[SYM] 1 step forward 2 steps back

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – July 18, 2019:

I understand the feeling of not wanting to make something OP, that’s why they added nerfs along with buffs.
However, seeing as it’s the PTR, why not just try buffs first and then add nerfs?

For example, TP being up forever is great, but it doesn’t often survive it’s full lifespan anyway, this added lifespan is going to be niche and most successfully utilised for defensive mobility and stalling.
The buff itself to me is not enough to warrant two nerfs on the ability, in the end it’s hard to argue there was any real gain.

I get it’s already been stated that PTR feedback from players is not used to weigh in on balance decisions but after brigitte, maybe you guys could reconsider?
USE us, your thousands of willing testers could be more helpful than bug testers.


TP was fine as is on live anyway. Doesn’t make much sense to change it especially since it felt good after the railing fixes and interaction range buff.

On live since the cooldown starts on use instead of on destroying you’ll have around 4 seconds downtime in which you can decide where to move next, on PTR it’s on a 15 second cooldown no matter what. The cooldown is way too long and probably won’t even help her in the long run unless you’re playing her as a Teleporter taxi which is pretty boring.


or maybe u could just use the tp to get to the obj quicker and leave it up for ur team all game and save a good few seconds

Teleporter doesn’t go as far as when it was an ult and also gets destroyed more easily(people are way more aware of it 3 years in than back then + its resistance got reduced).
15cd is too much.

There’s the issue. Nobody in solo queue uses her teleporter lmfao.
At best I usually have like 1 person and it’s usually the support.

so a worse version of 2.0’s tp


because the range was lower and they gotta wait for it to be placed but if its there all game why wouldnt they use it

The range was increased by a whooping 5m. That’s not very much at all.
And they still have to wait for it to be placed due to that 2 second activation time. Heck, now when it’s destroyed they’ll have to wait 7.5x as long due to the 15 second cooldown occuring when the Teleporter is destroyed. During that time Sym herself is also a sitting duck and she doesn’t have many good ways to defend herself outside of Teleporter jumping.

are u not understanding that when a team mate dies the tp will still be there so they can go through it to get back quicker, she doesnt have to place a new one every time. And if they do go and find the tp then its a 5v6 so u tell ur team to go in knowing they are finding the tp

That sounds absolutely dull and boring for the sym player.

she doesnt have to be near the tp

She’s also doesn’t have a tp to use in combat. She now effectively has one less tool to her disposal. This tp change is a nerf to sym in exchange for a buff for the team. I’m against this 1000000%


if tp gets broken almost instantly anyway why does it matter if she doesnt have it in combat and she needed a nerf

Because I can be behind my rein and charge off the enemy shield and tp behind in the chaos to get kills. This nerfs that. I can TP turrets behind enemies for damage. This nerfs that. I can run around the corner and TP away if I’m being chased. This nerfs that.

a well deserved nerf too!

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One of the worst performing heroes totally needed a nerf /s
Not surprising coming from a Genji main at this point. Anyone that can potentially counter him suddenly NeEdS a NeRF.

lol conversation over you obviously are trolling and have no clue what you’re talking about. People who don’t know why this is bad for sym are so short sighted lmao

dont play genji anymore and she didnt bother me and coming from a sym main crying about the tiniest nerf

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Why the hell would a Sym player leave her TP outside spawn the WHOLE game just for it to function as a taxi to cut down a few seconds of walking? That would also mean that she is now a sitting duck for the rest of the match mid-fight since her hands are tied when the TP is sitting outside spawn.

You’re basically saying that to even get value out of the TP in the scenario you described, your teammates has to die in the first place. We already had this mechanic with Sym 2.0 and it is just not good. At all.

I’m just trying to understand why they even made changes to the TP anyway? It was PERFECTLY fine the way it is on live servers. Like, what exactly are they trying to accomplish here? ”More interesting team plays with infinite TP”? On the cost of making Sym’s already trash survivability even worse?


idk maybe she wants to win the game and saying sym is a sitting duck is just stupid cos look at zen and its not fine on the current servers because sitting ducks such as zen get 1 shot by 3 turrets and teleporter