In my opinion, Rez on E has been the one of the worst parts of her kit since the rework, and Valkyrie has been one of the least impactful ultimates to play in this game. This has been debated for quite some time now.
Valkyrie, while liked by some, is also hated by lots of people. Among the various reasons, lots of them feel that the hero’s ult is lackluster, unfun to play with, and frustrating to watch as your team dies right in front of your very eyes from enemy focus fire - with little to nothing you could have done to prevent it. It’s unfun to play with, and defeats the point of being a main healer. At the same time, it’s jejune to play with, and disheartening with how easy it is to just fly into the skybox and watch as your team get destroyed, despite your chain healing.
Rez on E is hated by lots of people who feel that it is unrewarding to use. No matter how high your skill is on the hero, you are tossed the ability on a fixed cooldown, every 30 seconds. This capped skill ceiling, destroys the feeling of earning such a powerful ability, and when you risk turning into a statue for almost 2 seconds, vulnerable, and a sitting duck, it cheapens it’s purpose to turn the tides of battle, when you are only given a single res as your reward - and even more so when you are using Valkyrie: The ultimate which is said to “enhance all of Mercy’s abilities” yet handicaps Rez so much, to the point where it’s arguably more effective to use without it.
I feel that the team would be doing everyone a favor with the following suggested changes:
- Revert Mercy back to having Mass Ress as an Ult before invincibility
- Tweaking her ult with the following adjustments: A 1.25s cast-time (which is roughly the same duration as her “Heroes Never Die!” voiceline), 30% damage reduction instead of invincibility, keep her vulnerable to CC, and resetting her ult timer back to 0 if she is killed before she is able to complete the res, like most other ults.
- Optional: The ability to cancel her ult, which allows her to escape from a bad play (also optional: with a 20m GA boost forward in any direction upon canceling) - at the cost of setting her ult timer back to 0.
- Make Valkyrie the E move on a 25 second cooldown and a 6 second duration. Keep the same aspects as before (flight / inf bullets), except for half it’s previous GA range, a single target beam, and a boost of her healing to 75hps. This ability will also give Mercy some ult charge.
I believe that it’s time to bring Mercy back to where she was engaging, impactful, and rewarding to play with, and not primarily against, while still being balanced and fun. I believe that it’s time for a Revert + The Tweaks, which can directly solve the issue of things like “Q Spamming / Most Q’s win” - which are becoming ever more prevalent and unhealthy for the game.
Now this is just my solution to the problem, and I’m sure there are others. But now that we have even more counters to Mass res, like Hammond and Torb’s ults, and more CC introduced which can completely deny her team resses, the time for a revert has never been better. Not just for Mercy and it’s players, but for the health of this game as a whole. But hey, that’s just my opinion.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.