Sym was never and should never be a Support


What if, its a crazy idea, but, hear me out. What if… the devs have a concept to make her a support and they go with it? Wacha gonna do? Cry?

Thing is a support sym would not have been that hard to make

-3 turrets healing 15hp/s each
-Old E back that gives shields but this time it’s a temporary 75 boost that starts decaying
-Ult is changed back to teleport and shield generator but this time instead of giving an extra 75 HP the shield generator only replaces 75 hp with shield HP and possibly places the recovery on a 1s delay.

In Heroes of the Storm we already have Bruisers as a class so it’s not a novel concept for a MOBA per se. I personally am enjoying the power shift to a Bruiser class in Overwatch balancing although my main Orisa seems harder to play than Rein or Sigma currently with her flimsy shields and immobile nature of play.

I’ve only played Symmetra 3.0 and I have to admit her kit is very versatile but also very weird to play. Her beams are for Barriers and Tanks. Her Orbs are for spamming, her Turrets are for fast moving or low health characters and her Teleport is for personal and team mobility. She’s a trickster DPS that kind of does a little of everything that always tilts the team fight situation into her and her team’s favour.

Rework wise I wonder if there’s a way to make Turrets and her abilities like a switch so she could switch between damage and slow so in her ‘damage mode’ she and her turrets output high damage while in slow mode herself and her turrets deal low damage but have a slow effect.

Except a rework with the goal of changing the gamplay goal of a hero from “zoning and damaging enemies” to “keep allies alive at anytime possible” simply isn’t targetting her problems and is simply going off on a tangent to it.

We can make orisa into a mercy clone to be viable but that’s not actually solving her problems now is it, it’s just deleting the hero.

And is sym a sniper?

Her damage legit isn’t as high as paladins’ dps and she struggles with viability there because of lack of utility. Not to mention all the viability problems the illusions had, half of which relied hard on loadout cards to fix (e.g. cd reduction cards; the cd problems are going to be worse in ow2 considering it’d have increased pace despite already being faster paced than paladins atm).

They said they’re aiming for it to be more fps and having less moba elements. One change for that includes reducing non-take cc and debuffs. I.e. it’s not going to be more like paladins aside from the number of players per team.

i swear i read this somewhere, but the way sym was supposed to be made was her turrets were supposed to heal and her orb was going to be a mix of both moira orbs.

(Someone in this thread might have a Doctorate in Overwatch and prove me wrong in 30 different ways.)

Not everything is “this or that”. If the devs are putting Symmetra on the chopping block and rebuilding her then that sounds like the perfect time to address the issues players had with her for years and build her better.

The person I responded to said that her slow kit was her problem (and I agree). I think this is a perfect time to fix that for whatever version of Symmetra we get.

Personally, I’m not going to sit here and be hypocritical and biased against any idea for Sym’s future whether that is damage or support – To me, Sym 1.0 was nice, Sym 2.0 was better, Sym 3.0 was the best before the nerfed avocado-foreverTP edition. I defend Sym 3.0 every chance I get but if the devs decide to switch gears, I’ll move forward and try to love that version too. All that matters to me is that she gets made right and that it feels like a well designed kit rather than something shoehorned in.

Whether that means changing her into a completely “different hero” or doing the plethora of fixes others and myself have requested for years to make her better at what she does now.

:joy: And does this add anything? The actual point that you omitted is that I want the devs to be less afraid of Symmetra and stop bottle necking every ability on her. Every single part of her kit comes with so many restrictions, it’s no wonder most players don’t like to use her. Everybody is afraid of some world where Symmetra is this oppressive hero that 1v6s the roster but with a little creativity, there are so many ways to make her kit feel both effective and a good fit for OW’s game flow.

Oh and…

If everything is being pushed into a more mobile, cc-less and brawly direction then maybe, just maybe, this would be a good time to address problems like that, ya?

I’ve been posting about those sym tweaks for years with no real dev response/insight and now I’m tired of the baby-tweaks. I want 3.0 buffs but if it comes down to it, I’m ready for the massive 202X roster rework. If the devs make it fun and keep the spirit of Overwatch intact then I’ll happily give it a shot :open_hands:t6:

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Sym was great as a support. The problem is that 99% of the player base sucked at her and correlate support with being their own personal healing butler.

The goal of playing the old Sym wasn’t to dive at people like you’re Reaper, thirsty to use her auto lock beam. If you simply stayed with the team, placed good turrets, and spammed slow-moving orbs, you would pull your weight. Plus she had the excellent moving shield and a ton of damage on top.

I still remember people raging when I got play of the game as Sym 1.0 and comp and had the gold weapon lol. Those were fun times.

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Slow in context of her job being to zone and damage the enemy… That’s why I brought up that counterexample of “making orisa into a mercy clone”. Like yes, devs can do about anything for a rework, but the point is, “reworking a dps into support” isn’t the same as “fixing a dps’s uptime problems”, they’re simply just different directions with very little intersection.

Well then why are you trying to compare a sniper to a character that isn’t one?

Except my point is that a support rework doesn’t actually put solutions to these dps uptime problems on the radar.

And imo I don’t think a rework (depends on one’s definition of a rework tho) absolutely necessary to solve those problems. If she does need a rework to solve her issues as a zoner and damage hero (i.e. maintaining the gameplay goal at least), so be it. Should they be more open minded about mechanics? Yes.

But all of that is beside the point I’m making:
a rework to change that gameplay goal from “zoning and damaging” to “24/7 available life support” is not something that’s targetting the problems and is simply just heading a different direction and deleting the hero.

It’s like as if your apartment had a hole in the ceiling (the problem) and instead of trying to fix it the building manager decided to demolish the building and make a commercial pool there instead. Like there’s no connection between the problem and those people are saying to do, and some other people are losing out inbetween.

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Comparing sentries and sharing a visual for how a faster, lower damage sentry could work if they went that route :slight_smile:

Sym’s sentries have a slow flight time, a high cooldown, an activation time, short range and they are easy to kill. I don’t know what direction the devs will go but if players aren’t pooling through chokes anymore then I feel like sentries (and “sym’s role”) will need some serious looking over.

A Sym with good mid-range capabilities (orbs), a functional teleporter and sentries that can be used midfight to tag/weaken/and reveal enemies sounds like a dream to me. Especially if they are moving away from players “locking down a zone”. Either way, she needs to get real power somewhere other than her beam.

Yeah, you’re right that it isn’t fixing the problems people had for years if they go in a different direction. Same for Tank Mei - you could make a totally fun hero if you remake her kit but then you lose the Mei we’ve had for years – some won’t like that.

A lot of people joked that OW2 was just a patch for the main game but I think the devs are treating it like a brand new release which means it is likely that a lot of core things could change due to what the devs want from this sandbox. If enemies are running around the map more often like in a normal arena shooter then “zoner Symmetra” may not be the direction they have in mind for her.

There are things already that I don’t like that are changing but I want to see the full scope of the changes first before shooting it all down because what’s important to me is how these heroes interact with the game as a whole and if the kits match their identity haha.

Support Sym always played like dps sym. She never healed anyone. Support sym was the first utility support and players wanted all supports to have healing. Sym was never about that. The dps role was better for her because players wanted a 222 system and she always played best as a third support or utility damage dealer.

I mean we can make McCree a support, and maybe even genji and Soldier76! Perhaps even Ashe can go support ;). Reaper too. 2 shotgun healing guns.

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FTH now heals teammates.

Hmm yes. Via accupuncture shots. Yes. Hope the bullet holes aren’t too big.