Sym mains, what are your thoughts on Sym atm?

I’ve heard a lot of mixed responses to Sym’s rework, and I was just curious to see what the forums thought. Do you guys like this Sym better and for what reasons? How would you fix her if you don’t?

I only played Sym 2.0 a few times, but I personally loved her playstyle even if she was incredibly niche. Lock on beam and photon barrier were just super fun. Imo, this newer Sym is… boring? Throwing turrets is fun but her ult is dull (love the voice line though) and TPs are kinda whatever. Also hate her primary fire.


I stopped playing her after the rework, loved the shield generator and photon barrier on E, I still instinctly press E to protect myself due to how low amount of time I played the new symm as it wasn’t that interesting to me anymore.


Give her 250hp and reduce the TP deployment time.


It’s not looking too good…
Primary fire is a joke, turrets have effectively 30 second cooldown, and all of her abilities have cast/deploy times that are way too long, not to mention the fact she has ramp up/charge up on both of her attacks.

Long story short, she can be a lot of fun but feels sluggish and weak in most places.


I had 200 hours on her before the rework, but I find I honestly just don’t play her as much anymore, which makes me sad :frowning:

Some people seem to enjoy her more since her versatility has definitely gone up, yet the area she specialised in has gone down which was defence. All in all it makes for a rather unimpressive impact in all areas, especially in close quarters, 1v1 situations where she will almost always lose to the majority of the roster.

I find there doesn’t seem to be any synergy within her own kit that makes actual sense. From her purely defensive Ult, to her underused primary fire. Added to this the massive downtime of 10 seconds per turret that go down almost just as quickly as when they had 1 hp.

Her move from support to the dps category seems to be only in name, since the entire nature of how she plays is pretty much the same. People still beg the question, why have her over any other dps, and why have her over any other support.


I might be the only person in the world who enjoys her 1.0 version the most. And maybe I stated that solely to bait out 1.0 OGs. Regardless, she is okay, but 90 plus percent of my time on her was from when she handed out shields like candy.


i don’t main her but she’s my most played in qp by a significant margin

she’s a better hero and is much more enjoyable to play
shield generator was an abomination of game design

New Sym is amazing but she needs a couple things.

  1. Teleporter needs to be peaceable even if minor things like railings are present. Destructible objects shouldn’t hinder it.

  2. More range on her primary

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I love how she works faster now and the new mobility is just great but I miss the flanking TP and her old beam and my baby shield gen D’=

Don’t get me wrong, I can aim. But, It’s very hard to make her beam useful during fights.

Symmetra 3.0 is a totally different Hero. I can understand if people don’t like that.

Symmetra 3.0 is also way stronger and healthier for the game, and by no means underpowered. Some of the buffs people request are just crazy. There’s legit a thread claiming that Symmetra should have level 3 primary damage by default.

Feel free to join in

Symmetra is a lot more fun now, as I never used to play her as much as I do now. I feel like I can actually contribute in games.

I mean, that’s not too crazy compared to what other dps heroes can do. Not to mention that her beam damage straight up cuts off after 12 meters.

I mean, I’d like 180 dps on her beam, but I’d rather have her old beam back.

As someone who used/uses Symmetra as his main DPS my opinions are the following:

Old Symmetra was extremely useful in melting teams without coordination but was very limited to close combat. Although you could use her sometimes in attack with a crazy Teleport flank,it was a high risk picking her.

New Symmetra is way more versatile and can be very effective if your team is willing to cooperate. She definitely needs a different playstyle than before,but overall shes better.

Forget primary fire, its useless. Its only useful when you can charge your damage on a shield (rein,orisa,enemy symmetra ult) from a safe place and then charge in,otherwise jus spam the orbs and your turrets.

All in all, if the primary fire is buffed to be useful and the turret cooldown is made better, she will be very good. The rework was good but its not finished yet, she still need some tweaking.


The primary fire is weak af.

Her abilities though (turrets and teleporter) feel very powerful and impactful. The secondary fire is also strong… some of the time.

Still seems to have considerably weaker dm than most other damage heroes. Ironically, I feel her most of her value comes from her turrets and teleporter, the more “supportive” parts of her kit.

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That’s my conclusion about the whole thing. New Sym is great (I’ll still miss Sym 2.0 though) but she’s not quite there. Most of the way, sure.

I think the big problem is her noob stomper tools are great (the turrets, the spam orbs) but her serious team weapons (the M1, the teleporter) need tuning up. The teleporter is buggy as hell and should probably be a little faster to deploy than it is, and everyone needs to be forced to bind their interact keys. The M1 is just too weak, it doesn’t do enough damage to kill anyone before Sym dies because she’s so fragile and it starts off so low damage.

That being said, it might be tricky to buff her because honestly new Sym is pretty strong. Particularly in low rank and in qp.

You’re actually insane if you believe a 12 metre range with 180 dps is balanced.

You’re essentially saying Symmetra should be a Zarya at full charge at all times.

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Sym is a dps. Zarya is a tank. Why can’t a dps deal more damage than a tank?


(Applies to Symm as of Sep. 18th, 2018)
Trying not to make a wall of text here but I’m personally split. There’s different aspects I love about Symm between 2.0 and 3.0 .

Versions 1-2 had the lock on beam, which gave immediate accessibility to all players. 2.0 Photon Barrier was a life saver but also incredibly mundane. The 1020hp meant it could tank a fair bit of damage as it trudges along. Problem was that the coverage was small and I’ve never had a single team that actually followed the poor thing into an engagement. Most I had were a few observant souls who thanked me for some quick saves. The thing I loved most about 2.0 was the idea of a utility support, someone who could be the backbone of the team beyond healing. Unfortunately as much as I loved old tp and shield gen they were overall underwhelming. Passive, stationary ultimates that could sit around forever until something kills it? Unconventional and weak, but that was the beauty of it. The ultimates were distractions to enemy flankers and added another variable to team fights. Do I stick the shield gen in a safe location or near the control point? The gen could potentially last longer farther back and bolster the team, but the risky gen could bait enemies into a turret death trap or lure them off point.

What many didn’t understand about 2.0 was that she was a background manipulator. A chess player, if you will. She fought more with intellect, awareness, and carefully timed actions. A flanking Symm wasn’t an idiot with a death wish but a distraction. If the enemy team wasn’t caring for its healers then they would lose them. If they turn around to kill Symm then they expose their backs to attack. Symm dying in the process was an expected casualty, but a good trade for an enemy support.

Then we have the 2018 rework, which almost completely dumped the skill set we had been accustomed to using for about 2 years. While I and many others have embraced the change in hopes of a better Symm, I don’t blame the older players who feel betrayed. Symm 3.0 might as well be an entirely different character. The knowledge of the insides of each map was not longer required, the emergency brawl shield we had on E is gone, and the ease of use is replaced by an excessive need for aim and tracking due to a short and very thin beam. The infinite suggestions of small tweaks left by the symm player base was largely ignored in favor a complete overhaul. We got the throwable turrets with more hp at the expense of less deployables overall. The shield became a giant map wide ult easily susceptible to EMP and the teleporter that could quickly transfer teammates back into the fray was replaced with what can feel like a giant trans-locator. These changes took away part of Symm’s identity and molded her to a more “standard” hero the larger community seems to expect. And what of the handicapped/disabled players? The ones with Parkinson’s and wrist pains that held them back from clean tracking? Where’s their hero?

Don’t get me wrong. I still think Symm incredibly fun to play and much stronger damage output but further excluded her fans and gave more power to her detractors. The toxicity and abuse to Symm has not died and streamers/owl players and analysts can continue to call her players skill-less, useless throwers who are by default horrible people.

Excuse me for turning my response into a rant. Love your videos btw.

Edit; I didn’t talk much about 3.0’s good points so here I go.
25m Two-way tele is great. It gives Symm and co an escape option for flanking/gravs. Ability to transfer turrets, rip-tires and bombs further increases utility and allows creative team coordination and counter play. The range manages to be long enough to cross great gaps and reach high ground without being excessive and the tp still distracts enemies. The only negative is the clunky-ness due to bugs/odd map geometry.
Photon Orbs cast, move and charge faster and have large splash damage radius. This gives Symm much needed range and allows more consistent kills. Overall better, but I miss the piercing that punished clustered enemies and ignored shields. My reality!
Photon Beam is abysmal. Beam is very thin and unlikely to charge quickly off enemies. The increased tick rate prevents exploitation of reapplying dmg but at the cost of forcing forcing the beam to hold longer for high damage. Thicker hitbox with accompanying graphical adjustment or 1 sec ramp up time would greatly buff beam and make it feel better to use.
Sentry Turrets are overall better in their current state. No adjustments needed currently.
Photon Barrier splits map in half and allows team shield dancing on point. Still denies Phara ult. High health means it will most certainly last entire duration, esp. with Bastion in F-tier (RIP). Emp is necessary counter.
Final thoughts; Rework makes Symm a melee/mid range character suited to tactical and team-based play without completely grounding her to her team. Larger hp may not be needed based on tweaks and current game state.

Edit 2; A word.

Edit 3; More words, grammar.


That had better been a joke