Sym was never and should never be a Support

Tanks are staying tanks. It’s the community that made the name offtanks. Which was basically support tank. If you think about that it’s more of a niche role and the perfect offtank was Zarya because her kit was made for that. Devs envisioned players would play one tank each at the start of overwatch, but didn’t account for how powerful they are compared to other roles back when we had no limits baseline.

She was, if I rememver correctly she could do that at release too for a short time

I think they reowrked her after Anas release

I mean, they’ve basically said they’re going to eliminate the main tank role and rework all the tanks into “bruisers” which means less defense and more damage. That feels a lot like eliminating a role, imho.

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Symmetra was more a support than a defense hero before. And she may become one again.

Her most valuable contributions to a team back in those days were here teleport acting a resurrect, providing shield health, and later using a quick barrier to deny an enemy ult…

All of which was more about providing utility to the team than trying to get kills. Her “area” denial was by far the worst part of her kit and she wasn’t built well to either deny area or get kills. So much so that a lot of Symmetra players used them to provide information to their team rather than for killing or denying area.

Which is why she ended up as a support even though she could technically do both those things if the moons aligned for her.

i dont know…doesnt sound to me like they view it that way

The same could be argued for Baptiste or even Moira. Support heroes, when played to their peak, are practically Dps. :woman_shrugging:

I for one would absolutely adore a Support Sym, it would be a refreshing take on a Support.

Though while I want this personally, I know the Symmetra community themselves are incredibly split. And as a Mercy main, I absolutely understand what it’s like getting a rework you hate.

While Support Sym could be lots of fun and bring much needed variety to the Support role, I feel for all the Sym mains who’ve mained her through all her reworks and dont want her to be a Support…

I mean, she was a support. Symm was all about her turrets and reliable damage. Just because it was damage doesn’t mean she was a damage character, same reason Hog is a tank.

Symm supported her team through alarms, slows, extra health, and near guarenteed damage. The reasons I would assume she made it to the support category rather than damage like Torbjorn did was thanks to her weapon range and ultimate.

Symm’s weapon had an absolutely pitiful range and her secondary attack was disgustingly slow for a damage character. For a support character though, it made sense.

Also, her turrets, while dangerous, were so squishy with that 1hp per turret that they were only really useful because of the slowing effect(basically the same as today).

Symmetra was a great example of what a non-healing focused support was like, but the way the game evolved and the way people play it didn’t leave room for such an idea. Her method of supporting was simply too fragile when you had the 2-2-2 format people loved to play rolling in.

Symmetra clearly wasn’t too difficult to put in the damage category since her kit was focused heavily on that aspect of the character, but at the same time her support oriented kit has also held her back in the damage role.

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I mean, if they “combined” the DPS and the Support roles by reducing DPS damage and adding some healing elements (vice versa for supports) then it’d feel like we lost 2 roles in exchange for 1 new one. That’s how it seems they’re dealing with main tank / off tank, main tank (and what it does, focusing on defense) is just no longer a role as far as I can tell from their quote.

They can phrase it however they like, but if they remove main tanks by turning them more off-tank, that role is no longer there.

The amount of times I got told to switch to a “real support” was annoying back then. People wanted heals. No one wanted a non-healing support. Which is why I was glad with the utility damage we got. I do not want them to make her a healer. Feels like the would cave to that crowd for me. Healing was the most over powered form of support to heal away your team’s mistakes instead of going for cover and recovering shields. I would rather not they do that to SYmmetra tbh. She feels good as a utility builder assasin.

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She could give everyone 25 shields, she just had to do it one person at a time.

Basically it was a little power word: fortitude.

She was a support , not a healer but a support.The problem was that pure supports don’t work in Overwatch,as they need to be healers aswell.
Even after her rework,her main use is still the teleporter,a support ability,Sym is not used for her damage at all.
She can still be that with a healer rework,she doesn’t need to pump tons of healing like Moira can.
She can instead be like Zen/Lucio,low healing,tons of utility and threatening damage like Zen specifically.In her short story we see her use golden hard light,so maybe her new healing can be explained by her time with Zen and overall character development.


We can turn mercy to a dps assassin too that does less healing?

I’m not sure what you mean by that,Mercy was always a pacifist main healer and that’s a complete 180 from her identity.I explained why Sym’s core identity can be kept while healing.

Yes but we can make a story of how she goes goth. And now does less healing and hits people with a scythe and become this really cool dps angel.

Alright, fair enough.

Let’s just continue suffering in the sequel with zero changes. One less Tank to charge your stuff on, the seemingly endless TP abuse clownery on Lijiang and nowhere else.

Y’all are terrified of change and it shows. We need a change regardless. She can’t stay like this period. Everything about 3.0 goes against their approach in OW2.


Sym mains blame the developers all the time, but I feel like THEY are the biggest obstacle to a better Symmetra.


Could not agree more…

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She can be balanced accordingly without a rework. They can buff her where needed to match how the game will play out instead of removing the hero.

I have no faith that whatever support kit they slap on her would be any better btw


They literally said this week that Support Sym is on their list of to-do internally for testing. And I’m excited for it :slight_smile: