Sym 3.0 rework [characters required]

The fact I structured a counter argument in a much calmer way then the original is what makes me the adult in my eyes, and sometimes in that calm manner you need to let people know they can’t push you around.

Ignoring problems never worked and never will.

Feel free to disagree but again, I stand by my actions.

I’ll be blatant and not sugar coat a thing.

Ive mained Sym since season 1 and still do and I’ve adapted to each incarnation of her. I enjoy how she is now and don’t care about the people complaining about missing the older versions. I don’t care about people still stuck on old versions of heroes.
I’ll keep adapting to the character I like.

She’s still Symmetra, she’s still the same character. If you think not then ask Blizzard to make someone with her old kit because that’s what you miss. Not Symmetra, because she never left.

It was a lock on, but that’s where all the positives end.
If you can aim, new beam is better at everything.

That’s so niche though… New orbs are always good.

The hitboxes are big on the orbs, so that’s not necessary.

People ignoring it is no fault of the hero though…

Now you have mobility.

The ult also does a lot more. 15s of no ranged combat is pretty big.

Actually I don’t care about auto lock at all, I like the new beam, especially since I play a LOT of zarya (80 hr) though it still needs some work.

I would love to see 2.0 and 3.0 combined

Love the new sym, old auto lock sym was garbage. Now it requires some aim. Also can we talk about how much better her turrets are. I’m in love with those things. I love everything about new sym, the only thing i’d want them to do is add faster teleporter cast time, cause that thing is SLOW

Having to adjust to more at once does not make them an entirely different hero. You may FEEL like it is. But it is factually not.

If you have 100 empty bottles on the wall and remove one a day for 100 days and fill it and place it back on the shelf at the end of 100 days you will have 100 filled bottles.

Likewise, if you take all the bottles off the shelf in a single day and fill them you will have 100 filled bottles. All that is different is the amount of time.

Both are factually the same result in the end. and Sym are the same result in the end. They are both still themselves. is still Sym is still sym.

I’ve seen this video. Guess what. Every ability in this game will get kills. Once again, it will not hit anyone with awareness. Sure, the unexpected Sym pick will get you a kill since there is no expectation of the orb. However, once you know Sym is picked. You know to look for it.

I died very rarely to it myself and I have been gold/plat. I can only imagine how much worse it got as you went up the ladder.

Ah, the good old Ship of Theseus¹ thought experiment.

Spoiler: Philosophers determine that it’s inconclusive.

I still feel like my main was removed from the game.

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Lol, That is not the same thing at all. Mine involves empty bottles being filled. I am acknowledging a change but indicating that it does not mean she is no longer herself.

I want sym to stay neiche

Her shield generator also destroyed Brig’s bash combos effectiveness against flankers as well as Rally too since they had the extra health to deal with the armor. It wasn’t just the orbs.

This is also not a fast killing comp, so teleporter on first points was a lot more effective.

The only thing holding her back was the turrets, which could have simply been the only thing changed honestly.

Old Symmetra probably saw some of her strongest stats ever just before she was reworked.

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Don’t play a game with hero changes when you can’t handle hero changes?

isn’t symmetra like the most talked hero after mercy (and brigitte now)?
Also, while they are not doing much, they are buffing her.
I like 3.0 much more than 2.0
The only thing she really lost was the barrier on E, the rest plays mostly the same.
Primary fire is garbage due to the stupid ramp up mechanic (tickrate or hitbox aren’t actually the issue, as she has the same tickrate as zarya and the hitbox is actually quite large).

Like, if they literally change the damage tresholds (say, 120-150-180), sym would instantly become far better.
Throw in a faster tp deploy and you give her some mobility to compensate her short range and squishiness.

The only thing i personally miss are the piercing orbs, but i can understand why they where changed. Making them faster to charge and in travel would have made them far too oppressive. They probably would have been nicer now with goats, but overall it’s not a dramatic loss.

Also, just being a counter to one hero doesn’t mean you are good.
Torb is technically a huge tracer counter, yet he wasn’t played in dive because the entire rest of the team countered him.
Sym is the same.
While shield gen was useful, she would have never been a valid brigitte counter, because just winston existing hard countered symmetra to oblivion.
That, and the fact she couldn’t really challenge any 200 hp hero, since her dps was capped at 120 after a 2 seconds lock on.

What on earth are you talking about.
All of the heroes you listed play in exactly the same way.

If you expected serious replies then maybe you should have made a post that is something we could all take seriously instead of you being a complete drama queen who refuses to take their rose-tinted glasses off.
Symmetra is still Symmetra, she still has her mini sentries, she still has her teleporter, she still has her beam weapon that ramps up in damage and her secondary still fires orbs. The defining aspects of what makes Symmetra the character she is are still there, the only real difference now is that she’s actually being used beyond point A.

Heavy exaggeration threads like this make me wanna puke at times.
No, she was not deleted from the game as her general mechanics are still in her kit like Turrets and Teleporters which defined her kit in previous forms.

Those who don’t get what we mean when we say her flow has changed - as a comparison Sombra - i haven’t been playing her so much since infinite stealth and translocator change, since the limited duration of those lent a real intensity and thrill to her play style. She just feels like you’re playing a walking pain in the****.

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Is this a troll post or are you just thick? Her teleporter is completly different. It was like a mystery portal for your allies where they had no idea where they’d come out, and you could place it in such cool locations like the skywalk in oasis city center, and your allies would ‘take the path’ instantly across the map straight back into the fight. And you’d have to run off midfight to find some place to put it down, and the enemy team would actively hunt it down, as it was so powerful. It won games, at least at my rank gold, and was so cool. It had the same kind of ‘x factor’ as Mercy’s mass rez. Now it’s a gimmicky reaper teleport 80% of people ignore. Thoughtless posts like yours make me wanna puke.

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Read the post i just made RE. her teleporter. I am starting to think trying to explain to people how she is ‘no longer Sym’ is pointless, it’s like trying to explain to someone who hates rap music why you love it. There’s probably a better analogy but i’m tired.

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