I can’t tell if OP is pro-lockon or anti-turret. Turrets have to lock on to function as a turret. The alternative is to control it manually and if that’s the case, you’d basically be playing as a stationary hero at that point. The devs were pretty clear on why they removed the lock-on; they wanted to increase the DPS potential but couldn’t justify combining it with lock-on. Personally, I think lock-on/low aim heroes can still have a place in the game provided they only provide a low, consistent DPS.
Having different forms of primary fires specifically is good for the game,they are harder to differenciate for sure, primary fires mostly consist on different types of shooting bullets, and i feel like while thsts ok we also need to break out of the mold, t
Really i couldnt care less if people find it unfun, fun is subjective, i find widow unfun and you dont see me campaigning for widow nerfs, for 1 person that finds it unfun, another 1 finds it fun
Or the “skilll” you percieve it takes, people have gotten so annoying with “muh skill” thst turned skill into a subjective matter, so i dont care either how braindead you think it is
But I’m asking why the current presence for enemies of symm players. Where does it make sense that dying to turret bombs is more fair than a single target beam? Why wasn’t there uproar over the turret dmg buff when 3.0 was launched if auto lock was the real issue?
Why is autolock heavy DPS justified on turrets? Doesn’t it make sense that such a strong ability should be tied to the hero themselves? I don’t think Rez would be more fair if it had a 5 second cast time but mercy had a projectile she sent out to do it from.a distance
…you brought it up tho too. Nor are you helping me moderate the focus of the thread…
So do you. It’s the internet.but your opinion was already acknowledged by me. And I’m trying to focus the thread to my subject, and you aren’t helping.
Probably because turrets are stationary and easy to kill
Meanwhile a bunny hopping symmetra isnt (although you can CC her unlike turrets, but seeing who we are dealing with, these people will keep w + m1 ning into sym and dying and saying she is OP)
Yes, pointing out whats already acknowledged by the absolute vast majority of the ow population. That dumb kid however, parrots off crap i’ve seen before from sym players, that somehow other players were outplayed with the sym player not having to aim, it’s not how logic works.
unfortunately for your topic, being what it is, you’ll find if it wasn’t me, it’d be somebody else doing the same. It’ll be very difficult to focus on what you want to talk about given the topic discussion, but good luck regardless
Like i said, even the fact that you think its a fact is your opinion
I respect yours; but just saying “ill put all dem kids who want autolock on their place” just makes you look seem toxic
Your derailing OPs thread with a pointless talk though
There are no real arguments in both sides to discuss, and thus no point…he cant prove how “braindead” or “skilless” sym is, or the fact that she is a “not real hero” nor can you the oposite, after all its all subjective, his opinion,
Honestly, do away with the charge and levels altogether, its a needlessly complex mechanic that doesn’t really add anything to the game. Make the beam equal to Zarya’s for length, flat 120 DPS.