Symm’s Lock-On- Why Exactly Do we Prefer 3.0?


I’m only asking this once now in the OP since the thread has derailed so much:

Please, I am begging you to stick to the subject of the thread. I am talking about where auto lock is currently and the preference of hero vs turret ties. I am not advocating for or against auto-lock. I really just…. Don’t care. I think it’s fine. But also not 100% needed. I’m trying to look at the function of auto-lock to the game and where it stands for player preference here.

Auto-lock validity is not the subject of the thread… I am not asking if you hate all auto aims, or think more auto aim heroes should exist or what you think of symm herself. Just… one mechanic is my focus. Not the hero, nor their popularity, pick rates or whatever…

I have, plenty of issues with 3.0’s current beam. And I’m not against lock-on Mechanics and never had a problem with Old 1.0 or 2.0 symm primary. Auto-lock… wasn’t strong. At all.

Personally, I don’t die to symm very often. To begin with, she wasn’t pick very much. But I can’t ever say I consistently died to an enemy symm beam. Again, it was not strong.

It was the Mercy beam of Dmg. Moderate, but mostly just consistent. But unlike Soldier who offers consistent dmg, symm couldn’t really improve the beam on her own accord. So if you engaged with her, even bad aim stood a chance because it just, took forever.

What confuses me is that, For some reason…a bad gun, slow and limited range, on a hero that’s slow and low health, no mobility and no sustain is somehow…. Bad for the game?

Like, the argument I see often Against auto lock primary is often that it’s unbalanced or unfair or “unfun.” And I can’t understand why this is always the focus. She still has autolock turrets?? Like, if you’re against auto-lock at all, I can understand. Some people are. But being against just the primary alone??

Most people in the forums I’ve seen that defend her say at some point “her turrets are very good” as justification for a weak primary…


Shouldn’t Auto lock be incredibly risky and high cost to the hero? Why are stronger turrets somehow better than an auto lock weak primary? That is, on Symm herself, you know where she is, she has footsteps, and the Auto Lock is punishing to the hero. Her turrets provide a slow, provide map awareness, are fast to deploy, have limitless deploy range, and up to 180 health if she stacked her turrets’ timing.

That’s an on-demand, auto-lock, flying tracer that can also TP right behind you, or be spread out all around you.

How is that somehow less toxic for the function of Auto-Lock? Why wouldn’t you prefer to have the auto lock function be tied to the hero itself? And I ask this because, I still have toxicity from both teams when I’m on symm and Often will be the first one to be dived. And after the enemy uses all the resources and abilities on me, THE TURRETS ARE STILL ON POINT. No one kills the damn turrets, and we can hold.

Now for me as the symm player, whatever. Getting POTG and walking back to the point with my slow symm walk and TP 2 inches ahead is pretty hilarious. But it does make me question how it’s somehow less frustrating to play against auto lock, tiny turrets that do significant damage and significant slow, than a solo beam with less dmg done than the current turrets provide now to start.

Like, if her turrets did a mere 10 dps, and she had auto-lock in her primary, wouldn’t that be the better auto-lock function? Tying it to the hero themselves? Why is it that players prefer a turret tie-in to the auto-lock?

Like, what I’m saying is, why is it that we like having the “unfair” mechanic to have less inherent risk to the player? Would Mass Rez be okay If we gave it a 3 second cast time but now it’s tied to mercy’s staff , gave the staff 190 hp, and she can toss it out to rez? It’s fine now it has a cast time and is stationary. Mass Rez is fixed. Would scatter arrow be okay so long as it isn’t tied to hanzo for use at will? Hanzo now places a pre-emptive “trap” that shoots out a scattered arrow once an enemy passes. Possibly giving him 2 scatters at a time. Would that have been the best way to fix the mechanic?

Why is it, that having symm’s utility tied to the turrets and not symm herself, an okay thing?

because people cant live without it…

Can you explain? I don’t understand your meaning

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Honestly at this point, hoping the next hero will have Auto Lock Beam, Piecing Orb and Floating Summonable Barrier… could care less about everything else.

Just want those back.


people don’t want turrets losing any power … because that would destroy the personality of the hero.

I agree that the new Sym until charged is very weak. Maybe they could add another way to charge her weapon, like Zaria charges not only form her own bubble but the friendly bubble too.

About the turrets… they’re counterable to the maximum. 3 to shoot down, 1 shotted by many heroes, can be killed even before deployed, stationary - so you fall for them at best once, on a fair cooldown…

While Autolock Sym is just no skill, no plan run into enemy and press M1 to melt everything in front of you. There is a reason why She became a meme in that state.

Meanwhile every single time I get symmetra in MH it is absolute destruction…she’s so ridiculously good in that mode

Maybe to people who are new in the game, but honestly, if we bring her back to that point in the current game, she would absolutely be trash if played as a M1 braindead press w

Or you could just learn to aim and accept auto locks have no place in an fps game. Never have, never will.

people who refuse to practice, but magically believe they should go past bronze, or stand toe to toe with somebody yet not have to aim when their opponent does, is vastly overstating their abilities.

Either learn, or quit.

She probably would still do fine in lower ranks as before :man_shrugging:

I don’t really see how.nor really what I’m looking at. Symm 3.0 in the symm playbase is very split on opinion. Even those who don’t like the idea of 2.0 returning arent keen on autolock. But 3.0 lovers, and Non symm players however, seem more consistent in their preference for 3.0 turrets and I don’t understand why.

I don’t see how that’s different than turrets that do more dmg fast that auto lock symm, are more mobile than her, harder to hit midfight, and provide a slow function.
Maybe that’s it? I wonder if symm got “assists” in the kill feed, turrets would be much less preferred

… That’s cool?

She… Already was lol

… I already said that if you’re against auto lock, I get that. But why do turrets get a pass for people who don’t is what I’m asking.

She didn’t really. But that’s not my focus.

The same can be said for many heroes, take brig for instance. Against lower ranks she is probably busted (w+M1 no brain+ tanky+ self heal) and is she really good per se?

The turrets shouldn’t either, it’s basically been given a free pass. Should have damage removed and only the slow applied

Cool. Your opinion was both noted in the op, and my original reply.

I’m sorry but if you think sym 3.0 is in anyway at all like 2.0 you’re wrong. She’s good but drastically different

Fff this meltdown over a beam that did same damage at max charge as widows smg

Only one braindead was whoever died to it

R U kiddn now?

They’re stationary. I maining Ashe even if surprised by a “car wash” inside a room am able in most situations to shoot them all down before they melt me, while supercharged autolock Sym jumps all over my face, probably also gets pocketed by Mercy (turrets can’t be healed) if not fed with a bullet right in her face will melt me with the same effort she did by placing her turrets.

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No kid, the braindead one was always the idiot thinking they’re great using an autoaim beam.

Go learn to aim

A 200 hp squishy with no passives, self heal and a weapon with a ttk of 4 seconds and a 7 meter range killed you. You’re the only one that needs to learn to play

Sym never killed me with autolock, because i know how to play and aim. Does not change the fact syms needed to learn to aim and stop thinking they’re great when they aren’t.

now hush and sit down, learn to play or get lost, and get over yourself