Symm’s Lock-On- Why Exactly Do we Prefer 3.0?

One mistake you’ve made is that sym is still considered cancer. She’s just less cancer because she has less turrets and no autolock but everywhere in ow her turrets even in current state gets her called cancerous. Playing against her and torb makes people frustrated specifically because of turrets. Just when they compare to 6 autolock turrets and autolock sym, they think it’s less frustrating. That’s the only difference

Cool. Luckily I said nothing about that. :+1:t5:

So it’s perspective then.
Because if we removed turrets, and gave that dmg to her beam, it’s be ridiculously op. Paper symm is op. But how people see it is what defines her as “fine/fun” to play against.

I guess then, would it change if they treated her like other utility for kill feed?
If people saw how often syn turrets helped kill them ,would turrets become a subject for hate?

Bastion is objectively a weak hero but people still hate fighting against him even though he does need to aim and track. Same way when sym takes control of a choke for example it becomes frustrating for them. They still hate the turrets, they just hate them less than 2.0. Kinda same when you can’t turn to attack the enemy if torb put a turret behind you. It forces a different gameplay and to outthink the enemy.

On paper sym is capable of outputting 340 dps but in reality that requires all 3 turrets to lock onto the same target and sym to have a lvl 3 beam which only happens once in a blue moon and usually involves her ulting and then tping 3 turrets behind shield and them not getting destroyed or her not dying dying as she builds charge. She is strong on paper but is tragically inconsistent in reality.

You are seriously underestimating Sym.

On paper she is strong, but the consistent gameplay comes from the player. I constantly get over 7k damage per round or even more, because I play consistently with her. I dont engage in situations I know I wont win. A bad Sym player will always say that she is either 1. UP or 2. not consistent, which 3.0 mains( the ones who adapted, there are still many whiners)know that this is just not true.

Not saying that she is the best in killing everything like Winston or Pharah, but people seriously make Sym look MUCH worse than she actually is.

Autolock beam gave her advantage to flank enemies without turret support. Auto lock beam was pretty much last resort when all fails or if you want to get your ult up faster. Symmetra from start to 2.0 was all about being aggressive while controlling the battleground with your utilities. You either flank to setup a teleport flank or you charge with your allies while leaving turrets behind to take care of pests like Tracer and Genji.

Overall I don’t think many prefer 3.0, but mostly just deal with it. It’s not a fun rework because you’re mostly sitting in the back until someone calls for a taxi. Sure there’s the teleport thing, but that still doesn’t grant her survivability on a large scale. As of right now turrets and right click are her main dps source where as 2.0 was all source.

Heck make it Symmetra younger sister or if they were really good developers they’ll finally implement auto lock for Symmetra and then she’ll be more of a capable dps than always staying in the back line. That has always been Symmetra’s case. The only hero that needed little tweaking to become viable. She wouldn’t be below average and the developers would finally see positive results than always listening to those who are afraid of the beam to comeback.

You know why those players always say they prefer 3.0? They were defeated by auto lock so when it got removed. They made sure to make every positive thread so it wouldn’t come back, but guess what. The truth always prevail that auto lock was always significant with Symmetra because it secure kills as it should at close range because she was mainly a close range hero, but without any sort of survivability. I know Symmetra from tooth and nail.

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Sym isn’t “fine”. She is trash tier atm and one of the least played character.

Why ?

  • She’s a closed ranged hero with no survivability (only 200hp) and no quick escape.
  • Her lvl1 beam is a joke, and requires a good aim to do some damage.
  • Her kit is often too long to be in place during fast fights : The turrets have to be used in a corner or they get shot mid-flight, and the teleporter almost never see plays except to put all turrets at once in the middle of field. But you can’t use it to escape since you’ll be dead before it gets activated.
  • And she has a lot of hard-counter which are played in the meta (Winston, Roadhog, McCree, Widowmaker, also Pharah or Reaper but we see less of them).

I don’t think Symmetra is currently fine at all. Almost every other dps (i don’t count Sombra who is in a worst spot as well) will do better than her in every game.

She needs some adjusments, whether it’s the delay of activation of her kit or some change to her primary beam. Or an actual useful Ult …

At the same time as all 3 turrets lock on to one target that she is shooting. Stop misquoting me


I didnt misquote you at all lmao. I was talking about her gun charging up. It is not taking that long to charge up.
I would say tho, her turrets should attack the target Sym attacks. Kinda like Torb’s turret and his shooting targets.

You were. That was specifically in the context of all 3 turrets locking onto one target and her engaging with a lvl 3 beam the same target . Either learn to process what you read or get off my notifications. Thank you

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You did misquote him. You said he’s selling Symm short by saying that 3 turrets + 3rd stage beam is a once in a blue moon thing, and you cut his statement to just the beam.


Oh please, we had one discussion and you get angry again? And I did misread your words, but I still stand by what I said. And it is not that uncommon to hit a tank with 3 turrets and your gun, It happens like 2 times a day. It is not that uncommon, but it also happens when they get caught in your web.

The guy is so triggered over sym that he named his account “DontFixSym” … people like this can’t be taken seriously with their bias opinion.

… I am legit shook. I would show you my hours on Sym but I dont want to show my hours on Mercy. I main her. I still remember 2.0. I played that one as well. I NEVER hated Symmetra. Didnt hate 2.0 as well since I knew how pathetic she was to play against. Also if you died to a Sym 2.0 there is no one else to blame outside you. She had a 7m range. And turrets that died easily.

Also are we really using names as attacks now? Are you really that pathetic? Names dont have ANY relevance to our arguments and points.
Why do you care that I named this account like this? You dont know sh!t about the story as to why I chose it. And I wont explain it because it is an inside joke and a jab to my friend(lol).

Meanwhile if I had another name “I would be taken seriously”? Oh please, nobody takes Sym mains seriously anymore as they tend to cry about 2.0 which was changed over a year ago. Get over it.

Please stop harassing people on my thread. I finally got the topic back to the subject of the thread and you’ve instigated a debate irrelevant to the topic I’ve clearly tried to lay out.
Her state, comparisons of power is irrelevant. I’m looking at a very narrow aspect of auto lock as a mechanic

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Yet it is totally ok if they say I am a troll just because I have this name? Why don’t you call them out because they have no idea what they have talking about me?

Because… I finally got the thread a way I wanted. Your choice to ignore it, and the previous threads also moderating it started it again.
Fixing symm or not isn’t the thread focus. If you stop, the thread would have likely died as I finally reached a point of content right before your initial comment.

It still doesnt answer my question. I didnt ask why you stopped replying. I asked why is it ok for them to call me a troll but if I do it back it is problematic? Ok I get, this is about lock on, and not Sym herself, and maybe I have misinterpreted some things. But again, we all know a lock on character would likely never come back, due to the past of others. Mercy and Moira are called “brainded” because they dont need to aim, Winston somehow passed lol, and Sym was called stupid and cancer. It also didnt help her state because not many things could be buffed in her kit because of the auto aim, as it would make her OP. There, got my answer. Still dont understand why it is ok to call people trolls based on their names.

Anyways, letting the thread die, as this discussion is pointless.

people that say this need the electric chair, lmao. if you bought OW thinking it would be a regular fps game, you were seriously misled.

Instigating a separation of the topic is all I care about. I’m not a forum moderator. I’m only asking that on my thread, we stick to the subject at hand. If you feel they broke ToS , then report them.

Symm is the only one with this mechanic for dmg in the history of overwatch.
So bringing it up is irrelevant

Also not relevant

Also not relevant

Not relevant

So can you do this on an appropriate thread?

They were attempting to point out overt bias. While a flawed approach, I still don’t want either in this thread

It was already heading there. And the thread already had a short detour the same as what you did. Please stick to the subject of the thread next time.

So is it just numbers? Torb has only one but, seems to be nearly equally hated?