Sym was never and should never be a Support

That’s her movement. The fact that your team mates can use it makes it huge potentially. Especially for deathballs. Her gun limits her usefulness though to short to medium ranges. Which is decent for an objective base game. If you are good at predicting you can land some hits long range, that’s not going to ever compete to someone like Widow for long range for example. But the teleporter also makes it easier for your team to bypass light of sight lines negating the usefulness of certain sight lines in maps.

there’s a big difference between “going for big changes for the sake of getting something different” vs “going for big changes where needed that actually targets and solves the problems at hand”. work smart > work hard. and the former simply isn’t going for working smart.

OW support means their goal is pretty much “keep allies alive” and when there’s a significant amount of them already having really spammable heal methods, new supports will need that be viable/able to compete. but does this, changing a hero’s gameplay goal that ultimately drastically flips their gameplay upside down, mean that all of sym’s historical uptime problems are going to be solved? no it doesn’t. it’s simply a tangent to the problem.

  • renumbering sym’s orbs around being faster moving projectiles

    • so they’re mathematically more aimable in midrange (i.e. having an actual midrange effective range) while keeping their lower-ish firerate but bursty nature
    • (why do they have a sniper-tier low firerate that encourages aim but when it comes to landing shots, aim matters much less than the target’s capability to react and dodge because of how lenient it is to do so from how slow the orb moves?)
  • making her tp better as self mobility by

    • cd starts on placement and pauses halfway until destruction

    • team has to wait the full 2s deployment to interact while sym can interact with tp sooner after placement

all of which actually targets solving her uptime problems without making her OP even in Pro land because pros only really use her for taxi tping (which is unchanged here and still have pretty much all the same costs; heck even discourages it because sym could use it for herself more ather than tam taxi) and team pocketting w+m1 (which is also untouched).


And Geoff Goodman once defended Sym’s categorisation as a Support

“Though Symmetra doesn’t heal her allies, she supports her team through increasing their max health, creating distracting turrets which slow the enemies movement, and using the teleporter to shorten the time it takes to run back after dying.”

Geoff is the lead hero designer, and he saw her as a support.

Stevo also saw her as a support.

But Stevo hates the idea of making her a support again. From what I’ve seen, most Sym one tricks want her to stay damage. These players have never played like a healer, so the adjustment would be huge for them.

But a lot of long-time Sym players are support mains and picked her up when she was categorised as a Support. So because of this, the jump from utility damage to utility support (with some healing) won’t be as scary.

I know but he saw her as a support back then.

People who say support sym is deleting a hero don’t realize she’s already been deleted in the past. Support Sym means bringing her back to where she belongs.

She definitely should be a Utility DPS Hero. But I think her old primary and secondary fires worked perfectly with her kit. Locks down an area, farms her ult, makes it difficult to attack. Her identity feels stripped from what it was…

Support Sym means re-arbitrarily categorizing her in a role she never fit. She’s been a damage hero for longer than she’s been a “support” hero btw

Symmetra wasn’t deleted. Her core is intact. She does what she used to do but with more skill expression and flexibility.


Please go to his stream which is live right now and tell him this or check his twitter. Then evaluate. I’ll be entertained.

Maybe you should just stop arguing :clown_face:

I’m on his stream and you cry because people don’t agree with you :clown_face:

You clown faced me because you have nothing to say. That’s expletive embarassing. No need to resort to that when I haven’t.

So you heard him literally just agree with everything I said then…

You called me a clown first.
Also he did say “Symmetra (2.0) is a support” in his bronze to gm streams.

As I pointed out before when Stevo talks about “support sym” I think he means “Revert back to Sym 2.0” which not the way to go obviously.

Also: Everything I do see on his Stream is him dying every 2 seconds.
Great gameplay. 10/10 hero.

He’s rank 123 right now using Sym only you’re not about to argue that he doesn’t do well on her. Objectively you can’t be serious.

Seems like you didn’t watch the Ilios and Gibraltar game.

I’m not saying he’s a bad player. I think he’s one of the most skilled player in OW because he manages to do well on Sym. He just plays a bad hero.

It would be a big rework but why wouldn’t it solve her issues?

I feel like everyone imagines sliders being pushed slightly when it comes to reworking heroes. If they change her abilities and her game flow then I imagine that is the best chance for her not to have those issues anymore compared to waiting for a buff.

I like Sym 3.0’s direction far more than the ones in the past (real “2 second teleporter” sym 3.0, not this slower Sym 3.4 *“I just need a barrier tank and a pocket and I’m good” version people clamored for) so I’d like them to fix her as she is first… but I also am in the mindset that the devs need to not be basic and actually make some strong reworks/decisions that fit their new game flow philosophy so if they gave her a full rework to fit Support, I would learn to vibe with it too.

A full rework means they don’t need to add 10 safety checks to all of her abilities because “herp, sentries are too OP, they are holding her back! It’s impossible to have auto aim turrets and a teleporter and be bAlAnCeD”.

I mean, Kinessa is a sniper in Paladins with two fast moving sentries who can beam a whole team from 30 feet away with low damage and a personal teleporter that activates instantly. Ying can beam enemies across the map with DPS level damage, teleport, create clones that heal and shatter them on enemies. New OW2 is sounding a lot more like Paladins so I really hope they stop being afraid of their own heroes and just make them fun again.

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Although full-support Sym seems like a novel concept to entertain, I think I would miss her DPS potential.

That being said, I really don’t care to back sym 3.0 stans. 3.0 is the single most jankiest, incohesive kit out of the entire hero pool. With most of its potential straight locked behind team compliance. Not to mention, ish is boring. Some of us girls are delusional as hell. Like, take a moment of silence and be honest.

I don’t feel straight buffs and number changes could salvage her. She really needs to be rethought, even as a dps.