Sym mains, what are your thoughts on Sym atm?

I feel like the rework was a veil to get rid of the primary fire lock on complaints.

I think Sym is surprisingly comparable to reaper. She’s very similar - a close range, potentially high damage character. Both have a long range, slower teleport. But Symmetra has less health, no short range teleport, no life steal. And reaper doesn’t need a ramp up to get to his 200+ DPS.

The situations where I can do well with Symmetra feels like I could do even better with Reaper. So I kind of feel like… “What’s the point?”

Needless to say, I don’t like this iteration of symmetra. Previous was better, IMO. (And her winrate did take a dive without increasing her pickrate, suggesting overall she is still niche but weaker in her niche, so I guess there’s some stats to back it up as well).

Hopefully it won’t be too many years until I can enjoy playing Symmetra again.

edit: Also I really miss the shield generator. IMO, that was one of the coolest ults in the game.

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Honestly, i have mixed feelings about her rework. The main problem with her now is that she needs so much teamwork to reach her full potential. And its very difficult to find that in solo que.

She also doesnt have that much kill potential. I can look at my damage done and while i may have done a lot of damage, it still feels like im doing nothing and not killing anything.

Her primary fire is also holding her back. It takes to long to charge and does absolutely no damage in the first phase of the weapon.

I have no problem with her secondary fire, good damage, good speed, and a nice change for the orb.

Her turrets are also a nice change but i would like to see the cooldown of the turrets to go down and add one more turret so we can have 4 turrets out.

Her teleporter feels clunky and hard to put down if there are fences blocking the way.

And her ultimate is really good. A lot of people dont like her ultimate but i actually love it. It can really turn the tide of the battle.

Now, for some QOL changes, i would like to see her shield health increased from 100 to 175 so she will have a total of 275 health. She has to defense mechanism so she needs that health boost with no photon barrier as an ability. I would also like to see a passive where when she uses her primary fire, she gains back some of her shield heath back.

Overall, I think she has potential to be a powerful diva she was always meant to be, but with some bugs and problems, its really hiding her true potential.

The only thing i enjoy about new Symm is the TP, “thinking with portals” is fun, but theres soo many bugs that i feel scammed sometimes, the turrets are holding her back, they are too strong, people complain everyday here and i agree, she need to be strong by herself.

ik you already made a video for ana mains but since you have a large audience can you make one of these post for ana

This is actually pretty accurate

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It’s absolutely crazy because it’s comparable to what other DPS Heroes can do, on top of Symmetra having best-in-class utility. Power budget.

i wish they kept the shield-giving ability with some buffs or changes in her latest rework and kept her overall shield-giving support. it could have been great saving teammates with extra health while also denying areas

to the OP, symmetra is an unreliable DPS that puts out inconsistent damage (because her main damage source comes from her turrets - that can be destroyed in an instant and take ages to get back), her primary beam is pretty trash and her orbs aren’t great as spammable projectiles.

Her turrets and TP are clunky AF:

  • 10s cooldown is way too long, they have an annoying animation casting delay and they are also extremely “sticky”, they are too slow and take too long to actually start doing damage, are way too visible.
  • The TP interaction circle is way too small and should be increased, there should be a visible timer on the activated TP, the placement is still very bad and not smooth at all (rails…OML), the TP is really big and loud, the setup time is ridiculously slow and I wish you could have the ability to cancel TP (like sombra’s translocater) to help make turret-bombs more hidden.

Her ultimate isn’t really doing great… It can block damage but a rein can do the exactly same without needing to spend a full ultimate, enemy symms actually benefit from your ult and there is no downside to it, it doesn’t help with symm’s vunrability like SG used to be able to do, and it’s still kinda buggy (sometimes it just disappears after i cast it??).

  • I suggested to give the entire team X amount of shield for every X amount of damage symmetra’s ultimate takes with a shield cap so it won’t be overpowered (kinda like brigitte’s rally)

Symm still has too many HARD counters and in higher levels of play her turrets almost have no use because players learned to deal with them.

If they gave symm a primary fire buff, increased her survivability and made her TP+Turrets more fluent, then yea I think she’d have a chance

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This is how to balance her

Her base damage of the first stage needs a buff

Her dps should be 75 to 120 to 180. This will make her more scary in close range while still making her balanced as remember you can only get this dps with 100 percent accuracy

Then make it possible to charge yoir beam off heroes. Dont make it easy but make it possible. Make her gun go to the next stage after 1.5 seconds instead of two

Then make her tp deploy faster

Finally give her 5p extra shields so she has an effective health of 250 sp she can live a bit longer. ( this would still be worse then old sym as old sym had SG)

Honestly Sym 2.0 was better. I love Sym she’s one of my favourite heros in the game but this new rework like with mercy all the mercy nerfs made her very boring. First of all is her primary fire that’s a JOKE, Orbs are cool but no the same they were when they went through shields. The new tp is okay i guess but not the same where you could save teamfights with a good coordinated tp (in solo q most of the time your team don’t even bother using it). The sentry turrets now are great by the way because you can deploy them during fights something that you couldn’t with old sym but just 3 turrets with 10 sec cd is not that great, maybe if we could have 6 turrets again just like with sym 2.0 but instead of deploying them they could be placed as now and with the 30hp. Other thing i would have loved to see was, if we could get healing turrets and switching between of them like 3 normal turrets and 3 healing turrets, that would be great and would keept her in the support class (other thing i hated so much was changing her into a dps). Last thing is her Ult… Just like Mercy’s Ult, BORING unless you save yourself from a bomb or something but really a giant barrier where you can just walk through? I mean i’m not saying it’s a bad ult but in my opinion shield gen as her ult would be better and you could have at least some impact. I was really happy when i heard that a sym rework was on the way but honestly im just a little bit disappointed because they removed/changed everything that made Symmetra Symmetra and she is just not fun to play anymore

I miss symmetra 2.0 so much, her kit was amazing, and now she is even more situational than before (ironically).
Her photon barrier on E was amazing and the teleporter was even more useful i believe.
I stopped playing her after this last rework…

She’s a dps. Who else is she gonna be comparable to? Tanks?

It’s literally impossible for her to get headshots and her range is pretty small, which significantly lowers her maximum dps, therefore I don’t think it’s too ridiculous to ask for some higher damage at base (no, I’m not asking for 180dps instantly).

She has TP. It’s great at high ranks where people communicate, but without communication, it’s only useful for TP bombs. Then there’s turrets, but they aren’t really utility, and they’re just more damage.

Honestly, her kits not that strong that she can’t have buffs, and her primary fire definitely needs buffs. It’s the weakest part of her kit, and usually it’s just better to use orbs.

Just being in the same class does not mean Heroes need the same attributes. Nobody’s asking for Brigitte to have Moira’s healing output, or for other DPS to have Symmetra’s utility. She has a reasonable amount of damage output and options at multiple ranges relative to the utility she provides.

I loved her (still do), but after Blizz beat the crap out of her with the nerf bat, i had to part ways with her. She’s a broken shell of what she used to be.

She had strengths, weaknesses and was a joy to play. You had to know how to use her, how to survive against her. Now, when i see her, i just shrug, “Meh” and send her back to spawn.

Doesn’t do very good non trash damage dps

High tier sym mains like stevoo say she’s more of a support

In a duel which is usually close range she will almost always lose. She’s bad at close range and kinda decent at mid range.

She’s a flightless pharah with a projectile with less speed

To me she feels like someone killed her then crawled into her skin. She doesnt appeal to me anymore and I feel like she would of been fin in 2.0 with faster orb travel and throwable turrets. I think they just got rid of shield gen, old telle, and auto lock because of complaints even tho i believe that they could of tweaked it to be more fair.

Give TP an infinite/longer uptime.

There you go people. Fixed her survivability/usefulness without needlessly buffing her HP to 250.

I made a whole video on this but ill try and sum up her main issues. The primary is trash. Level one charge damage is too low. At all levels of charge the beam gets a 50% damage reduction against armor. Her turret cooldown is still a bit steep. Her teleporter placement is wonky and the deploy time is too long. And lastly she lost her only ways of protecting herself so now she is just as vulnerable as Zen. Theres other smaller issues too but these are the big ones imo.

Personally, I like new Symmetra to the point that she beats both Mercy and Orisa by 10 hours (she was my 3rd most played hero before the rework). I still think she needs some tweaks though. I kinda hope the bring back Photon Shields somehow.

New Symmetra is okay. She needs some buffs however. She isn’t as effective on defense, but she’s more effective on offense as a trade off. On defense as 2.0, I could absolutely carry an entire team, getting gold damage and eliminations to an extreme amount. Symmetra 3.0, it’s still do-able, but not nearly with the same numbers. She’s less binary and niche. I can still get gold damage and eliminations on matches though, maybe half of the time when I play her.

There is some talk about making her a 250 HP hero and I can see that.

I’d also suggest some minor quality of life improvements;

Reduce Ultimate Charge from 1500 to 1350, as it’s a pretty underwhelming ultimate as these things go. Also reduce the casting time by a fraction of a section.

Buff her M1 primary beam. I’d suggest adding a unique mechanic that allows it to drill through and bypass armor, as it’ll increase the counterpick dynamics of the game vs armor heavy teams. Also because of the beams tickrate, she deals about half damage to armor. Making her extremely underwhelming. There is very little reward for the sheer amount of risk.

Have her respawn with all 3 of her turrets.

The rework is a nice base to build on, but it needs work. It has a lot of rough spots and her current kit has coherence issues. It’s fixable though.

Primary Fire
The beam needs a rework. It just doesn’t fit with the best of her kit - particularly her reduced durability/evasion. There are a lot of ways they could go with this, but I think the best ideas involve making the beem more utility than damage (eg, shield regen, piercing, lock-on, repulser beam, slow debuff, etc). Then she follows more of a Mei template - secondary for damage, primary for utility. The repulser beam is my current favorite idea (slight push effect).

Secondary Fire
Orbs are very nice. They could probably use a projectile speed increase (30 m/s) and the ability to hold a fully charged orb for longer (+2 sec).

Turrets are good overall, but they need tuning. Like a 2-4 sec reduction in cooldown, an increase in flight speed, and a nerf to the stacking slow debuff from multiple turrets. And fixes to the placement bugs (sticking to ledges that weren’t targeted, sticked to walls behind you when cast, etc).

I’m not really liking the teleporter as much as I thought I would. I sort of just wish they’d replace it with some sort of defensive support ability; like throwable minature shield generators (25 hp shield granting “turrets”).

That said, it’s probably not going away. A lot of people seem to like it, but it’s really clunky and the UI is poor. If they made the duration infinite (until destroyed or recast) and moved the keybind to Jump, then those two changes would probably go a long way towards making the teleporter more viable.

(I have a lot of gripes with some of their recent UI decisions that have cluttered up the control scheme with actions on Interact, Crouch, along with the whole weapon swap mechanic. They need to take a step back and take the human interface issues more seriously. But, I digress.)

Severely underrated. I think it’s really strong. Its value is very dependent upon uptime though. It probably needs a faster charge. Eg, reducing the charge cost to 1250.

Edit: Forgot her ult and a few other details.