Sym 3.0 rework [characters required]

She was actually gaining pickrate before her rework because she did well against Brigitte.

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That’s some possible irony. Right as people were discovering she was the counter to the hated Brig… changed…

Both have the turrets both have the portals the shield generator is now a large wall

New Sym is so much better, please stop with these posts and move on.

I love all the version of Sym and I understand why they had to do that and so do a lot of other people. They tried reworking her once already before version 3.0. It didn’t work because her kit wasn’t balance-able with those skills. It makes since that they had to go over her with a heavy hand the 2nd go around. At least new Sym has the potential to be good with some relatively minor buffs.

Sym 3.0 may have quite a few problems, but she’s more powerful than 2.0. I can play Sym at least in QP on a lot more than two maps. None of the Sym versions are strong enough to play in comp barring -once in a blue moon- circumstances, but that’s slowly changing.

Funny considering that the Pro’s have finally start using her as an answer to Goats.

Sym 2.0 was strong enough to play in comp and rise no problem. Maybe not to grand master but this is an outright LIE

I had 150 hours on Sym 2.0, and now never play her. Everything I loved about her is gone. People saying ‘She still has a teleporter!’ are idiots, it is a completely different ability. I miss the flow of her old kit, she was so relaxing to play. Unless you were a Sym main/had alot of time on her before you have no right to say the rework is better, because you never properly appreciated the nueances of the original. It was a disgrace what they did to Sym, but part of me wishes they’d do a similar hatchet job on a more popular hero so that people actually stop and think about what us who miss 2.0 are saying.


This has to STOP

First of all, she is a taxi to another F tier character Bastion. second of all that entire comp is set up as Orisa shield, bastion sentry and sym teleporter, all of which can be shut down with Sombra GOATs.

sym was balancable and it was easy to balance her.
anyways sym is always hated and always will be.

She still has the teleporter. It teleported people from original spawn to the 2nd capture point, now it can help torborn reach the cereal boxes on the high shelf. Honestly they just don’t get it. I love both versions but they didn’t care for sym 2.0. When they say she is better they don’t actually think that. They’ll still throw a tantrum if somebody on their team locks in a Symmetra. They just like that they can now approach her without getting fried.

how? explain me how you can balance her to be viable on topplay without being op on low ranks, knowing that she was already broken on lower ranks

number changes.

if I was a dev I could try to balance their game.

if sym was unbalanced then why is she more unbalanced now?
anyways I might be wrong idk

People who prefer sym 2.0 just need to learn to aim lul


its not about aim.
she had a completely different playstyle.
what about disabled people who couldn’t aim but loved the game? sym was a perfect hero for them.

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yeah it’s called “Auto-Aim”. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Because balance is more important than your emotional attachment to a character


The people saying ‘they just miss being able to aim’ are also idiots and ignorant. They completely altered the entire flow and feel of her kit.

I felt in love with symmetra 2.0 the first time I played her, I still remember the first match I ever played with her, it was hilarious. ;-;

I can respect your opinion on this. However, factually she is still the same character. Her name is still symmetra. She still has the ability to manipulate hardlight. The majority of her abilities still exist but have only been modified so that she can contribute more consistently to the game.

Let me put it this way. has radically changed from what she started off as on release. The only difference being her’s occurred over a long period of time instead of all at once. use to:

  • Have a straight up cooldown for defense matrix. She could not feather it on and off like she does now.
  • Move much slower while shooting.
  • Do much more damage from her “bump”. So much more that it was a reliable and definitive finisher move for her at the time.
  • Could not live through her own bomb.
  • Could not shoot and fly at the same time.
  • Did not have rockets.
  • Had significantly more armor then she does now.
  • Her primary was less damaging but more accurate.

All of these DRASTICALLY changed how works mechanically. So much so that her playstyle is but a shadow of what it use to be. The only difference between and Sym is that Sym’s occurred all at once.

So why is Sym not the same character but is?