[SYM] 1 step forward 2 steps back

also if u cant kill stuff without ur tele then i think ur aim might be off

Zen is a SUPPORT. Sym is a DPS. :man_facepalming:t3:

And since when did I mention the TP as a killing machine? I was talking about Sym’s trash survivability that just got worse. Get a pair of glasses and work on your arguments my friend because they clearly need polishing.

why else would u need it incombat

Just flag him for trolling and move on.


Symm has the perfect engagement tools with her slowest projectile in the game that’s like a lightbulb coming your way and easy to sidestep and only deals 120 damage with no chance of ohkoing anybody. /s

Or maybe you mean that pathetic 12 meter ranged beam that needs to be charged for 2.6 seconds in order to be threathening bodyshot level dps?

Symm can have perfect aim, but her dps capacity is still trash and she has the lowest TTK in the whole game. Because she also has turrets.

Not being able to use turrets midfight means effectively gutting her dps in half.

It has nothing to do with aim. Or do you suppose that removing genji’s dash in combat and only making it a tool to get out of spawn faster would not gut his ability to close onto targets to kill them?

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To have MOBILITY…? Are we even on the same planet?

pathetic beam are u dumb that does so much dps

so in battle u gonna wait 2 seconds for a tp

195 dps without headshots is not “so much dps” when soldier does 360 dps when headshotting and 120 instant burst and Zarya as a tank does 180dps with a beam as well, but she’s a tank with twice the hp and 15 meter range. 450dps without headshots as bastion is a lot of dps. You just sound deluded at this point.

i know what i mean its just i dont spend my life on this forums complaining about every nerf and buff so i dont know how to write paragraphs with propaganda in them

in my eyes ive played 11 games of sym this season and won 10 of them so shes op to me

Lmao 11 games as symmetra makes you an expert in the issue. That honestly made me laugh out loud. Your total time of playing symm is 2 hours and 16 minutes and you think you actually know anything about symm?

Symmetra has one of the slowest TTK in the game, her weapons are just garbage because she has turrets.

Not having turrets available for dps because they killed her TP flexibility effectively means they gutted her damage.

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wow 11 games? hey guys check it out, we have a big boy over here
Can you show us your phd on the matter?

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i also said these season and ive vsed syms? also just because u dont have ur tp doesnt mean u cant place turrets, also her weapons arent garbage. with this spam meta thats happening her right click dominates the spam and gets tons of ult charge and this whole time ive been messaging ive forgotten about her ult, holy crap is it op, aint no one break the shield u get a free cover to charge your primary which melts hard and can sorta protect ur turrets with the wall if u place the turrets right

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ahh i see ur side now since the only dps u can play is sym and now theres role lock you a bit mad that your gonna have to stick to the healer role

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damn you caught me, you truelly are a professional
we are blessed by your knowledge in this void, empty space

also not mad about that, jsut made they took her out of support role, and of her rework, buuuuut that was a long time ago

So you’re saying for a teleporter that isnt destroyed, the effective cooldown has actually been multiplied by afactor of almost 4?

I don’t even know what to say to this, honestly in awe, but in a bad way. This just confirms sym is being nerfed.

its like the bill the FCC wrote titled ‘restoring internet freedom’ where if you read the actual bill, they wanted to create internet slow lanes and charge individual domains to increase the speed of the traffic back to where it was before the bill.

I dont understand the point in a bait and switch in the case though.

You play in silver or something?

Anybody throwing turrets around means they get destroyed as they fly in or when they hit a wall and deploy, because they have a long deployment time and very distinct sounds as they fly in and latch to a wall. This is why symmetra needs to turretbomb people to have effective turret usage or use them defensively.

Symmetra’s right click spam is the worst spam in the game and it’s easily avoided. It also has only 60dps because you need to charge your orb for 1 second minimum. It’s the worst spam tool in the whole game, other heroes like pharah can spam 120dmg rockets from the air every 0.75 seconds, for 150dps.

Symm ulti is also not OP, because you can just walk around it or use melee skills and remove it with emp.

dude where i play the highest rank is 3900 and im 3700

bad changes. now that only 2 dps are allowed all the former defense (or support) heroes need substantial dmg buffs or they wont be able to compete with “real dps”

f**k her teleporter. this wont change anything for her. her damage potential is still very rng (spamming orbs) and lackluster (turrets still one shoit 90% od the time).