🏚 Sym doesn't have a role, thats the main problem, "Blame Dev's Economically Needs" (Mega topic)

Next time grab the whole quote, just not the bit that serves your spin.

“I think it’s a necessity sometimes. Torbjorn and Symmetra were both in a place where balance tweaks alone weren’t gonna make the characters more viable. But in general, I’m not a huge fan of reworks.”

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Just highlight “in general part like word means”

sigh… I am done talking about this again agian gainaija’mk

just gonna chill and listen to music

Appreciate it, pal. Thank you.


Honestly I don’t want to hear from Devs about Sym, because it might be very likely not be the truth.

Changes that need to be made immediately that do not require number changes to her kit:

  • Turrets target Symmetra’s primary target when damage is applied, and maintain lock until target is switched, or dies, whichever happens first. (Just like Torb)
  • Turrets ignore other deployables (Traps, Teleporters, other turrets)
  • This logic goes to all deployable sources of damage, including Torb turret, B.O.B., and other Symmetra turrets.

Number changes need to be made to her primary weapon, I suggest the following:

  • Primary has linear ramp up, staged ramp up is gone, starts at 100dps and over the course of 2 seconds reaches maximum potential 180dps. No more tiered ramp up.
  • When primary damages shields, personal shields are gained for Symmetra while leeching them. Her primary will charge up during this process, as well as charging a personal shield pool, this would cap at 275 shields total, 100hp, 175 shields. The shield overcharge would dissipate much like Lucio or Doomfists currently do, ticking down to 100hp/150shields. Optionally, a maximum of 25 shields could be given to nearby teammates (giving them incentive to protect her during this process)

Secondary fire:

  • Minimally charged secondary fire will travel much faster than a fully charged secondary fire. So, a tap of the secondary fire would launch a projectile at 40-50mps, that would do 20 damage. A half second charge would release one that traveled at 35mps for 60dps, and a full second charge would launch the standard 30mps 120dmg projectile. Ammo costs would be adjusted to prevent constant spamming of smaller projectiles. (A total of say, 20 small projectiles, 15 medium, 7 full power)

Teleporter should be changed as such:

  • Deployment time reduced by half total, including bloom animation.
  • Teleporter interaction radius increased by 30%
  • Primary/Secondary buttons change how the TP works. Primary is the way it works now, secondary immediately teleports Symmetra to the exit, turrets cannot be teleported using the alternate method. (This solves the issue with her not having an escape mechanic)

or just the simple 👋 The Perfect Sym Buff if “cough” someone “cough” wants to go slow.

my idea is to rework symmetra so that she has 1 and 2 buttons like mercy but 1 is damage and 2 is healing

Sad that they didn’t go with the healer rework for her.

Fun fact, a healer is always valued and an asset to the team.

A defective DPS hero that players hate for no reason is not.

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15 seconds? That’s hardly enough time to get out of the spawn and in place.

He tried to quickly put a teleporter down and it was quickly destroyed, so he just went back inside and switched.

Owl players don’t really play much Sym for a reason.



Got a video clip of this? I would really like to see this.

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Nope, it was outside of OWL when the new euro teams were doing little matches against each other. I am sure it’s somewhere on twitch, but I only heard about in another post. But there been so many Sym articles lately, I lost it, i didn’t comment on it but I should have. (Plus I was sick when they posted it.)

So Sorry, but can’t always get everything. (even if we wish it)

2CP (20 characters).

in very inconsistent ways

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You may as well just stop talking. Because at this point, you’ve lost the argument.

This was a discussion not an argurement, if you refuse to believe the truth and walk over to the hills of cotton candy and candy canes.

I am just saying I told you so, when you die in the most hellish fallout like environment possible.

Basically you go have “fun”, but you will likely get banned in higher levels of “comp”.

And thus this continues…

Dismissing anyone else’s opinions, and claiming they were either ‘lucky’ or ‘playing with noobs’ shows you have little to argue.

What truth? You mean your opinion?