Symmetra 4.0 [Discussion]

I just hope for a tick rate revision. Ive been recording Symmetra gameplay aince she first came out on to the PTR and I was rewatching one of my videos yesterday. I had a 30% accuracy and I was killing enemies easier than my current 45-50 accuracy. As of right now I dont even consider symmetra having a primary fire. Her turrets need a slighlty lower cd. Her tele needs to deploy faster and not be so wonky with edge railings. Her ultimate could use a secondary effect imo like slowing enemies or shielding allies.

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“But it’s so unfair that a non-player can deal damage to my Genji!”

I think the main issue is that sym is very teamwork dependent, and communication heavy. Her tele is amazing, but you have to communicate what you plan to do with your team, tell them when its going down, tell them if youre using it to push through the choke etc. Just dropping it when no1 noticed and then calling her tele useless is silly. The only thing that actually looks a little weak but mainly is just situational is her primary fire.


I would agree very much so. She relies heavily on a coordinated team. But as a hero she is pretty (well not conpletely) useless… if the enemy team is destroying ur turrets as quickly as u deploy them all you have left is your balls to fire(which dont do much but get reflected or give zarya charge)

You then have her teleport… which people are quickly wising up to. It gets destroyed too fast or you get into trouble. Ive made some great pushes with it - but honestly u would be better off playing another dps to be honest!

I still love her… but shes kinda just why would u pick her when u cud pick up another dos like mccree or soldier with their hit scan buff incoming

As a Symmetra main, I’m not a Symmetra main anymore.
I think I’ve never picked her after the rework :frowning: It’s not her… It’s a different hero with the same design.

And not as good.


C[quote=“Symmetra-11293, post:1, topic:162287, full:true”]
As most of you know, the coming of Symmetra 3.0 pushes the hero in an entirely new direction, with an entirely new kit that uses new art and sound effects. It’s refreshing to see a breath of life pass above the gravestone of Overwatch’s most useless hero.

Of course, because of the myriad problems with her current iteration, primarily originating from a terrible primary fire that is outperformed by Mercy’s pistol, nearly adequate turrets (except on console), and a good teleporter (except for the delay), I find myself thinking about the direction the character will take during her next inevitable rework or series of changes.

I’m speculating that her next patch will probably a while down the road (after her statistics fail to effectively improve), and it’ll probably have something to do with making her DPS from the balls more efficient.

But I’m primarily hoping for the primary fire to be improved in a few small ways, anything from slightly better range to a higher base damage, to a passive that lets her ignore armor effects on it.


I seriously doubt she will get a full rework ever again, Blizzard and he majority like where she is now and the only real issue is her Primary fire ramp up. If anything her primary will ramp faster and the orbs may get a tad slower/weaker. Fair chance the teleported will get it’s range and duration buffet slightly as well BUT it depends on crafty the pros get in using it.

I’ve given up on it to be honest. It’s obvious to me now they don’t really care about making Symmetra viable. 10 seasons and two reworks down the line and she is still useless. Before she was a gimmicky support, now she is a gimmicky DPS. Literally stopped playing her since the rework went live, will not play her anymore unless having fun with friends and doing super gimmicky stuff. RIP Sym.

Can I just take this moment to say how refreshing it is to see the word ‘myriad’ used correctly :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


And even then, I would argue that a weak LMB isn’t inherently a problem so long as her RMB and Turrets still give her viability in combat.

Playing the devils advocate aside however, Sym 3.0 is pretty weak. But lets not confuse design problems with tuning problems. Sym being weak and Hanzo being OP doesn’t mean that the rework failed, it just means Blizzard missed the mark on their tuning.

Sym’s LMB needing buffs doesn’t mean the kits worth writing off. People confusing design problems with balance problems has always been a pet peeve of mine, with Sym’s kit definitely falling in the latter category.

Reducing the time it takes Sym’s LMB to ramp up, or increasing the range by a few meters would do wonders for her kit without having to put the manpower into ANOTHER full scale rework.


I could kiss you, you fabulous human being :smiley:

And @Awkward, it’s very likely that she simply won’t get the attention to the primary fire that she needs BECAUSE of the usefulness of the rest of her kit, even though it is spotty at best.

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I agree with most. I think the biggest thing that needs addressing is the range of the primary fire. In terms of that I play her almost the same way as before because you still have to be at close range the only difference is no auto lock. The damage I think is alright.

All symms complaining about the primary fire… but not looking the rest of the kit. You dont want a hero, you want a super OP hero. Please try to understand the position of the hero with the rest.

Mercy’s pistol is VERY powerfull, not just for symm but even for a tracer. It DOES a LOT of damage.

I think Symm could really take a better primary but a nerf in her turrets could be appreciated.

This shoudnt happen to a top500 player like J3sus:

Really? Whoever was playing Symmetra on the other team anticipated that someone would take that route to get to point, and planned for it accordingly.

A top 500 player should anticipate things like that happening, and that trick only works once. The Symmetra was then going to have to turn around and try that same trick in another spot, or spread them out for the next push.

you cant anticipate that kind of thing. The amount of damage is not exactly something shining in this case. If a TOP500 couldnt, dont think you can.

Doest it need a Nerf? IDK. But for sure if you touch the primary, it DOES. Because symms are getting lot of kills from this turrets for free. The only thing you have right now against a symm is you can kill her in short range (if some of that GIANT orbs doesnt kill you first)

All the symms complaining about the primary will finally end getting the buff but then will cry about the nerfs will come with that buff.

That’s where I think you’re wrong, you’re talking about fixing the primary weapon as a buff.

It’s currently not working as intended, and it needs to be fixed so that it works as intended.

It was intended to do 4 ticks of damage, not 10/20, but due to the exploit it was doing considerably more.

Buffing the weapon only requires that the ticks be fixed again, and leaving it alone. That is all. That is not a buff, that is a repair.

It’s not free. It’s half Sym’s base kit. With a 10 second cd per turret. And they have huge hitboxes causing them to often not land where the player wanted them to. That can also be destroyed mid-air. And with basically any AoE.

After the nerf (with or without exploit) the m1 was doing a crazy amount of damage. If they rollback that will be a HUGE BUFF, not a repair.

It works like zarya’s primary and most of the non symms players think it’s almost ok. I think it can be buffed but the rest of the kit should be nerfed.

See, you’re not getting it. The “crazy amount of damage” was from the exploit, whether you knew you were exploiting it or not, you were. Every time your beam went off a player and went back on to them, it immediately did a tick of whatever damage your beam was powered up to. There were no checks and balances in to see whether or not the target had already been damaged by the beam.

It started the tick cycle every single time you touched a player. There wasn’t any logic to the weapon. If they put it back to 4 ticks, and insert logic into the weapon so that it does not cause damage if it has done damage to that character in a certain amount of time, the weapon would be fixed and could go back down to 4 ticks. Understand?

It’s not a buff it it’s repairing broken functionality. A buff is when you add something, not repair it. A buff is when something that was lackluster previously, gets made viable, or improved.

While technically, fixing her weapon would be a “buff” to its current state, it’s not a buff to the weapon design.

A buff is making the weapon a cone based beam rather than a straight line. (which they’ve done on the PTR)

So, in the words of Inigo Montoya: “You keep using that word, but I don’t think it means what you think it means.”

Yeah, let’s nerf the worst hero in the game, the only hero with 0% pickrate in OWL. :rofl:

Sym 3.0 is a fail rework. The ultimate and primary are useless, they both need fixing. The only 200 HP hero with no sustain, no mobility, no escape ability of any kind and an attack that takes time to charge to actually do any decent damage.

Not useless at all, but very situational.

If you’re trying to use her ultimate like you used your photon barrier, you’re going to be sorely disappointed, but if you use it as a zoning tool, it works to great effect.

The primary isn’t useless, but it’s certainly flawed beyond reason. I use it to finish low hp people off, that’s about it. If I get lucky and can get it charged, I’ll use it when it’s convenient, but I don’t go out of my way.