Sym mains, what are your thoughts on Sym atm?

I like how they decided to basically make her primary a Zarya that no one wants to use. I like how they decided to take out the actually useful piercing element of her orbs so they could give us this unwanted explosive element instead ? I like how they took away the porta-shield because no one besides the Symm wanted to use it, and then give us a new TP like people besides Symm were going to use it

A giant temp wall, instead of the shield generator that helped me defend my team, or the TP that let me bring my friends back to the battle sooner, and prevent a single good push from capping the point.

It’s all stinky doody

Lets take an objective look at Symmetras kit.

Damage: 4 sources of simultaneous damage (potential)
Total Damage Out Potential: (Using right click only) 270dps
Total Damage Out Potental: (Using left click only) 320dps

Mobility: Through preemptive teleporter use
Flank potential
High ground potential
Ultimate Enablement

Group protection and area denial:
Map spanning shield wall with 5000hp
Can be used to cut objective in half, and provide cover from LoS abilities, break enemy heal potential and ultimate utilization

All of those things listed above are potential, but we all know in actuality, this doesn’t happen. QoL changes I’d suggest to help plug the holes in her kit:

Primary Damage:

  • Remove 1st tier, change charge up to 3secs per charge level
  • Make beam cone shaped like Moira, with graphic
  • Overcharge ability - When damaging players with this attack, shields are applied to Symmetra, for a total of 100hp, 200shields, which will slowly decay to 100hp, 150shields if not attacking.
  • Remove charge stages and instead make it a linear charge. (If dual stage charging was deemed overpowered)

Secondary Damage:

  • Fix splash radius
  • Increase travel speed of orb to 30m/s


  • Reduce deployment time by half
  • Increase interaction radius by double
  • Have option for Symmetra to utilize teleporter immediately after placement
  • Fix placement bugs


  • Give turrets 30hp during flight, as well as once deployed. (If they are not destroyed, their hp go back to 30 once they “bloom” and set up
  • Reduce cooldown time per turret to 8s OR
  • After a death, spawn with 3 turrets in pocket rather than having to wait for them to recharge

If they did the above to Symmetra, most of her glaring issues would be resolved. She would be a fully fleshed out and well rounded character again. She wouldn’t need her “lock on” beam back, she would instead still require aim, but her primary would actually be WORTH spending the time to aim, as it would be directly tied into your survivability.

It is my opinion that if you give someone something, you intend for them to use it. Giving Symmetra a primary attack that requires four seconds to ramp up to its damage potential is akin to giving it to us, but knowing we won’t use it.

Currently the risk vs reward scenario is highly skewed with the primary weapon, it is simply not worth using it unless the opportunity to utilize it undetected is present.