Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

In my opinion, Rez on E has been the one of the worst parts of her kit since the rework, and Valkyrie has been one of the least impactful ultimates to play in this game. This has been debated for quite some time now.

Valkyrie, while liked by some, is also hated by lots of people. Among the various reasons, lots of them feel that the hero’s ult is lackluster, unfun to play with, and frustrating to watch as your team dies right in front of your very eyes from enemy focus fire - with little to nothing you could have done to prevent it. It’s unfun to play with, and defeats the point of being a main healer. At the same time, it’s jejune to play with, and disheartening with how easy it is to just fly into the skybox and watch as your team get destroyed, despite your chain healing.

Rez on E is hated by lots of people who feel that it is unrewarding to use. No matter how high your skill is on the hero, you are tossed the ability on a fixed cooldown, every 30 seconds. This capped skill ceiling, destroys the feeling of earning such a powerful ability, and when you risk turning into a statue for almost 2 seconds, vulnerable, and a sitting duck, it cheapens it’s purpose to turn the tides of battle, when you are only given a single res as your reward - and even more so when you are using Valkyrie: The ultimate which is said to “enhance all of Mercy’s abilities” yet handicaps Rez so much, to the point where it’s arguably more effective to use without it.

I feel that the team would be doing everyone a favor with the following suggested changes:

  • Revert Mercy back to having Mass Ress as an Ult before invincibility
  • Tweaking her ult with the following adjustments: A 1.25s cast-time (which is roughly the same duration as her “Heroes Never Die!” voiceline), 30% damage reduction instead of invincibility, keep her vulnerable to CC, and resetting her ult timer back to 0 if she is killed before she is able to complete the res, like most other ults.
  • Optional: The ability to cancel her ult, which allows her to escape from a bad play (also optional: with a 20m GA boost forward in any direction upon canceling) - at the cost of setting her ult timer back to 0.
  • Make Valkyrie the E move on a 25 second cooldown and a 6 second duration. Keep the same aspects as before (flight / inf bullets), except for half it’s previous GA range, a single target beam, and a boost of her healing to 75hps. This ability will also give Mercy some ult charge.

I believe that it’s time to bring Mercy back to where she was engaging, impactful, and rewarding to play with, and not primarily against, while still being balanced and fun. I believe that it’s time for a Revert + The Tweaks, which can directly solve the issue of things like “Q Spamming / Most Q’s win” - which are becoming ever more prevalent and unhealthy for the game.

Now this is just my solution to the problem, and I’m sure there are others. But now that we have even more counters to Mass res, like Hammond and Torb’s ults, and more CC introduced which can completely deny her team resses, the time for a revert has never been better. Not just for Mercy and it’s players, but for the health of this game as a whole. But hey, that’s just my opinion. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Annnd the bias already shows


We have no plans to revert Mercy. We also feel like she’s not in a horrible place or unplayable.

It’s still to be determined if she is exactly where she should be because it has been too soon and the dust needs to settle. Her playtime in QP and Comp is still incredibly high. Her winrate is still above 50% but more in line with what we’d expect.

But I’d like to put the notion that Mercy is going to be reverted to rest.

Also, we don’t agree with the statement that all supports are weak. Support heroes are extremely powerful and impactful in OW.

-Jeff Kaplan

2.0> 1.0


I think many people down play how powerful Mass Res is, even if its gimped with a cast time.
You can’t have both Mass Res + Valk and a damage/healing boost.
Mass Res takes allot of your (forgive the analogy) skill points to “unlock” she can’t have much else outside of it as it would just be broken to have that much power in one hero.
Also giving her a “oh I messed up” button instead of committing is a big no no.
It inherently demands for the rest of the kit to be “weak” to compensate for how powerful it is.

But hey, that’s just my opinion.


They should honestly revert mercy to the 1.0. Sombra, Doomfist and Brigitte is in the game and they’re really good right now so I think it’ll be balanced.


Mercy isn’t nerfed enough you can still pick her.


This is an opinion piece. As stated clearly from the first 3 letters of my post. But thanks for pointing that out anyway! :blush:

  • Mercy gets her voiceline reverted
  • Mercy gets her healing reverted back to 50hps
  • Valkyrie’s healing gets reverted back to 60hps

I suppose that notion hasn’t quite been put to rest, has it? :wink:

Agreed. CC in the game would most certainly keep Mass res in check, among other things, as mentioned in the OP. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Well you’re not exactly wrong. Give her the old Reinhardt PTR treatment so she is grayed out to mock the people who wanted to play her.

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You are entitled to your opinion, and I respect it. I humbly disagree however. Because with the amount of counter-play that exists at this point, I don’t think an escape option would be all that overbearing, and especially so with things like area denial ults and more CC in this game being a thing. It’s certainly way better than Mercy having the res, ulting, being killed before the ult, and then having it again, ready to try again later isn’t it?

In terms of Valk and Mass res, I dunno about that. I think it’s certainly possible to have both. If the devs were able to figure out how to keep rez and valk in her kit currently, I’m confident that they can do the same if the abilities were switched. We will never know however if this will actually be too powerful or not until it’s actually tested out right? I would say then to atleast give it a chance. At this point, since Mercy is already one of the weakest offensive healers in the game, there isn’t much to lose with said risk. But that’s just my take on it, and you are free to disagree. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


A better solution would just be single Rez as an ultimate with a low charge cost and no cast time.

Then give her a new E that provides a burst healing effect so she can actually heal tanks. At current she literally takes 10-12 seconds to heal a low health tank.


I feel like at that point you just want the current rez to be instant again

It doesn’t take that long to get her ult currently

Also would that really give back everyone’s Super Impactful and Engaging Fix that you all complain about? A single rez as an Ult?


So basically another mass Rez post…ty for the insight on this subject matter we have never heard of

I’m sure the devs and everyone here needed to see this topic again


I think having Valk on E (even just for a few seconds) would be pretty overpowered. Valk is pretty powerful as is. I’d be able to exploit the hell out of a Valk on CD. Widow and Pharah couldn’t exist anymore around me. I’d rather just remove rez. Mercy’s kit is interesting enough for me without it.


A single instant resurrect as her ult at least wouldn’t detract from her fun like current rez and valk do.

I see where you are coming from there. In my opinion, a 25 second cooldown, half the original’s range, a single target beam, and all while being under a 6 second duration, would be a huge task to ask for in terms of time management. Since Mercy is designed to either Heal, Damage boost, or in Valk’s case, attack as Battle Mercy individually, I believe that while one could use it to take out that annoying enemy widow or pharah, that is a huge chunk of cooldown time that could have been used on a push or to keep the team alive. I believe there could be huge repercussions and trade offs in one way or another, and if it is in fact too strong, a mere increase in it’s cooldown should certainly fix that. But that’s of course just my 2 cents. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


“What Geoff had to say:
-Mercy isn’t getting any type of rework
-She isn’t getting any buffs until they see how she’ll perform with the Valkyrie buff
-They talked about Mass Rez and how unhealthy it was for the game and the “Hide and Rez” strategy that some Mercy mains liked to use
-They admit their mistake that Mercy’s balancing was too slow and the 1 year Mercy Meta could’ve been ended earlier than It actually did.”




Um, apologies, but what does this have to do with a revert / going back on their word on past reverts?

I think it’s safe to say that it’s a good idea to take what is said with a grain of salt, and that they change their opinions on things all the time when it comes to the actual follow through. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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This is just getting sad.


Can you please stop these threads, do you think if you just changed the title the complaint change? you are just repeating the some arguments over and over again, maybe get something better to discuss rather than mercy.



If the man in charge of balancing is calling something unhealthy for the game, it’s pretty apparent that it isn’t coming back.