Sym 2.0 vs 3.0 Beam Damage - This is a Nerf!

Honestly why make sym aim of your not going to make her aiming components worth ever using

The old primary was more effective

This new one should be better then the old one because it makes you aim

Wtf blizz


Agreed. What’s worse is that her orbs have clear weaknesses, yet her primary friends Ian still worse then them even when those weak ears are exploited

The orbs aren’t good when a genji dives you. But they are still better or kits as good as the primary fire in that situation

That’s an issue and unbalanced as hell


The orbs do not make up for her terrible primary in my opinion. They lost the ability to pierce which was essential. This is a huge difference that people seem to forget very often.

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Oh-hoh! Resurrecting this thread with an important point -

There are so many heroes in this game that liquefy barriers, such as Junkrat and Bastion, and to a certain extent, even Hanzo. So, removing a unique anti-barrier option that Symmetra had in order to give her necessarily less efficient ways of dealing damage not only removed some of her unique utility, but also made her primary and secondary fire less effective versions of attacks with a similar purpose, on a worse kit.

With a bad Reaper Teleport that you can use on your teammates.


I’ve been doing not bad with the new Symmetra, 67 per cent win rate, but I can’t honestly say it’s fun.

Her orbs are okay but piercing was far superior to splash damage. I can see what they tried to do making the gun recharge ammo from shields like make primary the thing for going at shields but it’s just meh.

If you ever get into the situation where you have full charge beam then yes that feels great but her starting beam is so lacklustre you can be destroyed by Mercy’s blaster before you try some primary, realise this isn’t working and charge an orb.

Homogenising heroes just means they lose what’s unique to them. I still think they should start Primary with a Soft lock at 60 then straighter beam as it goes up to 120 then 180. This would allow Symmetra to get those final blows and give her a means to at least get to second charge with squishies.


A primary fire should cover for where the secondary lacks and vice versa

Not just Be worse in every situation except a very niche situation



Also true. Has a lot to do with how the kit feels. Symmetra is in a very strange spot, which is probably worse than where she was before the rework. Like at least before she was consistent; you knew exactly what you were getting from your Symm pick.

She’s less polarizing and more viable on attack, but it’s not efficient enough to ever justify picking her over another hero. Even the teleporter gimmicks aren’t effective.


which is why she could really do with soft lock for 2 seconds before ramp up. 120 damage is not much. That’s one direct hit orb.

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They won’t opt for a solution like that. You know that Blizzard doesn’t revert, and so the only way to think about progressing her is to talk about moving forward.

And they made her a damage hero. So, up her minimum damage to 100, reduce the tic rate to 10/sec (from 20, so she can decimate armored targets), and change her damage profile to fit 100/140/180. That’s less overall damage but significantly more consistent damage. I think a change like this would help compensate for her current terrible pre-ramp damage and, when combined with the minor range buff (which was inappropriate and not thought-out), could help Sym out a lot.

Oh yeah, and double the teleporter placement animation speed.


Uch. Deep down I know that. I’m trying to master these turret throughs ala 2.0 photon barrier to stop Hog hooks but don’t know if they’re intended or bugs.

Her survivability is dire and it’s been said many times before that she needs a passive to produce temporary AoE shields.

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You have assumed Sym beam damage was supposed to be what you say.
The failed at critical thinking here was that you persoanlly somehow knew how much beam damage sym was supposed to be putting out.
Which design meeting at blizzard with what developers did you obtain that knowledge?

Or is it that you have just assumed lower dmg output from the beam was a mistake and not the goal?

If they don’t create something like this, which they won’t, then we should hope to have better consistent damage.

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We are fighting a losing battle though

There are a lot of people who don’t play sym who aren’t just brushing her off saying she’s fine

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Symms biggest problem is her tickrate on her primary fire. I was toying around with the calculator and cutting the tick rate in half (10 ticks) would help the weapon out so much. At level 3 charge each tick would do 18 damage but when counting in armor it would do 13 damage making it 130dps. That’s way better than the current 90dps for armor we have now. If they want symm to be a tank buster (even though we have enough of those) then they need to make her primary fire actualluly good at that job. The range increase on PTR is a good start and hopefully it means that the beam is on their radar. The turret cooldown is still 10 seconds per turret. Meaning if you use all 3 at once you have to wait 30 seconds to get another 3. Turret cooldown should be 8 seconds making 3 turrets be 24 seconds. Also can we get our old HUD indicator back for when a turret dies. Its so hard to tell when one goes down now. Her teleporter is also super wonky to place especially with fence posts. Cast time is still too long to reliably escape a grav. Also the area to activate the teleporter is super small which means if you are moving around in a grav you might not be able to teleport. Her ult is meh. I’d rather see these other changes that I mentioned happen first before changing the ult. Same applies to symms health. She needs help…still.


But what if her purpose isn’t actually to be a tank buster? What if she’s just meant to erase 200HP heroes?

If that’s her purpose she certainly isn’t the best at it right now. But I’m thinking, what if her maximum damage was enough to delete a hero? 200 DPS? It would certainly be crazy, but it’s a consideration we can make :slight_smile:

You are factoring in accuracy. In that case, yes, her left click is weaker than Sym 2.0. Which is a GOOD THING considering the massive buffs the turrets received. Even though they’re double power for half the turrets, they regenerate at the same rate, so that means you are generating double the turret power. That plus the fact that they can be thrown.

The secondary fire and ultimate reworks are not massive buffs but they are slightly more useful.

And the tactical potential of the new Teleporter is huge. Especially in organized teams, yes, but many times I have been able to harass a Widowmaker as a Symmetra and get her off her position.

The left click nerf balances out her upgrades elsewhere. Consider that Symmetra is one of my top 5 heroes.

Remember how all this started because people complained that the auto-lock was unfair.

My only real grudge with the new left click is that indeed it more a tank buster and less a squishy buster, but the new turrets do a magnificent job at killing squishies now that they’re so easy to deploy and each turrent has more slow effect.

I say tweak the beam so that it has a softlock like Moira does, and we’re good.

Barring that, teleporter deployment time needs to be tweaked as well. It’s not a get out of jail free card like the Photon Shield it replaced was.

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Ah, you are one of ‘those’ types? Can’t deny the mistakes so try to attack the person? Sadly you chose the wrong track to take.

Newsflash: Blizzard Overwatch team released several press articles in the days during the rework and preceeding it.

April 29th, 2018 on VGR: “It still has the potential to gain extra damage by dealing damage like it does now, but instead of going 30/60/120 dps it is currently 65/130/195 dps,” Goodman said. “This means the weapon has significantly more potential, but it is more difficult to get it to max power.”

That would be a press release by Geoff Goodman. Minor tweak downs for the final numbers but key words “significantly more potential”.

Ok but what if they lied about what he said?

Symmetra Rework

July 5th post on the PTR forums. Read it for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. But I will quote from the primary fire mechanic info…

The biggest change to Symmetra’s primary fire is that it no longer locks onto enemies. This change, in turn, allows the weapon to deal significantly more damage

Significantly more NOT as you say “lower dmg output … the goal”. Your ad hominem attack has been cut down with proof that it was indeed a mistake. Want to try something else instead?

Actually, except for your less than polite tone, i did apparently choose the right track to take.

See the part that you … out of my reply is the question i ask, and this post you give is the answer to that question i ask.

i did basically ask, in a cheeky way, how do you know it is a mistake, have you just assumed that?

To which you helpfully provide the answer that in fact this is given by devs info that the current dmg model for that gun is not exactly how they want it to be.

I did not have that data that you in fact had, and the response i was replying to did not give that info. Which is why i had to ask how it was you spoke as if you knew it was incorrect?

I am not someone that denies when mistakes are made. I am someone that does not assume. So when statements are made without providing the basis for them, I am compelled to ask on what basis are such statements being made or are they just assumptions?

I get attacked on these forums and on the reddit all the time for having posts that are too long. If I stopped and added backstory for every single reason I am saying something my posts would often be twice as long as they already are.

It is the duty of a reader to investigate any claims by myself or any other person before taking a stance one way or another. The data on what the developers want in reworks and tweaks is out there if you only do the research first.

As for my tone, you are the one who made the assumption that I was making assumptions. You are the one who said and I quote,

Your post was read by me as an ad hominem attack and still in fact is being read as such. Your latest post barely seems to apologize for the attacks but even still is trying to shift the blame onto me by claiming my tone is bad or rather “less than polite”.

Even more, it really annoys me that you try to claim that “I am someone that does not assume.” when your own post plainly assumed that I was “failing at critical thinking” for “assuming lower dmg output from the beam was a mistake and not the goal”

If you can not tell, yes, I am a bit offended here. I never base my statements however off of personal emotion. I will defend my worst enemy’s words if they are in the right, and I will shout down my best friend when they are in the wrong. To me, truth and logic is everything. Which again is why I am slightly offended by your attack and your second response trying to sidestep the fact you attacked me and placing the blame for it upon my own statements.