Sym was never and should never be a Support

She’s still a garbage hero that they’re changing either way.

No not “in bronze.” She can be used to great effect if you’re good at her. Watch Stevo, Abandoned, Harmony, Dyslexia, Slytradesman etc…

That goes for this too

How is that related to what I just said? She is garbage for having utility?

And Sym was a support from launch for two years? :slight_smile:

You can claim she wasn’t a support but Mercy Sym supp comps were GREAT and super fun :slight_smile: And Support players can’t play her anymore bc of Role Lock

Well guess what, he’s getting some and so is Sym.

If I recall Bastion is not getting a role swap. Unless we are getting a healer Bastion.

He’s getting a rework and it’s going to change his identity of being stationary. Lots of heroes are getting full reworks in OW2. Role reworks and normal reworks. The “identity !!” is not a valid argument anymore.

True! Another reason why she doesn’t belong in the Damage role.

and all of them are widely hated in GM. I wonder why?

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Bastion is getting some mobility upgrades. Something like being able to move in turret form.

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The game is balanced around T500/OWL,where she sees very little play.Yes I know she has high tier players,but they’re only a very small amount,even her low player count is enough to make out that she’s not good.

You can’t really buff Sym without taking away power from her TP,her (very strong) utility,because she becomes too good at high tier,she’s already played as a 3rd support.

Because people will always hate offmeta / unique picks and call it “cheese” ?

I don’t care if people hate them. I care that they maintain top500 with Sym and use her to beautiful effect. That’s totally irrelevant.

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Then why are you using it? I said nothing about identity.

Would you like to join the tank Sym club with me?

That actually sounds great.

TBF this does not sound like a bad thing. I would take a meta Sym over a meta McRightClick.

You can say bad hero, it’s ok. I’ll support you :revolving_hearts:

Yes! I’ll take anything over Taxi.0 :weary:

The community rejected Symmetra for not being able to heal. The devs said they did not want to make her a healer and tried to make the nonhealing support work. The community rejected that until they caved. Now supports have to heal. Sombra was being tested as a support similar to this but the community did not want nonhealing supports so they put Sombra as a utility dps. When 222 hit Symmetra played more like a utility dps then a healer because really none of her lore supported healing (until that new comic which I dislike for the healer lore). Seems like devs are caving into people who don’t play her imo, caving into that supports have to heal and listen to the community when they wanted to probably make more supports that didn’t heal… I didn’t like 222 until they made the dps SYmmetra because she always fit there, when they decided no limits had to go that was a little frustrating, then the 222 forced metas equally frustrating. Dps Symmetra was a good fit. I don’t think healer Symmetra should gobble up Dps Symmetra.

She’s a little too small to be a tank but otherwise I’d be up for it.

I agree,but it doesn’t fit what they have in mind.

This discussion would be a lot less painful if you weren’t deliberately condescending in every reply. And from what height is it that you’re talking down from is it, anyway?

Why do people still fight for Sym 3.0? She has so many obvious problems.

  • TP is overpowered and can never be a balanced ability. As long as this is the case Symmetra will always suffer from having a horrible kit to balance TP.
  • TP also makes her extrem team reliant. As a DPS.
  • They are literally deleting Symmetra’s niche (2CP) in OW2.
  • She will be even worse in 5v5 considering she’s supposed to be a tank buster because there are less tanks. They are once again deleting her niche. Imagine fighting against Phara, Echo and Mercy in 5v5. She will be unable to hit 60% of the enemy’s team.
  • With the remaining tank being a buffed brawler Symmetra won’t be able to charge her beam at all.
  • The devs want to reduce CC. Seems like they are going to nerf her turrets.

Those problems can’t be fixed by changing a few numbers.
Support or not. She 100% needs a rework.


I’m a person who actually wants the hero to succeed. People who don’t want her to progress are the very reason why she has been a meme since launch. As mentioned by the person above me, she needs a total change in order to succeed in a 5v5 environment.

Not condescending, just trying to put another perspective on Symmetra’s current situation.

Well we also have faster queue times too.

But have you seen those hips? I would say she would fit perfectly. Mei does not have hips like Sym yet she is considered to be swapped into a tank.

Sym has the best hips in the game.

Well I am not the biggest fan of McCheese.


Also Sym’s kit goes against eachother,she has a close combat beam but Sym herself dies the moment she gets close to anything,unless her team pockets her which is just annoying.