Sym 2.0 vs 3.0 Beam Damage - This is a Nerf!

I do this too, and I think to myself “tickle tickle” when I do it too, sad eh?

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sorry if this has been said on here already…YES her beam was nerfed…but everything else damage wise was buffed…

why is give and take so hard to accept for people

That’s why her turrets do 30less dps, and there are only 3 now?
That’s why her orbs no longer pierce shields, and have the explosive radius the same size as the orb?

Granted, yes, we can toss twice as many orbs as we could in the same amount of time as previous, but we could also follow that orb and close to beam range, had a shield to also protect us while we were doing it.

I won’t deny that being able to toss those orbs with double the frequency is nice. It most definitely is. If you asked me if I could have that, or an orb that pierces shields though, I’d gladly take the piercing mechanic. I could do 720 damage to a Grav pile with it, now I can do maybe 240 if I’m lucky. And that’s just to one person, everyone else will take 60 damage.

The problem is, more was taken than what was given damage wise for Symmetra. On paper, it looks great, in execution however, it isn’t. I’m not sure if you were a Sym 2.0 player previously or not, but I can tell you that I was. I can see the difference between 2.0 and 3.0 in damage numbers.

Yes, I get more raw damage as Sym 3.0, but sustained damage on multiple targets isn’t killing them. In a game like Overwatch, killing your target is much more important than doing incidental damage, especially in the era of heal over time effects and armor.

I see you have a Sombra icon for your profile pic. Being stealthed all the time is better than the stealth you had before, right? It’s longer stealth! it’s a buff!

Yeah, didn’t think that’d work. :smiley:


Lolwhat. He has combat Roll, Stun, 140DPS, burst damage from FtH and ability to head shot. Yep, that is less than some other heroes, but Sym now has only 120DPS from RMB and super weak LMB that takes ages to charge to be decent.
I mean, McCree has far better options for surviving and fighting back in close range than Sym.

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Oh don’t get me started on sombra…but they are buffs…just pointless ones…

Back to sym…her turrets do less damage?..I have no idea where you got that from…are you specifically talking about total damage of 3 vs 6…cause individually they do more and slow more than before…how often were you getting all 6 activating at the same time on one target (since you wanted to specifically talk about 1 target) … Not to mention being thrown…

The orb is still deadly giving its spammability…sounds like you agree

The beam is weaker to compensate…even though you’ll do plenty if you can aim…

And none of this even brings in the teleporter which is already incredible even though nobody has even really mastered it yet

And I think that last part is the Important thing…She’s just a different character and no one has the level of mastery that they had with old sym yet…of course people are going to hate the fact that you can’t play her like you did before…but we shouldn’t expect that anyway…don’t think of her as symmetra 3.0…think of her as hero 29…give it time…she has a lot of upside which is not something we could ever really say about sym 2.0

New Turrets: 3 Max 150dps 1 target
Old Turrets: 6 max 180dps 1 target

The slow mechanic you speak of is exactly the same. 1 turret equals 2 of the previous turrets.

The turrets possess the same cooldown time as the old turrets, but there are fewer of them.

Being thrown is their biggest boon, and biggest detriment. They are destroyed in flight more often than they land. They still have the 1 second setup time once they hit their intended location before actually doing any damage.

Previously, I had 6 turrets at my disposal, and could place them around the room so that you couldn’t target every single one of them and kill them, you would need to look around and target them specifically.

You can still do the same thing now, but you have significantly less targets to search out and kill.

1hp vs 30hp, what’s the difference? Glancing damage no longer takes one out, but a punch, couple of rounds from a fully automatic weapon, a half second of a lightning gun, .5 seconds with Moira’s alt fire, they’re still laughably easy to kill.

Your rebuttal will be, “Then don’t throw them in combat.” or “Don’t throw them where crossfire will kill them.” and I will remind you that in the thick of battle is where the turrets do their best work. If you set them up where its not happening, they do 0 damage, if you toss them into the battle they do 0 if they’re destroyed in flight, which is common.

I believe making it so that they can’t be destroyed in flight would be a boon to her kit.

And on paper, you are correct, in the end damage numbers you can really dish out some punishment on paper.

Unfortunately, on that same piece of paper, you can also see that it will take 4 seconds of sustained fire to achieve that damage. You will have had to reload during that time, and aim must be kept laser focused on your target.

If your target stands still, or doesn’t notice your beam, you can reliably do damage. Armor greatly reduces the damage on her beam on the mechanic it employs. Her beam does 10 damage a tick, armor reduces 5 damage from that tick, until the armor is gone. So if a target has 75 armor from a Brig “heal” lets say, that target will effectively take 60 damage in the first 2 seconds you have the beam on them (not counting for a single missed tick of damage) The next tier is 15 damage per tick, which will for the next 3 ticks only be 10 damage per tick due to armor mitigation, so lets say for 3 seconds of sustained 100% pinpoint accuracy, you will have achieved a total of 75 damage.

In that same time frame, assuming perfect aim, I could have done 120+120+120, minus 5 for each hit, so 115+115+115. See the problem? The primary beam isn’t worth using unless you have the ability to charge it on a shield before hand. The amount of time you’ll have with that charged up beam is directly proportional to the amount of time you spent charging it.

I’m not saying the new Sym is worthless, I’m just saying she needs some more tuning to really make her a viable pick, outside of the gimmickry you can pull with the Teleporter and turrets.


He also happens to have one of the easiest hitboxes to hit in the entire DPS category.
Here’s a better example. People are complaining about being unable to walk up to tank, but try using Symm and Cree to walk up to an Orisa behind a barrier.
Symmetra might not get past the barrier, but Cree probably won’t even get close, he’s so easy to kill it’s not even funny.

a mcree can flank and kill the orisa behind the barriar in like 3 shots. symetra can teleport close to the orisa, charge th beam on the shield, and die before ramping up the beam to 2nd level

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How can u misd a splash damage projectile but hit w a pinpoint accurate beam. You can throw it at their feet and still hit.

Ive played Sym 9 hours in comp now and literally not once found an enemy in range that i can do damage to after charging off a barrier.

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Her beam was not supposed to be weaker to compensate

The devs specifically said its meant to be stronger than her old beam,because shes dps now, and thats litetally the opposite of what happened.


The turrets do less damage on console again. It’s like, “sure, let’s stifle her damage significantly on the platform she’d need more help”.

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Isn’t it more difficult to target smaller items on console though? Less precision with the thumb stick mechanic, right?

I know my experience with a gamepad vs keyboard and mouse has been abysmal. That’s giving myself credit too.

I can’t imagine how difficult it would be as Sym 3.0 to try to target someone with the primary weapon, let alone try to hit a turret as another character without some sort of spread attack.


Yes, and that are crap rules.

Faster speed without piercing barriers is fair. You cannot have both.

the old balls were hilarious xD tbh I think I’d take them at 150 dps over these in their explosive state

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I rather the faster speed. They are definitely harder to dodge at closer ranges lmao. I love the new Sym.

I’m still really surprised how people don’t talk about how bad her teleporter is.

I keep telling people it’s bad, but I guess no one really used Sym’s teleporter anyway because no one else is saying anything about it?

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No reasonable person would say her secondary makes up for her primary since the secondary fire is just a worse version of a Pharah Rocket and damage from it doesn’t help ramp up her beam.


The thing about Zarya’s secondary fire is that it scales with her power increase. Sure, she’s a tank, so she does less damage, but…

Wait a second… a DPS with less effective range has a less effective primary than a tank with double the HP and only a ~30% larger hitbox…


This. Sooo this. It makes no sense that Sym 3.0 is a dps with a worse primary.

A good comparison to the Zarya and Sym 3.0 analogy is Orisa and Bastion. It would be like if Bastion and Orisa had the exact same gun but Bastion only had 200 hp, no way of self-healing, and only a 10m range for doing damage with the gun.

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