Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

except jayne is a coach that studies the game for a living?
Opinions weight more based on who has them. Opinions aren’t equal.
You saying “mass rez is coming back” isn’t the same as goodman “mass rez isn’t coming back”.


You mean that nerf of shield bash damage?

She was given a rework due to mass res being “unfun to play against”. Then after the rework was announced, was nerfed 14 or so times, due to once again, “she was unfun to play against.” The difference there however, is that unlike the time where she had Mass Res, when she had the rework, she was unfun to play against, and a must pick, dominating the meta (look up Mercy moth meta).

But of course, there are double standards, because when the “unfun to play against” argument is used for any other hero (notably any other hero in which is favored by the pro players and twitch streamers), there’s suddenly a thousand and one reasons why that’s suddenly “not a good enough reason / subjective”, of which… Amuses me greatly. :blush:

But yes, things like nerfing Brig, Sombra, and Doomfist because of them being “unfun to play against?” totally a good reason - seabird says so afterall, so we must all kneel to their opinions as being fact, because “pros are always right”. :wink: /s

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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But like why doesn’t brig get 14 nerfs tho

Probably my favorite is them insisting, that hiding to ult isn’t ok. Guess what, DPS use that tactic all the time, to catch other team by surprise, but for them it’s fine.

Because she is already done, dropping out of meta. Blizzard nerf, until meta enabled by healer stops existing.

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Junkrat literally needs to hide not to get killed while ulting

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she hasn’t gotten a big substantial buff yet so like I said don’t hold your breath

Factually, because the set of 2 changes in this buff did not restore old code, it isnt a revert at all

Factually, several posts from players unhappy with the state of Mercy wanted her healing power increased. As such, these perceived problems were indeed addressed

That said, yes, other players who have expressed unhappiness with the current state of Mercy have complained about other items, but there is no agreement among these on what exactly should be changed, and some of these positions are mutually exclusive - for example, some want mass rez restored, awhile others want rez removed entirely. Blizzard will never be able to satisfy all players unhappy with her current state due to the prevalence of such mutually exclusive positions

I respectfully disagree with all of the above. I find Valk to be highly effective, and I never feel like I am merely a spectator while in this mode.

Factually, all characters have unearned abilities, and as such I fail to see how this is a problem.

If the game consisted of player A standing still and not returning fire while being attacked by a Winston and healed by a Mercy, I might see this as a problem; even though in a game where killing your opponents is one of the primary goals I feel healing should always be exceeded by damage

However, since that isnt how the game is played, I have no issue with this

Factually, Jayne is a well respected authority on this game

It is true that neither he nor I speak for the community. But our voices, like yours, are part of the community voice.

I consider her to be a main healer, and always have

Many others I know feel the same way

I consider rez to be one of the best utilities in the game, and damage boost is pretty good as well

that has been disproven and explained so much that it’s not even funny.
Don’t complain when people start making bingos out of mercy threads.

let me guess, you are projecting all your hate towards him now? Is he your new “blame him for everything i don’t like”?

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How exactly it’s been disproved? Devs said, that they don’t like Mercy going away from her team to use her ult, and not healing in meantime. Yet somehow when other roles do that, to make their ults more unexpected, it’s totally ok.

They made it, so she doesn’t have to hide anymore, and then made nerfs, just to put an end to Mercy reign.

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What they meant is since res is such an impactful ability, it should feel rewarding to earn and a person with a high skill set should get it faster than others

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Low skill or high skill, value of your resurrect is within that player you bring back. Your part ends, when you resurrected someone and made it out alive. Which can be easy or hard, depending from where teammate died.

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Not only Junkrat. Reaper, McCree, Solider 76, Hanzo, etc. all benefit from hiding before using their ults. Further prooving that the “Hide and Res” conspiracy as being “unhealthy for the game” is shrouded in myth and hypocrisy. The reality is, Mercy hid just as much as any of the other heroes I’ve mentioned before ulting, but unlike those others, she deletes those “sweet POTGs”, so well… Of course we can’t have that in our Call of Duty FPS Overwatch. /s :smirk:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

This shouldn’t be optional. If mccree can cancel high noon and avoid a bad play’s consequence, then why not mercy? Also if high noon reloads his gun, why would one faster ga be bad

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there’s quite the difference. DPS’s ults are about positioning and outplaying the enemy team. Pressing Q doesn’t equate a teamwipe and most dps ult are borderline suicide buttons (especially pharah).
Mercy instead didn’t have the problem, as she didn’t even need line of sight.
Also, dps ult don’t promote the “go die on point while i hide”.

The reason why they didn’t add line of sight to her ult is because she was the weakest healer and only saw some play when ana was sledgehammered into oblivion.
Simply put, mass rez was imbalanceable.
You know why? Because mercy’s worth was tied ENTIRELY to her ult.
She has ult? She’s good. She doesn’t have ult? Literally any other healer would be better.
Same reason they reworked torbjorn, he was good only if he molten core’d with a level 2 turret, otherwise he was a throw pick.
Mercy was in the same exact spot as torb was a few months ago.

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Yes but mercy wasn’t litterally imobile and completely vulerable while doing mass rez honestly compairing mass rez to dps ults is just silly cause

mass rez
no LOS ( yes yes I know it’s a common thing people wanted but it still wasn’t there) (like every dps ult besides dragon strike)

no cast time ( every single dps ult had this )

can’t be blocked by barriers or dm (like most of the dps ults)

is completely mobile ( unlike mccree and junkrats ults)

proactive ult (only one in the game actually)

so without going in hypotheticals there is kinda no similarities between the two

I personally find that to be irrelevant, as the devs made the choice to make the cooldown longer to reduce its overall power, and I feel that was a good decision.

She needed E ability, yes.

As for line of sight, dragons don’t have one either, going straight through walls.

You still needed positioning, to resurrect all teammates being killed. It’s hardly any different from sending dragons through wall, or choosing location to send exploding mech into.

Also I think 25s is too much for only 6s of chain heals. Torb gets 150 armor 30% boost in speed and fire rate every 12s

Maybe 20s or 18s would be more fair? I’m not sure

I still think anything above 15 seconds is too long for a single ability