including headshot capability): Way more than Symmetra.
Sombra DPS: No freaking clue, but who cares about Sombra tbh.
Tracer DPS: Way more damage per second, even if she has to reload every second.
Widow DPS: It just takes 1 shot. You can miss 9 times, you just need 1 to land.
hanzo DPS: Clearly underpowered.
Genji DPS: Report every Genji you see for throwing games, obviously.
Torbjorn dps: Torbjorn can oneshot people up close or kill tanks in just one clip of ammo with his alt fire.
You’re seriously trying to say that symmetra would be OP? Play her some. Use the primary fire.
It is really frustrating to be struggling to kill someone and have them get sucked down to 1 bar only for it to just never be enough. I feel like the only time I kill anyone with Symmetra anymore is if they’re absolutely ignoring me and focusing on someone else, or I manage to hit them with a drifting orb which let’s be honest is less than a reliable form of damage.
I’m not sure it needs to do 180 dps right out of the gate, I’d be happy with her if it did the mid-level of damage consistently. At least then I wouldn’t be waiting a million years to be able to output any DPS by charging it. At the moment the only time I use her primary fire is when the enemy symmetra has put her wall up and I can charge the beam on it and hit her team at the same time, which almost always ends up in me dying because when you’re in close quarters combat playing Symmetra 3.0, ya dead!
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This is from a good few patches ago, but good for ballpark figures (in fact most heroes are still the same)
What you are asking for is more than Junkrat’s DPS (without reloads), on a thick, hitscan beam with a giant magazine, and that’s BEFORE her turrets+120 damage opening orb
You’re factoring symmetra’s 3 turrets now into her damage? Those turrets are all destroyed instantly once any team fight is engaged unless you’re playing in bronze.
In melee range with a 200hp hero with no barriers or escape skills outside of a teleporter that takes a few seconds to deploy.
And if you’re going to include Sym’s turrets, you’ll need to include Junkrats 120 instant damage mines on an 8 second cooldown. How much damage do you think a single turret does in its lifetime? A turret has to be alive and shooting for 2.5 seconds to equal one mine.
Hey you were the one factoring in helix rockets and headshots.
I can leave them out and still make the same point. Only 2 heroes have more than 180 dps on that chart