Dumb statement - not all characters in OW need serious aim skill… and there is and will always be distinctions in outcome between good Sym players and weak ones. Leave your skill bias at the door please.
FWIW - now with her primary she takes at least as much aim skill as Zarya, maybe more technically… and the orbs while large, are slow, the prediction skill is actually substantial.
I agree that the wind-up is a counterweight for something that no longer exists and needs to be toned down or removed, but 120 peak dps is atrocious for a range restricted, non-headshot weapon on a squishy dps.
i love the sheer number of dumb auto-lock wanting sym babies, who refuse to learn how to play, how to aim, and instead want everyone to carry them, who got several posts they couldn’t handle removed.
your character is free ult charge and a walking trash can, is a fake hero and deserves deletion.
No “kid”, and no reason to be insulting. You are simply incorrect, your “truth” is easily refuted. Most effective Sym players use their primary and secondary and in fact must use them effectively past Gold… you thesis is just wrong in general. Winston doesn’t have to aim whatsoever, its about positioning… this exact argument is true with Sym with her old Auto-lock, its even more true now with her primary and secondary.
This is not a pure fps game but a hybrid, but apparently this was missed on you somehow but that explains a lot of your miscomprehensions.
Because symmetras max dps is split between her turrets and gun. Removal of turret dps of 150 would warrant a substantial raise in syms gun. She’d basically be able to one shot tanks at max charge. Its how she gets a high max dps potential but also a lot of handicaps with it to not make her a monster
How tho? Auto turrets being buffed Vs the hero. Even now, her dmg is not great and she herself isn’t great. How much does it warrant buffing her primary or buffing turrets so long as the hero itself doesn’t have the auto lock function?
Why isn’t auto lock inherently tied to the hero for the purpose of giving the auto aim high risk the same way mercy is almost immobile and bright when rezzing?
Turrets can also reach where she can’t, are “tanks” in how they take ‘all’ dmg and are three of them (like how 1 hp shield blocks Dva bomb, 1 turret tanks a hs from widow) , are faster than her, and spread out.
If symm llost her turrets but could to like tracer, it would be “mobile”
So turrets are immobile. Auto lock, in a way, is not.
first of all…they are not really “Faster” because they dont move, She does,
all turrets have no critbox yeah…but their not tanks in any way, Turrets can be one shotted by a single melee still for sym, torbs is technically the only one who acts like this,
But again none of this makes up for the fact that they are stationary and predicteable, if i know where you are i can very easily outplay you by corner peeking, or just coming from behind you,
the problem people have with the player autolock (this doenst mean i agree with it) is that its a player, not only they get the autoaim but they also can still do everything you can, so they feel like they are at a disadvantage
Primals are fine, no question, but we are talking primary/alt fire mainly. Sym actually probably aims (now) about as much if not more than WInston does, but I can understand your making the distinction.
Its a bit ridiculous that people still rant on Syms old primary when we have what at least 3 characters who don’t aim at all with their primary and hit multiple opponents with them even now… and all three are tanky. You could easily argue to throw Moira on the stack as well given how easy her “aiming” is with her primary and then damage orbs on top.
Again, I’m not looking at the turrets, but auto lock. Auto lock is tossable and reaches the point before symm can because turrets are fast. That’s point presence that comes from a distance.
They aren’t 'tanks" anymore than invulnerability in mercy. But it’s Def a utility you can have.
I don’t think it functions well, but it is
…hmm that’s something I didn’t consider tho.
The disconnect between what is “fair”
Because rn, I hate symm beam because…well it isn’t fair. But I’m surprised that they keep bugging it instead of reworking it. Currently, I feel like her DPS is actually paper ridiculous. And I’ve seen threads with comments on buffing it via taking some of the turret power to her gun which just… Jfc.
But if it’s just about feelings. That’s as equal of value as “mass Rez /scatter/Lucio is unfun”
Fun is just … Odd. And I’m often an outlier. So I can’t understand how it’s more unfun to play against a weak autolock gun…but I can emphasize with it
My only issue with any aimlock is simple.
Bronze players with bad aim can’t take the hero they want to learn, if they get rekt by other bronze, playing aimlock heroes.
Which makes them nearly mandatory must picks in low ranks.
Bc, how are you going to kill someone trying to hit them, while they have 100% accuracy?
And a reason aimlock shouldn’t be in pro play (bc you could outplay anyone and not even fail in your accuracy)
So imho aimlock by definition has to be trash at best. So low ranks also have a fair experience.
Turrets is a different story.
Stationary, low range, low dmg etc.