Sym 3.0 rework [characters required]

I actually referenced someone like you today.

Nah, she was just made better.

Did you see the contenders match that had two Sym’s against each other?! Like in one game she was used more in the entire first season of OWL.

Lol yeah 3.0 is better than 2.0 just needs some tweaks. Hopefully Echo has the shield gen ability now :man_shrugging:

"Someone like you’’ There’s alot of us. In this thread alone are a ton of people who agree with the TC. I don’t think we care if performance wise she is better, we miss the ‘spirit and flaire’ Kaplan used to talk about.

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How was moira reworked??? Oh she cant heal through barriers anymore she now needs to have a COMPLETELY different playstyle, like what?
Pharah having to hit direct rockets to do more damage is a rework?
Ye the playstyle is not the long range spam but the hero wasnt reworked.
Rework is giving new abilities or ults to a hero. (Mercy, Symmetra, Torb)

And if the topic is Symmetra i think shes a niche pick. She’s WAY WAY better than what she used to be and can be viable.

She used to be uselees as a support,brcause she provided no actual support, then useless as damage cause she did no damage but now shes better.

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Well spirit and flair are greaaaat (insert thumbs up and forced smile) but aren’t winning many matches nowadays, or well… ever…

Sooooo I’m going to say that Sym has a much wider niche spot now and just needs some tweaking for improvement and that I hope her previous kit is parted out and put to use by other heroes down the line somewhere because some of it was very good, just not the whole package.

Well spirit and flaire are important when you’re engrossed in a game, unless your some kind of video game terminator that exists solely to win!

Sensationalism at its finest.

Calm down hunTy. The character is still there (her personality and builder stuff). She’s just, y’know, more viable and requires mechanical skill while simultaneously making her less of a curbstomper in lower elos. Though don’t get me wrong, just because she’s “more viable” than Sym 2.0 doesn’t mean she’s done receiving buffs/QoL changes (because seriously, gorl needs a touch up).

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Please read the topic, everything you’ve said has been said before and responded to, you simply don’t understand why we miss her.

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I won’t argue that she was in fact changed quite a bit but I will argue for the reasons behind it, current sym has more of an identity than old one and skill isn’t a de facto thing you have to overlook when talking about her character

The things you miss about her might make a comeback down the line, for example soft auto lock is present on Moira, as for it all being in one package I doubt it, it is sad but you will have to get over the feeling of nostalgia and understand that the hours you spent practicing sym aren’t all for nothing, the game sense you acquired from it can still be used proactively

As a person who nigh one-tricked old Sym, new Sym is like a breath of fresh air. It’s nice when you’re not hard countered by Winston and Pharah anymore.

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I do. Because I mained her and her ribbon of twirly bendy death was fun. I am also a Zelda main - I am attracted to flawed characters who are challenging for other reasons than “lul aim” when it comes to FPS games. Which was Sym in a nutshell for 1.0/2.0. Barely viable (or jokingly viable), but otherwise a very very very poor pick in most situations. The only valid reason someone has to miss Sym 1.0/2.0 is because they are physically impaired somehow (not an insult) so her low-aim-tools were very accommodating and inclusive (which is what I think her purpose was from the start along with Mercy and Rein).

However, she was simply not made with an FPS in mind at the time. That is why her 2.0 version, which pushed all her tools as far as they could go balance wise, was still a failure.

I love bad characters because it makes people extra salty when I win, especially if the character’s got some awesome personality or sass/style. But I like viable characters even more… Even if I have to learn 1 or 2 new parts of her kit while utilizing the same premise set by her original kit. But again, she is still no longer accommodating to those with impairments - so that I will acknowledge and count as an objective reason to stand behind her old design… But that’s not what most 1.0/2.0 mains are standing behind.


The only thing I miss is being able to grant shield hp to me and my team. They should combine this with her Ultimate and make itt give near by players a small amount of shield ho overtime(max of 50).

I agree with you completely, Symm 2.0 was unique but her rework turned her into a slightly altered Zarya

I don’t get where y’all are coming from with this “Old Sym was powerful” crap when she was still widely considered too niche to do anything useful with, especially when her niche was done more reliably by many other heroes. The reality of her old ult was that it was too gimmicky, either the enemy team ignored it and just blasts through your team and then kills your team as they funnel through the TP to contest or it gets destroyed in minimal time due to how there’s nowhere necessarily safe to put it without it losing a large amount of effectiveness.

Overwatch Forums Here’s a ‘ult tier list’ thread from when old teleporter was in the game. The vast majority of people disagree with you that it was gimmicky. Personally, it won me countless games.

Hey sorry dunno if you got my reply