Symmetra 4.0 [Discussion]

As most of you know, the coming of Symmetra 3.0 pushes the hero in an entirely new direction, with an entirely new kit that uses new art and sound effects. It’s refreshing to see a breath of life pass above the gravestone of Overwatch’s most useless hero.

Of course, because of the myriad problems with her current iteration, primarily originating from a terrible primary fire that is outperformed by Mercy’s pistol, nearly adequate turrets (except on console), and a good teleporter (except for the delay), I find myself thinking about the direction the character will take during her next inevitable rework or series of changes.

I’m speculating that her next patch will probably a while down the road (after her statistics fail to effectively improve), and it’ll probably have something to do with making her DPS from the balls more efficient.

But I’m primarily hoping for the primary fire to be improved in a few small ways, anything from slightly better range to a higher base damage, to a passive that lets her ignore armor effects on it.



I wish they would just get things right so they wouldn’t work on 1 hero for half a year.


I’m so tired of doing this when you know good and well the developers going to stick to their own version than actually try to improvise the hero. If it’s not Mercy than it’s not worthy.

Nevertheless I will support this cause…again.


as a sym main, the current changes are very good as is. although it’s a bit loopy how the primary is not as good compared to the secondary, a good sym will be able to play very well and you can easily throw off the enemy team with positioning and good secondary shots.


I hope they take the primary approach as well. Tone down the orbs in favor of a more powerful primary fire.

  1. Increased range

  2. Faster ramp up

  3. 100 ammo again

I’m a Zarya player in high master and took her into plat games and got nearly zero value out of her left click even though my accuracy bounced between 60 and 70%. It is complete trash. I’d love to see that primary fire be the focus, because I think it will truly turn her into a skill based hero. Her right clicks will still be good against clumped up enemies and when you need burst damage or range, but her left click should be the primary weapon.

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which is true, but it’s always a struggle if the enemy team is as good as your team. If they have an accurate Widowmaker or Hanzo then it’s even worst.

It’s like, this is such an obviously overwhelming drawback - it doesn’t matter that the damn thing ramps up from near-useless to “standard DPS for a hero in this range who is focused on DPS”.

And about widow and hanzo, with the coming of Hammond, it’ll surely make the sniper situation less dire. However, if triple tank dive is a thing, Symm will fall again to uselessness.

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Talking about exagerating…she only needs fixes to interactions and turret’s hitboxes plus a tweak to her primary fire and she’ll be great.

If we’ve learned anything at all, it’s that being extreme in positions is a good way to fall to the middle ground :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, you can’t deny - she’s far from being powerful. Think of literally any other DPS.

I think youre totally wrong. She needs much more than a simple tweak. She is a mess and needs to be reworked again. But I guess we will have to wait another year for Sym 4.0

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Dude just how? a Sym in my team carried us to victory just by playing with us by calling shots and making some badass flanks with TP/Turrets and we rolled the enemy team on both points.


Oh man, I know this feel. It’s so empowering when a good Sym player comes along and actually takes control and it just works. So much fun.

As the usage statistics continue to follow their trend, it’ll be apparent. Now, if she gets even one second of play time in the OWL, I’m sure that we’ll see a shift in the community (even if only a very slight one), but that won’t change the ~1% pickrate, and the plummeting average winrate across skill tiers.

So yes, she needs a few tweaks, to every aspect of her kit.

  • Improvements to the primary fire
  • Fixed turret damage on consoles
  • Probably a slightly larger blast radius for her secondary fire
  • Significantly faster TP creation animation
  • Slightly stronger turrets, somehow

Ive played all kinds of symmetras. However I have never really mained her, in this season I have been playing very, very often I believe I have like 20 matches played as sym with arouns 75% win percentage with her.

She is strong, her kit completely changed so it is important to know when to use your turrets to either damage or to slow a target sightly to make it easier to track/hit with left or right click.

Also a side note I do believe the teleporter should pop up quicker thus right now it takes around 2 seconds for it to be usable, so it is hardly as effective against graviton combos.

With the exception of turrets i agree with everything else you said. The new turrets add even more CC because they could easily remove the slow or reduce and increase the damage. Her turrets slowness is so strong now that some characters movement speed is reduced to literally 0 and its like they are trapped if there are 3 aiming at him at once.

Yes, that’s true, and I’m not saying I’m not thankful for her rework - because I really am.

And her turrets are awesome, and tbh, if 2.0 had 3.0 turrets, it would’ve been an entirely different game. But my main gripe is their weakness on console. Like I’m sure the usage statistics show that people on console kill those things really quickly, despite the aiming being slightly more difficult or whatever!

You know, it’s just the primary fire I guess, and like some QoL things… I still say they should’ve retained 2.0 primary fire with the barrier-heal, that would’ve probably been excellent.

No, i’m against the lock on and always were. If they make a good damage tweaking to her primary fire i’m down for it but no lock ons.

I see your point, it is kind of silly in an FPS xD but certainly the current state of the weapon isn’t acceptable - it either has to do more consistent damage, or have additional properties to make it more threatening.

Turns out she is worse than sym 2.0!

To think people want to nerf her turrets jeez its the only thing going for her. Primary fire is useless… Powerful but if u get a chance tonuse it- good luck its being nerfed she should have kept her lock on beam but made it weaker and softer lock

Teleporter takes too long to deploy. They should have kept her ultimate as another teleporter from spawn.

Shes all over the place when u look at her kit she is a bit of a half arsed dps

I just hope for a tick rate revision. Ive been recording Symmetra gameplay aince she first came out on to the PTR and I was rewatching one of my videos yesterday. I had a 30% accuracy and I was killing enemies easier than my current 45-50 accuracy. As of right now I dont even consider symmetra having a primary fire. Her turrets need a slighlty lower cd. Her tele needs to deploy faster and not be so wonky with edge railings. Her ultimate could use a secondary effect imo like slowing enemies or shielding allies.

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