Symm’s Lock-On- Why Exactly Do we Prefer 3.0?

It is relevant because if they add another character that requires less effort to aim, it will cause an uproar because they(the community) want all the characters to be hard and “have skill”.

I’m not asking this. The subject is where auto lock s location (hero or turret) plays to public opinion.

Then, it is generally hated by most people. They will never find Sym 2.0 fair to fight against something like Genji. They dont find t fair because they have to aim and you dont. Althouggh NOTHING about 2.0 was unfair and her lock on. Turrets usually get a pass because they are not as annoying the character, as they are stationary and do somewhat decent damage, but a few hits can take them down. However, they can force the enemy to turn around, which is pretty disruptive for them. They need to think in how to engage on a turret/hero.

My suggestion is: remove turret damage, make turrets ‘tag’ enemies, and make her M1 lock onto tagged targets.

Which is something I find odd. Why a preference for the mechanic on something that has no detriment to an actual hero?
Thus my comparison,

However, if it’s merely perception ( also mentioned in this thread) ,

I can’t really understand that. Why is it less frustrating to die to a turret you couldn’t hear over the bullets and voice lines, than a slow , no sustain hero?

It’s not, it’s just much harder to complain about an entirely immobile, 1HP buzzer killing you without looking like you belong in lead ranks.

Which I could understand why old turrets weren’t an issue, but why are the stronger, faster turrets that can deploy at range… Better to play against? Why didn’t people whine about that change when 3.0 launchrd?

Because the new turrets die out way faster.

this isn’t very true, Moira has smaller ttk on her beam than what sym used to have and you know that if you don’t kill her in 4 seconds you’re pretty much done for unless you have a way of healing of your own, those 4 seconds could be considered “forever” in the game but it’s just 4 seconds, on top of it Old sym was able to charge her weapon so that she was dealing twice as much damage than Moira currently does, just imagine that

Of course she didn’t have as much range or mobility but a drop amidst an enemy team meant death for a few unsuspecting ones, heck the number one player on console was a sym otp… let that sink in…