Sym mains, what are your thoughts on Sym atm?

I actually love Symmetra 3.0. I genuinely find her fun to play. However for sure she still needs tuning.

I haven’t been playing her very long and there are threads that offer much better in depth suggestions, but if I could change at least a couple things, right off the bat I would change her primary fire. Its absolute garbage. I would change the base damage that it does from 60dps to maybe 80, and go up from there. I read a comment that suggested she regenerate sheilds every time her beam connects. I actually like that idea, if they refuse to increase her health.

Then i would buff the teleporter a bit. Reduce its deploy time from 2 to 1 or so seconds, and have it break railings automatically upon deployment. I love the tp but it feels so clunky to use. Having it like this would make it a more reliable way for Symm to escape I think.

Someone also suggested that there should be a marker that shows where your turrets will land before you throw them. I like that idea. I also heard a suggestion to reduce the size of the hitbox so they can’t break as easily in midair? I like that too.

As for her ult, I kind of like it as is. Though if I could change it a bit, i’d probably have it so that it does some damage to enemies if they pass through it.


This for an upcoming video?
I like the new Sym. Love shooting the turrets to new locations and I like her ult too. Been playing her for several seasons now. Her lock on being gone I think is a good thing because as a Sym main, although I cheesed kills with it, I thought it was bad and cheap.
Primary fire is questionable but when the beam gets to full, I kill everything in sight.
I do miss the photon shield though.
Her new teleporter is great but some get little use of it because of uncoordinated teams or people just don’t communicate while playing Sym. It can be very effective but it takes coordination.
The best part of new Sym are definitely the turrets.

This was honestly a great read, lots of stuff I had no idea about, thank you for taking the time to write it! :slight_smile:

No problem. It is now 4am over here but I could not resist. A good portion of my post has points made by many others, so I kinda feel like I was regurgitating a bit. The Symmetra mains subreddit/discord should have more articulated thoughts on the matter.

I mean I had no super big problem like ones that made me not want to play her with Sym 2.0 or 3.0 but yknow
maybe I just love her too much to let go

heres this I guess

HOW TO FIX SYMMETRA - from a Symmetra main

I love the new rework. It fixes lot of her problems. There are still some issues though. Mainly primary fire. I don’t think her ult is dull. It can be useless at some times but it can also be too op sometimes. I love the control it gives me over the battlefield. Her tp can be a game changer if you have good team mates but in solo que you can still do some pretty crazy and creative things sometimes. I like the new turrets but for me personally they are bit too op.

My fav ability in the game was Shield Generator. :disappointed_relieved:

My thoughts on Symm?

Thrash! Just as I thought. :slight_smile: She’s worse than Symm 2.0 and overall bad. There is noone who she can countered, but she is counter by like 3/4 of heroes.

  • She is more braindead.

  • Has useless primary fire.

  • Has decent DMG but cannot convert it to a kill.

  • Lost 50% of the map coverage with turrets.

  • Has 0 self-defence, like completely 0.

  • Her TP’s deployment is too long. Not to mention your allies will ingore your TP for like 90% of the time.

  • Her ult is “meh”.

  • Blizz nerfed her orb speed and nobody even noticed. (on the PTR and PATCH NOTES her orbs speed was 30 m/s, now it is 25 m/s)

This rework is a nerf. My beloved hero who brought me to this game was deleted.

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Photon shield is what made me fall in love with the character initially. I loved buffing my team. I wish they could bring back that ability somehow. Maybe put it on the interact key when not in range of a TP? Sym has a support ult anyway, might as well embrace the whole DPS/Support hybrid thing they’ve got going.

As for Sym 3.0, I do enjoy her and this is my favourite iteration of Symmetra overall. She is still lacking a strong primary fire (it’s not on par with what a DPS weapon ought to be, and could use damage buffs and the ability to pierce armor. Also her reload is really slow and should be sped up.) Also, her TP could definitely deploy slightly faster and should destroy railings. A larger interact radius would be nice too. Survivability is also an issue, and she could do with 25 more HP at least.

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Bugged (beam), sluggish and fragile.

I like the rework, I really do, but I still have two problems with it :

  • The rework was too massive. I like Symmetra now, but this simply isn’t the Symmetra I fell in love with two years ago. My favorite character got deleted and a similar yet different character took her place
  • There’s still room for improvements. The one thing she needs the most IMO is a health buff : she could use 250HP. Other than that, I wouldn’t mind the primary being faster to charge, or maybe even a crazy new passive that restores Sym’s shield health when she damages barriers

Overall, the rework was needed (she really was Symmetrash), and it’s a step in the right direction, but that’s it : it’s just a step. I am waiting for more.

I hated Sym 1.0.

Sym 2.0 ?

I absolutely love her she’s my go to dps right now and she is niche yes but she is amazing on offense too which is pretty cool.

Most people still think she is better on defense but no she is savage on offense now.

You can tp your turrets right in the enemy backline and then triple kill it’s freaking fun

Not a Sym main (used to be in 1.0). I recently picked her back up this past week and honestly can carry games with well positioned turrets and if people know how to use my TP. Her secondary is pretty good, and her Primary can be useful if you can sneak up and charge on a shield. :slight_smile:

I didn’t main her during 2.0, but did enjoy playing her on many occasions.
I enjoy playing 3.0 even more, she is one of my DPS mains now. Having orbs that are easier to hit, and throwable, powerful sentries, more than makes up for the loss of lock-on for me.
What I’d maybe change:

  • make the teleporter deploy faster. Perhaps beef up the visuals that connect the two, for your team.
  • make it so that landing orbs prevent the beam’s charge from decaying for about 2 seconds.

I also kind of miss the photon barrier, but only sometimes.

I like her more now but I don’t play her very much.

Once she gets charged up she can do some hefty damage, turrets are better now too, easier to put in hard to predict places.

TP is slooooow, turrets have a long cooldown, primary fire needs longer range. Maybe a 50 hp buff. That’s about it; a bunch of people just hold up their barrier at me and let me get ramp

I’ve played Symmetra 2.0 a lot, and I don’t miss her.
This Symmetra is fun, She can be very aggressive, but also punished.
I like the rework, but there are some tweaks that need to be done.

I despised it at first, but I’ve grown to see she’s not that different. Winning duels still generally revolve around landing an orb (two now), most of your time is still spent spamming orbs (just without the sweet sensation of three ticks followed by a triple kill), turrets can do more humorous things, people still despise you for playing her while considering her low skill etc.

The major difference now is how much more fast paced she is. She has a lot less downtime as a hero even though her turret cooldown is still a bit much, but dying while throwing your last turret will have you spawn with 1 1/2 - 2 turrets out of 3, instead of 6. I have heard her turret Bomb was stealth nerfed on PTR, but can’t confirm. Hopefully not, as that is probably the most fun thing 3.0 can do alone.

Her frailty might be an issue, but anyone that thinks Sym was tanky with her barrier and SG is painfully misinformed. You’ve always gotten max value out of Sym by playing safe and aggressive in the appropriate situations, she just has to play a bit more safely, akin to 1.0 days.

She will also be easier to tweak since she doesn’t have the lock on to detract from her strengths in other areas. However, I don’t see her being useful in higher tiers of play unless decent communication is present. In fact without it she is useless, but with it, TP has potential to be OP.

All in all, I think she’s relatively the same, while slightly improved. Can’t say she’s healthier for the game since people are still very toxic in regards to Sym and Sym players, but at least she’s easier to work with and has potential to be more versatile than 2.0. That potential is more team dependent than 2.0, though, which was probably a bad choice in Blizzards part.

Im a gm sym main with hundreds of hours on her. Iv been a gm sym main since season 7. I feel new symmetra overall is better then old sym but still far from being good, balanced, viable or even somewhat good

She doesnt fit into a team comp well. When you factor in TRASH DAMAGE you realise sym doesnt do very much impactful dps. Many high tier sym mains actually regard her as utility support. She cant fit into a team as a dps because she doesnt provide enough. But she is not going to fit in a support slot.

Symmetra id also as vulnerable as zen no joke. She is easily divable and flanked and is not scary to fight at all. Shes flimsy and weak which limits what she can do. How can she provide dps to help her team and protect the supports when she can’t protect herself?

Her best value comes from tp. The issue is that 90 percent of the time your team wont use it properly. So it only works 10 percent of the time. But you dont even get to use your tp for your team often anyway because you need it to run away because your so flimsy

Shes hard to integrate into a team, is super vulnerable and her best value is rarely ever achievable. Shes just as bad against dove but worse agaisnt deathball.

She cant shred barriers because she cant get close enough to beam the barrier because she is so vuonerable. Its like telling zen to frontline to hit the barrier. He doesnt want to be that close and neither does sym. Because shes so vulnerable she can’t really be in the middle of the fight. She doesnt want to be in the brawl.

Her primary is also terrible . Look at mei. Meis secondary fire is good at mkd range. But its not that good in closer ranges. So her primary fire covers for her secondaries weakness. It is good at close rnage but useless in mid ranges. See how meis two versions of firing cover for each others weaknesses. One excels in mid range but is bad at close range and the other excels at close range but sucks at mid range. They cover for each other. Thats why multiple versions of firing your gun exists.

But syms orbs are good at midrange but not too good at close range. Especially agaisnt flankers. She isnt going to win close range fights with her orbs too often. So you would think thats where her primary would come in. Well no. Her primary is arguable WORSE in close range and useless anywhere else. This is just bad character design. Nearly all sym mains say never to use the primary fire. You only use it maybe 10 percent of the time and thats actually a lot for a sym main because it has pretty much no use. Sure its good once charged but as I said above she cant get in range to charge it off barriers and it is impossible to charge it off heroes besides tanks ( which again she cant get near to) because you need to have a weapon accuracy of at least 60 to be able to charge it up. And btw thats the accuracy of pro zarya players. And thats the bare minimum accuracy you need.

She has glaring issues and they need to be solved


Not a Sym main but she seems much more fun to play now, albeit rather undertuned. I think increasing her beam range to 20m, increasing the travel speed of turrets, and reducing the cast time of her teleporter would make her a solid pick. Another feature I think might be interesting is allowing her to consume a stored turret to increase her weapon’s charge level.

I’m reposting from reddit user Zephrinox as I agree 100% with every buff he/she proposes on r/symmetramains:

  • 50 more hp (shield, normal idc). To balance out her survivability vs effective range a bit.

  • turrets cd reduced to 8sec or have 4 turrets that can be stored, but still only 3 to be deployed. Her most consistent form of damage are turrets esp for securing kills. making possible to have them more available so her flow wouldn’t feel as clunky and her overall more reliable in securing kills.

  • primary fire to have more damage per tick. Let’s face it, it’s a tickle beam for at least 4 seconds because of this.

  • tp interaction radius increased A BIT (by like 1m?)

  • tp activation/deployment time reduce A BIT (by like 1 sec?)

  • make her tp targeting better

  • QoL changes for tp"

Sym 3.0 is exactly what her archetype should be imo. She’s fast-paced, requires strategic placement of her turrets, and can actively use her TP on the fly. Her issues right now are survivability and reliability.

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