Swap E-Rez with Valkyrie | Make Rez an Ultimate Again

My discussion has mostly been with someone named RevertMercy

Interesting that your consideration of fair, balance, and fun is wrapped around only one aspect of a character…

I’m not sure if you really liked the character, or if you enjoyed just less of a challenge.


Valkyrie should not be an E ability. Mercy has high mobility as it is. This would just overload her kit.

But I agree that Rez shouldn’t be on CD.

why dont they just replace total mayhem
with revert mayhem , which is heroes that have the most “revert” uproar will recieve their old kit back, even though its not a permanent revert its still somethin

So that only features like 4 people then?

That’s an interesting way of projecting your opinion of what someone you hardly know likes or doesn’t like, on the internet. Though I completely disagree with you and feel that all heroes should be made fun, fair, and balanced, I respect your opinion nonetheless. :blush:

In terms of rez not being on CD, we are in agreement.

In terms of Valk on E, I think with nerfs to it’s range, and only having a 6 second duration, it would be fine. But of course that’s just my opinion, and we can just agree to disagree there. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

you can still play the entire hero roster, just those particular 4 will get their old kit back or some of it, for example symmetra will get her old primary fire and old ult back

Yeah, but all your opinions and arguments are all about Mercy, and Mercy only, and not how her varying versions of herself in this game affected literally every other hero and player.

Although I think your signature was originally made with good intentions, it’s developed into this ironic statement that contradicts itself with every post you make. You never consider anyone else but you playing Mercy when you make posts and comments.


this is a wide agreed to thing the devs dont understand for some reason.

yes, 2.0 valk was ultimate worthy.

but its been gutted so much it no longer is the case.

and rez has always been powerful and ultimate worthy on top of feeling better when you EARNED it.

just wish they (devs) would do a poll on the most liked/disliked parts of her kit and work from there.

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It’s feels like more of an observation. You put a lot of emphasis into one aspect of a character as its signal of not being worthless.

She still has the most consistent and reliable form of healing. She buffs players. She provides a rez (that they had to manage the use of because it’s 6v6 not 24v24). She still has mobility.

Mercy is still Mercy. When they “gutted” her… I only had to learn how to use Rez more frequently/selectively… I didn’t have to completely relearn the hero. Mercy was very much the same character I had been playing.

The only people who had to relearn Mercy were people who had to invest in learning hide’n’rez, or combo rez.


Her core kit is still very prevalent, and the method at playing her has not changed any. People sometimes don’t want to admit they may have only played Mercy for mass resurrect if they truly believe she was gutted.


Pretty much.

I came from years of playing TF2 Medic (beam heal), Medic classes in shooters (rezkit mechanics), and Buff classes (Shaman, Paladin, Bard, etc).

That was Mercy in a nutshell, even after rework, so I still play Mercy… because it’s familiar and fun based off those mechanics (to me).

I was more inconvenienced by having to learn hide’n’rez and combo rez… because they were gimmicky or felt like not playing the role.


Dreadfully sorry, Ms. SensualSpud. I’m going to stop you right there… Are you certain about that? Because If that were true, then how would these threads exist?

Also, I have been quite adamant about how I believe this rework has been a failure since the beginning. I also have been adamant about how invincibility on res was a mistake before then. So I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if I follow you there in terms of her affect on other heroes and players, and once again, wouldn’t dwell in making assumptions on what we “think” other people have said or haven’t said.

To add, I don’t use “all” or “never” to generalize your opinions, so I would expect the same amount of respect in return, if you don’t mind. Much thanks! :slight_smile:

What you think of my signature is your opinion, and who you “think” I am “considering” is subjective. You are entitled to your views, but I will have to humbly disagree. Either way, my message has been the same, and my views on the injustice of various heroes have as well, including my main hero, Mercy. And I will continue to voice my opinion on it, whether you agree to that or not. But thanks for sharing your thoughts nonetheless. This is getting off topic, and I would suggest we get it back on track.

This is a discussion about Mercy, swapping rez and valkyrie, and the solutions involved surrounding her current state, not what we think about other people’s sigs and personal attacks. Let’s keep it classy, and thanks for your cooperation! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

This “meme” will go on until mistakes are corrected. We are humans, mistakes happen but sometimes even devs have to admit they made them. No one is gonna hate them.

I think it’s unified some of them and formed friendships/a really weird community so they are probably going to cling onto it til the end of time.

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half of those threads barely got 10-20 replies and only one was about theorycrafting.
I mean, your nickname is RevertMercy.
Don’t pretend you aren’t here to talk mainly about mercy or that you haven’t posted the same topic once a month.

I mean, people don’t make bingos out of varied topics and patterns.
You pretty much only accept that mass rez mut be put back and only opinions that are tangentially related.
The rest “you disagree :blush:” and just leave it at that.
Then you get defensive when people righfully accuse you of being condescending, patronizing and closeminded.


It wasn’t even my project, so your argument is invalid.

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Then don’t say “we”. You took ownership when you included yourself and presented the “thorough project” which, oddly enough, as often as I frequent the forums, I somehow missed. Far from thorough but I’m absolutely positive it was designed to confirm bias anyway.

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“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
-Albert Einstein

Enlighten me: How do you expect to actually have a meaningful discussion when you have to speculate that Mass Rez will return to have such a discussion? These threads are only for people who think like you and is simply a really poor way to trade a conversation.

Not trying to attack you, or anybody else who agrees with you on this, here. However, do you know why Mercy Mains get hate here on the forums, as well as why they are lumped into a ‘cult’? It’s because of threads like these, and people like you. You can’t just shut down every argument with the same statements; it’s disrespectful to the others, as well as their arguments. You’re not even valuing the other counter opinions here, instead proceeding under the bit that your opinion, and only your opinion, matters here. This thread is literally for the Mass Rez Mercy cult and no one else because you don’t give anyone space, instead choosing to treat them with contempt and condescension. If you don’t like the devs literally stating that Mass Rez is not coming back, then that’s a good sign that you should probably find a different game. :thinking:

I’m arrogant in my own ways as well; I’m not going to deny it. But even I’m willing to understand counterarguments to my points when they appear.

Oh, but who am I kidding. You’ll only disagree with these points as well anyways. Especially since three of the only things you seem to know how to reasonably post here are disagreements to the valid counterarguments of others, “:blush:”, and anything that gives the message of “Mass Rez will return!”.

Even your own ‘signature’ is hypocritical, because it’s literally impossible to manage. To truly get that, you need every single character to be:

  • Equally balanced, which is impossible because people will inevitably figure out which characters are stronger than others;
  • Equally as fun to play as, which is impossible because fun is a matter of opinion;
  • Equally as fair to play against, which is also impossible because everybody has a different skill level. This then loops back to point 1 and repeats endlessly.

Eternity: who are you addressing?