〽 Sym 3.0: worse pickrate than 2.0, winrate DOWN 7%

Well they did say they are looking into her primary when Seagull pointed how eventhough her orbs are good, her primary is VERY bad. I forget where it was but it was during a stream with Seagull and the devs.

On that note as well, I hope they address her teleporter cast time and deployment, should at least be 0.2s-0.4s faster, its other use is to also help escape a teamwipe but it takes a while to set up.


I’m not ready to call a twice reworked hero “neglected” while Reaper and Bastion are still in the states they are. Besides, it’s still early.


Nerf her again and call it a buff.


Give Sym’s beam a hitbox the size of Moira’s and it will probably be good. Maybe decrease the charge up time, perhaps 1.5 for each or 1 second from 1->2 and 2 seconds for 2->3.

As a bonus, have the beam visually lock onto the center of your target and bend as you move your crosshair so it visually looks similar to her old beam.

A minor slow debuff when enemies walk through her ult barrier would also be nice.


I’m glad they’re looking at it, but once again I’m disturbed by how much influence the sea bird seemingly has on the game :confused:


Errr, OP? I’m sorry, but what are you talking about? Her pickrates are up all across the board, you know? And her winrate is slightly down, which is normal for a character that was reworked.

Here is an actually relevant page to asses that.



I kind of like the way her primary works now like Zarya. I dont think its hitbox should be like Moiras because well, we’d have a crap ton of “OH SYM HAS A SOFT LOCK NOW, NERF HER” or bla bla like the s*** Moira gets. Plus, Moiras hitbox is slightly bigger is so she can recharge her healing, while Sym is more towards DPS output.

I think its better to increase its range from 10m to like 13m or 14m and reduce the ramp from 2s to 1.6s


Reaper has nearly triple the pickrate of Sym, and has received multiple straight buffs in his life, rarely having been nerfed. He is certainly in a more favourable position than either Bast or Sym.

Also, just because some other heroes are also neglected (Torb and Bast being particulars), doesn’t mean Sym isn’t also. She’s been reworked, but these reworks were not progressively built upon like with Mercy. They have not “kept an eye on her” as they are with Sombra. She just gets crazy changes, regadless of her current position in the meta.

Besides, it’s still early.

We were told this when her new primary hit PTR. We were told this when it was still bad live, and we are still being told this now it is demonstrably bad in comp. How long will it be til its not “too early” to discuss the obvious flaws holding 3.0 Sym back?


You have to remember that Symmetra’s winrate was inflated in Sym 2.0 because of her very low pickrate.


Symm 2.0 was good in ONE niche. Capture Point defense. She was played heavily in her niche and swapped off immediately after. That’s why her winrate stats were so inflated. Symm 3.0 has lots more niches and maps she’s good on, BUT she’s weaker on her previous ONE niche. Symm is better overall now and more balanced as a hero, which is why her winrate has gone down, it’s because she’s being played like a normal hero instead of a gimmick


She actually broke into the 1% pickrate zone which is one of her all-time highs too which is great.


Teleport is pretty damn amazing in LFG, but is useless in solo queue. It needs ALL of your mates to coordinate and go through it. If they do, for all intents and purposes, the team becomes dive.

Let me tell you, few things are more satisfying than teleporting your entire team right up a Widow smurf’s a$$ and having her easy braindead escape denied because nobody expanded their cooldowns to get to her to begin with. And there’s no chance a Widow will destroy the teleport in time with her puny sustained damage.

Don’t pick the new Sym without LFG.


Yup, not to mention that she’s only playable in comp since the 10th or the 11th, so she’s still not very stable both on winrate and pickrate.

Also since we wanna talk about pick and winrates after not even a full week, she has a staggering 61% winrate in gm. Seems lower ranks her winrate fell, higher ranks it went up, makes sense when the hero is more teamwork based now than b4.


When looking at this week via the link you gave, her pickrate is .66%, and her winrate is 58.34%.

This is slightly different than what the main page says for some reason, but STILL confirms my original post: Her pickrate and winrate are still poor, the rework has failed.

EDIT: Nvm, you’re referring to the bottom graph, I thought u were looking at top right corner.

That said, if 1.06% is her true pickrate rn … why are you happy about that? That’s still very bad. And again, her winrate has also lowered to compensate.


58% winrate is poor? Are you drunk?


Her winrate would go up in lower ranks too if people would stop picking her in solo queue. Everyone is so damn used to 1v6 solo carry DPS that a character with a teamwork ceiling just forces the collective brains to go to a halt.

Pick her in LFG and ONLY in LFG.

Also she’s better on attack now. Teleport turns everyone into flankers.


Funny thing is, even looking at her winrate across all ranks, it is still the 2nd highest overall.


…What are you talking about? Her pickrate on PC is at 3,28% in quickplay, and 0,78% in competitive, in which, once again, she just recently was enabled, so that number means not much. What stats are you even lookign at?

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You realise her pickrates are going to seem lower because you literally haven’t been able to play her in competitive till just a few days ago, right?