Sym was never and should never be a Support

You can’t buff a niche hero to be more of a generalist. She would be broken.

Think about it. In a world where Symmetra is both a really good DPS and a TP bot, why wouldn’t you pick her? She is a great DPS while having one of the best utility options in the game? OP. TP is the sole reason why she isn’t receiving buffs. Even if they just replaced TP with something else in OW2 I would totally be satisfied, but a big part of me is curious about what they could have planned in OW2.

I want her to be more about her lightweaving and dancing and less about her quirky buildables that have a history of not working in a game like this.

I mean I do like the idea of dps mercy. I barely play her. Seems like alot of people who don’t play SYmmetra right now want her as a support. But I could say the same for other heroes!

I want genji to be a healer!!! Take him out of DAMAGE NOW. It feels the same for Symmetra tbh. It’s like wait before I was killing people, now I am responsible for them to be alive?! What the?

I feel that the best route is a new hero. Look I played support sym, it was good but I was always never appreciated for it, mostly called names and told to change to an “actual support”. Damage Symmetra feels like how she was played after she set up her turrets. They got rid of all the health stacking mechanics beside Bridgette’s ult. That was the only way Symmetra supported and the budget rez (if people bothered to look around the spawn for the teleporter which many people still ignored).

Sure she needs some tuning as a dps, her powerbudget is dropped and value if your team mates don’t use the teleporter, some personal buffs with teleporter could be given as it is her own mobility as well as potential cooldown for your whole team.

It’s sort of annoying to here people who don’t play Symmetra right now wanting a healing symmetra tbh.

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It really does seem that a sizeable chunk of those calling for support Sym don’t even play her anymore.

I’m a launch Sym. I own every single cosmetic that’s ever been made available to her. 4.2 peak in S7. I love the hero a lot and I want her to do well.

I just didn’t think it was fair when they swapped her role without consulting any Sym player about it and the reaction, for the most part, was very negative.

Those people were essentially scammed out of that experience, their hero deleted from the game all for a poor attempt at trying to make her more of a generalist. And here we are, it made her even more niche.

If they were going to rework her, she should return to her original post. With healing abilities or not. It’s only fair to her OGs.

Why would I? She’s extremely frustrating to play now. Long cooldowns, a clunky kit that doesn’t flow at all, it’s an awful experience. Subjective ofc.

You don’t think the people who were loyal from the very start don’t get any say in the direction they take her in? They were the ones who essentially had their hero deleted from the game out of the blue. It’s only fair.


I still play her myself. I just wouldn’t mind not having to queue dps to play her. I am one of those sleezy Sym players that only uses her on like first point defense or 2cp second. It sucks when I want to play her more than my other heroes, but I can’t because she is niche.

As a support, I could play her everywhere. That is the dream, at least.

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They seem to be moving away from the whole supporty- DPS thing in OW2,look at Sombra,they shared how they’re making her less about hack and increasing her lethality.
Do people really wanna see Sym become a generic DPS?


Symmetra has been 3.0 the longest out of any iteration. And what about people who played her in all 3 forms and were “loyal” that way?

Just as perspective, someone who picked up Sym 3.0 when she was reworked till now would have been a Sym main longer than someone who started her at launch and dropped her for her rework. So who is more “entitled” to the hero?


Truly, I think she was a support, just not a healer. Nor should she ever be one.

Still, most people and myself agree she was played more like a DPS.

I would even say 3.0 is her true identity now. Though in all fairness 2.0 was never her identity to begin with.


Yes, after the game lost its initial popularity.

Then they’re very dedicated people, I’ll say that much. But look at this;

I would rather have a rework that I know they can do anything with than have this happen. Current Sym as a generic DPS? Come on man, where’s the taste level. Support some form of rework at the very least, healer or not.

We need to keep her creative aspect intact and not have another Torbjorn situation.

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Honestly? Nobody. We are all Symmetra players. Even if my passion came from 1.0, it isn’t as though my opinion is worth any more than a 2.0, or a 3.0 player. However, I really hope she returns to support regardless because me, me, ME! I am a selfish one. :triumph:

Symmetra is like the only lazer hero we have in the dps category as their primary fire. I think the second is Echo with her ability. That is already good, could use a range extension. Her turrets also are good snares and team support utility with antiflank utility or to protect your supports. He ult is basically giving your team a safe zone, as a dps this is a good niche for being an generalist. As she could make her team either hold half the map or have something to shield dance to. I think her ult could have a damage component like doing turret damage/snare and a slight interrupt for anyone that passes so heroes like moira can’t continue to channel an ult if they pass through it for example. Or a slight stun that could interupt a dashing ulted genji for example.

I don’t get it. If she’s “niche” she’ll be left behind for OW2. If she’s generic then that’s bad. But somehow if she’s a support she won’t be niche nor generic nor underpowered? Do you know how much they’d have to change her kit?

I’m curious, to you, what makes Symmetra Symmetra? What’s her core identity to you?


Yes! Which is why I think it’s for the best!

I would rather have them change everything instead of leaving us with what we’re currently dealing with. They shouldn’t just give up on her and leave her in the dust like you said. They should try something different with her.

If you don’t like it? There’s always Zarya.

Speaking for myself, I feel it is buildables, hard light powers and good amount of DPS.

Really I think this can be put into any role, but less so for healer.

Her thighs? In all seriousness, as long as she builds stuff out of hard light, I am good. The orb is my favorite, though, so I kind of want to keep it. But I would totally sacrifice it for a Symmetra with a reasonable pickrate.

This doesn’t make sense. Sym doesn’t play like Zarya lite. They both have beams as primary fire. Ok. That’s it.

If you change up a hero’s ENTIRE kit that is exactly giving up on her. That’s literally recycling her assets to make a new hero.


Her dancing, her elegance, her “supportive” nature. Two of those were removed in 3.0, the excluded one being her supportive nature. Even though she’s in the Damage category, she’s only used for her TP. That is a supportive hero, not really a hero meant to confirm kills.

Her current design is all over the place, and its bad in most situations.

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I already play Zarya alot which is why I like Symmetra, soldier also goes well if you play SYmmetra. A healing Symmetra already exists… moira. Moira has the orb which is basically a healing turret that can be destroyed by Dva’s and made your enemy by genjis.

A healing Symmetra would have a destroyable turret destroyable by any hero. Which is like shaman totems… not fun. Moira already has the weak lazer weapon, that was nerfed… it was basically already the old Sym weapon but weaker because people don’t like autoaim.

I mean you’re talking like Sym is a good hero to begin with,she’s absolute garbage.Right now she’s even played as an off-support at high level,her use and ONLY use is her TP.
She’s not even a true DPS,and IMO that’s what her makes her unique as a hero,she was never about comfirming kills.I think making her a support can keep this aspect of her,which simply can’t stay if she becomes DPS.