Sym was never and should never be a Support

I have some ideas. I may like them, but not worth removing my damage Symmetra, my favorite hero, favorite gun, favorite abilities.

They can still add them to the game on another hero which I have pointed they should do unless they plan to just add roles to other heroes. Which is why I demonstrated to you if they were going to change mercy into a damage hero???

There are far more effective DPS heroes out there waiting for you. You’re wasting your time on her, believe me.

I mean… Mercy is fine rn and she seems fine in OW2. Symmetra isn’t. We saw the same livestream right? One of the cringiest things I’ve ever seen in relation to Overwatch.

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Yeah why are they trying to bring up Mercy in this convo so irreleveant lol

Mercy is good rn and will be one of the best heroes in 5v5 lol


Seriously though! It’s a change that is definitely in her favor. The complete opposite for Ms. Vaswani in her current state.

I am not surprised if you seen the aim they had with Sombra. It doesn’t seem like there were pros playing. And there are better heroes to play then Mercy on live as well? Does that mean we will just put her in the damage role?

Not really, I enjoy playing Symmetra and have a good time with my games, the only sort of games that is hard are versus like 2 flyers (pharah and echo) which sometimes I can deal with or just go soldier which plays similar to Symmetra with her lazer. If I wanted to play purely hitscan I’d probably be playing a different game. Destiny had some nice gunplay for example. Symmetra feels unique in what she does in this game already.

I bring it up because it’s hard to feel like your hero is going to be changed to basically another hero. Imagine genji players if they had to turn into healers? Or McCree players turning into tanks? If it’s the hero you play all the time it matters.

And I am 100% at peace with that.

I loved and supported the Mercy rework as a Mercy player. Idc if a hero is changed as long as they are fun, fluid, and viable :slight_smile:

Mercy stayed a healer… she didn’t turn into a tank all of a sudden?

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I should probably point out in this thread that just because you are unable to make Sym work does not mean everyone can’t.

Just saying, this applies to every version of Sym.

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Not good comparisons,Sym was always a supportive hero from day 1,and her main use is not about killing.The heroes you mentioned have absolutely 0 to do with anything outside their current role.

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Some people can make Bastion work,does that mean he needs no changes?

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Maybe to them he does not. Some goes with Sombra too.

Also that is not the basses for my comment.

She was utility support? What did that translate into in 222? She always was a third support… 222 translated that into utility damage dealer, same as sombra. She never healed. She supported through utilty, she still does and kills people rather efficiently right now if played right.

She always played like a defense hero. She was one of the reasons not to have 222, and you know she always fit better with damage as people wanted supports that can heal.

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Yes,she’s a utility DPS,but utility DPS is going away with OW2,that’s the main point,keeping her utility.If they keep her as a DPS and make her way less about utility,that’s still a big rework to her character,don’t think she’s staying like this because she’s not.

We will have to see what they decide. I do not want her as a healer if that means I lose damage sym. To me Damage Sym>Healer SYm.

That or Damage/healer/tank to choose from Sym> Damage/healer sym to choose from> Damage Symmetra> Tank Symmetra> Healer Symmetra.

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She is absolutely about killing. Turrets, beam, orb, tp for flanks, wall to claim space and beam freely… She gets kills. That’s how you play her successfully

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Not really, they just said they are lowering CC, not utility. There are a lot of DPS who have utility, its just Sym has the most.

Also why not put her in tank then? Tanks can have both utility and DPS.

Yes but she’s far from good at doing any of those,good players only use her for her TP then swap out.

Maybe in Bronze? Idk about in general.

Sym enables her team mates. That is the only thing she generally succeeds in. Is that not a Support hero?

I would like to point out that tanks can enable teammates too.