Can you elaborate?
her tickrate of twenty seems to have been reduced
Do I really need to, look at all the other topics you ignored by clicking this one.
I didn’t ignore them… I just didn’t see them.
Was just wondering how exactly it was fixed, if you had a source, what happened considering it’s not on the patch notes… etc.
Thanks for the links though I guess?
Tick rate fixed… think like a flamethrower and you pass your hand though and you don’t feel anything. Then you have a stronger flamethrower and you pass your han call 911
Probably a stealth change. Zarya had a pretty significant tickrate buff 2 years ago but it wasn’t stated in patch notes. Blizzard has done this multiple times.
This is why I never trust youtubers completely with news.
Also the beams hit box has been increased significantly. They realised aiming with a laser pointer is difficult for the majority.
Welp got to go to work.
not really… aiming is not more difficult than other tracking heroes.
That sounds more like a positioning thing not an aiming thing
Hitbox is the same dewd
Yeah, I was a little surprised no one was talking it either. I climbed like 150+ SR playing her last night. Got POTG twice and gold pretty much every game.
It’s not from a thread I saw yesterday. Dewd.
Uh… it is Syms lvl 1 beam was literally a later pointer before this patch. The other beams weren’t hard to aim.
Dewd her level one beam always been phat could always smack a target dummy half off the ro-ho.
Im bored of sym and now she is getting hype… sounds about right it’s like that fav unknownband you’ve been supporting for ages and suddenly they get big
From I thread I saw yesterday, I beg to differ but they could be wrong.
From 74 hours played, i beg to differ your begging of differing
If anyone still doesn’t get how Sym was Buffed start clapping… now clap faster … and now faster … if you don’t get it now clap faster…And if you don’t get it now you’re obviously not clapping