Sym was never and should never be a Support


Yes, they should give up on 3.0. Because at its core, it will never work. Especially in a version of the game with one less Tank and hero passives. She will be in a never ending cycle of being a niche pick which is a smooth brain design philosophy that they’re seemingly abandoning in OW2. You heard about Bastion, right? They’re probably doing the same to Symmetra as well. Two of the most niche heroes in the game? Come on now, of course they’re getting reworked from the ground up.

So, contrary to popul- to your beliefs Sym WAS a support on release. Also, not every support has to be some
 as you called it “Mercy clone.”

The flexibility of Symm’s character in the lore, (how she is able to make various objects out of hard light) make her flexible to be designed in-game. I’m sure there’s plenty of ways to make her an interactive and fun to play support.

Heck, she could be the start to seeing more expressive and versatile supports, that aren’t just heal bots.


You did not just pinocchio nose me for saying Sym isn’t Zarya lite.

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This has ALWAYS been one of my biggest gripes with her design.

She can create anything out of hardlight and she’s reduced to a dinky teleporter and three turrets that do nothing? Come on man, where’s the creativity? She’s arguably the most OP character in terms of lore but comes off as one of the absolute weakest in-game.

Sis you lied.


For me I like how her lazer get’s bigger, the sound of her frying her enemies (Still waiting for that mindflayer skin blizz!), her being a builder, building team supportive stuff that can be used cleverly, the sass, her elegance, her weaving hardlight with her building, her building a big wall to defend her friends, her turrets that “stun” enemies and make them easier for your team to hit, her ability to hit genji’s that deflect you like they are going to deflect the lazer back?, her ability to keep up with tracer’s and other fast heroes, her ability to siphon shields, her ability to combine her abilities or team mates with her teleporter, her teleporter outplay potential, her ability to grant heroes highground when they wouldn’t normally. She feels so good right now just needs some tweaks. Her comboes are fun, weaving orbs and lazers.

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She also makes a giant wall. That makes the teleporter look dull by comparison. /s

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Wall is really cool in concept! Just not on a DPS.

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Personally when I say making her more ,generic’’,I mean exactly making her play more like Zarya,high damage beam that scales and is survivable at close range combat.
However these things were never what Sym was about,or why anyone started playing her in the first place,but she can’t really be a OW2 DPS without those.
Right now she’s all about her teleporter and supportive nature,which can stay,but not on DPS.

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Knowing how much to charge orbs and lazer and melee is a skillcap. Knowing how to fake someone out. Weaving orbs and lazers is what some good Symmetra’s do. Turret positioning is also nice to learn on each map, knowing where and how to fight depending on the comp. Knowing when to switch to another hero. All fun stuff for Symmetra. If you main Symmetra, knowing how to counterpick heroes when you are countered is also nice, forcing a switch is fun.

All unnecessary and obnoxious limitations that no other DPS have. It is unnecessarily difficult to get value out of Symmetra when she’s in that Damage role. Her whole charge up gimmick just doesn’t work compared to other DPS who deal the damage instantaneously.

It could work on a Support maybe.

Name one hero that Symmetra counters challenge! I love this game. I’ll start!


Symmetra counters. shield tanks/ genjis/ healers/flankers/ agile heroes like tracer/ and even more with certain team synergies. If you learn how to trace you can keep up pretty good vs genjis and tracers which I fight often in my mmrs.

Both Genji and Tracer can stay out of her range no problem. Abusing her abnormally large hitbox, of course.

As for D.Va? I guess so? At least she’s got one counter going for her I suppose. Yay?

Yes you are forcing them out of their effective ranges, good turret use can make them scared to join/not play as good. Knowing how to aim orbs can frustrate them (especially if you use orbs like a shotgun lol), if you have good tracking and team healing you can be a monster in death ball comps.

Excited for Support Sym :heart:


You just forgot all about 5v5 huh

Everything is going to change. One less Tank in the game? More of a chance that Tank won’t have a shield to abuse with your beam? Yeah gl doing any of this in the sequel.

Me too!:white_heart::blue_heart:


This is why you have to test the changes and adjust accordingly. One less tank to charge off can be good or bad depending your aiming. I am not concerned with that.

Rather I am concerned with will Symmetra be a healer? Meaning I probably won’t play her next sequel because I usually tank or dps. Healing I tend to go Ana or moira. I feel like Moira is basically what a healing SYmmetra would have been. I am more concerned with who will I play in damage? Because I always tend to play Symmetra. That will probably make me not want to play damage anymore. Unless they add other cool lazer heroes. Since they will effectively take out the only lazer hero

Mei is like a spray hero, and echo does lazers but on a cd
 Zarya? Does lazers and bombs which I like too. But Healing Symmetra? That sort of niche is already filled by zen/moira.

Pvping on a shaman has taught me that totems being killable by anyone feels bad.

Especially hunters with totem macros :heart_eyes:

You have no idea what they could have planned. Symmetra = orbs? I don’t think.

3.0 turrets teas :heart_eyes:

Yea no thanks : / epic bgs ruined shamans for me lol.

Having both on a squishy character like Tracer was fairly strong. I miss armor and shields man