Sym 3.0 rework [characters required]

Syms playstyle and function is still the exact same. Area denial. Mr Tickles raises an amazing point which is if any character isn’t the same as they were, it’s She has received many changes which have entirely changed her playstyle and thought process needed when being played.

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they sh@t on symmetra with this boring rework, she will never feel like the same character.
symmetra feels like a bootleg version of other characters.
blizzard said they don’t like recycling characters’ abilities. biggest lie of the century.

dunno i never play her…slow fire,easy to kill turrets,huge shield as a ultimate…a slow ball to shoot…prob why i never play her lol

Her Ball is not slow anymore.

why some one complaining then

Old Sym was playable in comp if you repeatedly lied to yourself and said she was the best for the situation. If you wanted a support an off healer was way better. If you wanted a DPS a lot of heroes were way better. Especially on any map that wasn’t hanamura or Volskaya.

Trust me I have 150 on old Sym and because of how they changed her it is like playing a completely different hero. I am not just saying this to be difficult.

and this is never the case with 3.0

The very thought of substituting her with Junkrat or mei is…

It’s not though, she’s an area denial character still through and through.

I had over 125 hours easily on Sym before 3.0 (I don’t know the breakdown between 1.0 and 2.0), and she is more useful now to her team than ever before.

Yes her old tele was better, but it was just as broken as Mass Rez was, that is why it is gone.
The shield was a loss.

Her other abilities are actually better now, if you have no issues with aiming.

Funny, here’s are some recent matches where Stevoo (one-tricking Symmetra in Top 500), Kolorblind (playing Bastion in Top 500) and EvilToaster (one-tricking Orisa) literally delete their enemies in maps like Oasis or Rialto.

Of course, their beaten opponents were weak… just some nobodies like Dafran, Seagull or Emongg (they were queuing as a 3-stack, too).

Totally deleted from the game, indeed.

I loved Sym 2.0 but i ejoy Sym 3.0 way more, i am able to do more with Damage output and place my zen and ana in a way more safer area now!

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Exactly, yet most people still view as Despite her role changing just as much if not more then sym’s. Despite her mechanics changing just as much if not more then sym’s.

This feels more like a nostalgic reaction due to how fast it occurred and not about if the character really exists or not.

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I don’t know that DaFran guy likes to throw games :rofl:

Guess Korean contenders also felt like throwing recently?

Sym 3.0 is THE choice on Volskaya attack. Old Sym never was even on defense. If they’d give Sym some minor buffs, she’d be viable on a lot more maps. Old Sym needed a lot more than ‘minor’ buffs.

You’re not thinking about the feel of her abilities - turrents - she had 6 and you like decorated a room with them, it was relaxing, now you just throw 3 out, her oldult fire was like a slow moving Juggernaut, her old teleporter was a complete surprise for users where they’d come out, and you could be so creative with where you’d put it. Saying '‘Sym 2.0 and 3.0 are the same character, both area denial’ is like saying Moira and Ana are the same, both healers. You are missing the point. Those that miss 2.0 miss the flow, the fantasy immersion of light weaving architect, all the little quirks of her kit like 2 ults to choose from. As i’ve said before, unless you had a serious amount of time on 2.0, you might not understand . Those of us saying she is not the same hero are not imaginging our response here, or just saying it for the sake of it. They might completely change your fave hero one day, then you’ll get it.

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I won with Sym 2.0 on volskaya attack hundreds of times, it was about being creative. There are vids on youtube showing you how to make her work on attack.

There’s really nothing left to discuss when this kind of logic is on display.

Well Sym 1.0 only had only 1 ult, COMPLETELY different Heros!!!
Why even call 2.0 Sym???

The number is different. The effect both slow and damage wise is the same. In fact it is better because they are now THROWABLE. Instead of having to wait a full 60 seconds to have all your turrets off cooldown you only need to wait 30.

Her turret uptime has doubled. Which means you should be throwing your turrets MORE since they are not a pre-fight setup mechanic anymore. They can actually be used MID fight.

Numerically speaking you use her turrets more then before and they have a greater impact.

That 130 damage every 2 seconds (65 DPS) was such a juggernaut. Passing through that choke and not hitting anyone with any awareness.

Like her new one is? You can be just as creative if not more so with her new one. You can place it at a distance and take area’s that your team could never dream of doing before.,